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Member Since 18 Mar 2018
Offline Last Active May 06 2018 06:59 PM

#183144 Introduce PvP Armors / Weapons

Posted by SUPERllIllOR on 04 May 2018 - 12:56 PM

Currently the only spec weapons being used for PvP are the AGS/Gmaul and Dragon Claws, we need some different weapons because the meta is just AGS - Gmauling and that gets boring and old after a while. 


Also having the new PvP armors in game will not only be usable  in PvP but also for those that PvM. It will give a new method for max strength pking.


It would be a nice money maker for people and also different gear to PvM in.


Suggestion: Introduce a new boss that spawns at random times like Skotizo but make it more of a challenge to kill. If not a boss, then add them to the PvP shop and have each item cost way more then the highest price item in the shop which are the Dragon Claws i believe?


Suggestion: If you die with the armors / weapons, then they are lost on death and turned into coins like runescape has it.



Hope to see this in the game eventually




#181810 Wilderness Chaos Altar Buff (SImilar to OSRS)

Posted by Requital on 28 April 2018 - 10:06 PM

I think it would serve well to wilderness activity to have the level 40 chaos altar near the ice plateau oblesik to have the abilities to:


A: Grant the same amount of experience as a gilded altar when bones are used on it

B: Have a 50% chance of not consuming the bone, while granting full experience


Along with this, have an npc placed next to the altar which has the ability to unnote solely bones.



I believe the danger of the wilderness would balance the bonus well, and would not devalue normal gilded altars due to the lack of risk associated with them.

#181380 Minimize Time for Dropped Consumbales to appear in Wildy

Posted by SUPERlIIIlOR on 27 April 2018 - 02:21 PM

Why not just make it like OSRS? Where in the wilderness item(s) dropped appear immediately. This would counter what people are doing like in that picture, as it would disappear before they got there. That would also mean for anyone to help the player, they would have to come to where they are being attacked and risk dying too. 

Read wrong solution #2. Also, in OSRS consumables do not appear instantly. Also, a friend with no gear and full inv of food can just come and mass drop food. There is no risk in that. 

#181358 Minimize Time for Dropped Consumbales to appear in Wildy

Posted by SUPERlIIIlOR on 27 April 2018 - 02:07 PM

Right now, you are unable to drop items worth over ~50k in the wilderness, which is good since it prevents players from dropping their expensive items before they die. However, you are still able to drop saradomin brews, sanfews, anglers, etc. In OSRS, you can drop those, but I believe they appear after 1 minute and disappear after the 2nd minute. In Alora, it takes 10 minutes for them to appear to others.

Why this is problematic: Players come into deep wilderness and drop lots of brews, sanfews, etc., and then bank and come back to the spot. This means that when my team does a teleblock fall in on players in deep wilderness, they are able to tank for 15 minutes+ and it is impossible to kill anyone with a teleblock who uses this strategy. 

Possible Solutions:
1. Make dropped food appear to others 1 minute after being dropped and disappear after the 2nd minute. This still makes it possible for teleblocked players to feed each other food after it was dropped. However, this gives potential for a team to steal the brews before the targetted player does.

2. Make it impossible to pick up any consumables dropped by any player (unless the player was killed for the food as loot). The only downside I can think of is that sometimes players drop 1 consumable for inventory space when using their two-handed spec weapon, and this solution will prevent them from picking it back up. 
3. My favorite: Allow dropped consumables to disappear after 1 minute. I can't think of a downside.

Wrong solutions:
1. DO NOT make it impossible to drop consumables in wildy. If this happens, when you kill someone with a full inventory of food, you will not be able to loot the items since you are stuck with food. 
2. DO NOT make consumables appear instantly as this will also make it impossible to kill any player who has 1 friend dropping food for them.

TL;DR: Players abuse drop mechanic to have unlimited brews in deep wilderness for surviving teleblocks. 3 solutions are given.

Example photo of #Peeks player abusing this mechanic:


#181192 Nerf Forum Mod Powers on Suggestions

Posted by Dylain on 26 April 2018 - 10:56 PM

Well explained topic. Every since day of one of joining I have alway's been confused as to why forum moderators are the ones to approve/decline forum or in-game content. I'm a wee bit confused as to why forum moderator's are responsible for approving or declining Ingame suggestions. I know it's solely not the forum mod's duty to decline or approve content as I'm assuming that one Forum moderator is speaking on behalf of the team, but that still doesn't justify the way suggestions are being handled.

Also, it would be nice for forum moderator's to leave more of a response or an actual reason as to why suggestions are being declined, instead of the typical "Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+"

I know @Omicron already more than enough responsibilities as it is, but this is his server and he should be the one to decide what content gets implemented, and what content gets bypassed.

Sorry for going slightly off-topic.

#181204 Nerf Forum Mod Powers on Suggestions

Posted by SUPERlIIIlOR on 27 April 2018 - 12:04 AM

I guess it makes sense not to allocate that work to Omicron, but I think the rest of the staff team can do a better job in handling suggestions. I am not making this post because a suggestion was denied (one that I did not even support), but in the WAY that it was denied. It was less than 24 hours. There was reasonable controversy and discussion. It seemed like the discussion could lead to an update. One mod responded with what definitely seemed like his own personal viewpoint and locked the post. That could have been handled better. There should be a requirement that a certain number of staff review a suggestion, though (does not have to be Omicron), in order to prevent private opinions from dictating content. The staff could have left his opinion and not locked the post and given it some time and possibly a poll. 

#181239 Nerf Forum Mod Powers on Suggestions

Posted by Savitr on 27 April 2018 - 04:40 AM

Forum Moderators have too much power outside of what they should have anyways. Not just the suggestions thread.


They're pretty much welfare Global Mods. They act like they run in-game and the forums. It should just be the forums, moderating content and regulations. We've said forever that they have too much for being just a "forum" moderator yet they believe they have the capacity to handle all in-game affairs and then the forums. Not to mention they can access the SCP and search your IPs.

#181190 Nerf Forum Mod Powers on Suggestions

Posted by SUPERlIIIlOR on 26 April 2018 - 10:30 PM


I was reading Horror's suggestion concerning Yell2, which was bringing out much discussion when suddenly a forum mod declined the suggestion mocking clan banter as childish talk while instead suggesting the ridiculous idea that clans meet up in a similar clan chat in order to flame each other and then leave back to their cc's. 

Personally, I did not think Horror's suggestion was a good idea, yet it seemed as though many other players did, as the topic was less than 24 hours old before it was insta-locked by a forum mod. I was surprised to see it shut down so quickly by the opinion of a single (forum) moderator. I then found the "Handled suggestions" tab and was surprised to see that in each suggestion, it was handled and locked by a single post from a moderator. This is quite a ridiculous way to handle in-game content. OSRS has a staff team review suggestions in addition to having them polled by players. In Alora, one forum mod has the power to control game updates. Looking through some of the handled suggestions, it was not even clear that they were handled correctly. Here are some examples I found within one minute.

Examples other than Horror's yell2 post:
1. One post suggested that more nechryaels be added to Kourend Catacombs multi-combat zone and it was declined by a forum mod stating "Seems unnecessary due to there being other places you can go to kill these (Slayer Tower)." This statement ignores the fact that in OSRS, multi-ancient spells on Kourend Nechryaels is a meta for fast slayer xp and gp, yet it was shut down by 1 forum mod.

2. Another post suggested buffing the dragon claws and a few Pvpers (about 5) supported it and it was added to suggestions by 1 mod. Maybe the accuracy and damage of claws are coded exactly like Osrs already? Maybe the 5 pkers supporting this have just recently had bad RNG? 
This is ridiculous that such changes to PvP mechanics can occur with such a low number of people reviewing it. 

I should give the benefit of the doubt and perhaps the mod locking the suggestion has consulted with the staff team before making his decision. However, it is not clear that they did, nor is it clear with which staff/ with how many of the staff team they consulted. Not only that, but the commenting mod does not even state this, but seems to give his own opinion on the matter, without having a significant portion of the community review it.

Solution? I'm not sure, but there are definitely a variety of ways to combat this. Perhaps, allow each suggestion to have a poll? Perhaps require each suggestion to be reviewed by at least 3?, 4? mods before it can be force-locked and decided upon as accepted/denied. 

#181137 "Take it off yell please."

Posted by SUPERlIIIlOR on 26 April 2018 - 06:30 PM

I think the problem lies primarily in biased mods. What qualifies some banter as mute-worthy and others as not depends on a mod's discretion. There should be a generally agreed-upon level of banter that is acceptable but that cannot be excessive like @plete_me said above. Staff team should not have ties within Pk clans, as it is obvious that a mod in a PK clan will never mute a member of their clan, especially since the level of banter is up to their discretion. Other mods are overly sensitive or might have some personal issues or just a bad day. If Horror's suggestion does not pass through, then here are 2 follow-up suggestions:
1. Increase patrol over mods who are in a PvP clan and/or have exhibited biased activity in the past.
2. Rewrite the wording of the rules concerning mutes so as to make it clearer what is muteworthy and what is not, without leaving so much in the hands of mod discretion. This rewriting should permit some level of banter between clans, not completely get rid of it.

Note: I faintly remember there was something with skillers and PvMers yelling "Reeee" and getting insta muted. That is absolutely ridiculous and presents an example of abuse through a rule that puts too much into the hands of "mod discretion."

#181090 "Take it off yell please."

Posted by Horror on 26 April 2018 - 03:05 PM

As we all know, whenever PVP clans or pkers start having banter in yell, we are always told to take it to PMs. This feels redundant because if a clan is in a multi fight or something, obviously other clanmates will get involved with the banter, resulting in staff getting even more angry and sometimes chainmutes for a good portion of a clan. So I'd like to suggest a second yell channel where anything goes (besides things like RWT, etc etc obviously),so  clan flamewars, pvp arguments, maybe ironmen can flame eachother over who has the highest blue dragon killcount? Idk. This way with it being a seperate yell channel pvmers, staff, people sensitive over the internet etc can just disable the 2nd yell channel forever and never think of it again. Less pvpers get muted because staff can say "Take it to yell2 please" instead of "Take it to pms".


The 2nd Yell channel would be accessed by typing ::yell2 instead of the current ::yell command, and maybe to denote that someone's message is in yell 2 as opposed to regular yell, there could be a tiny wilderness skull in the chatbox besides their name where an ironman symbol typically would be or something.


I've been in clans most of my time playing pre eoc, 07, rsps, etc you name it. Clan arguments and pvp arguments will never stop, have a place for ppl to have these arguments that people not interested can just disable it and never see it, instead of muting pkers for something that will literally never leave pking.


Easy game.