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Member Since 17 Sep 2017
Previous Username: King purple
Offline Last Active Mar 30 2024 02:06 PM

#135310 PVP Changes to Classic Mode

Posted by KP on 30 November 2017 - 02:18 PM

 Classic mode is by far my favourite mode i've ever played on  any type of runescape game, but pking is something that i also love.


And i have been pking quite a lot, but killing someone in full dharok and getting 50k coins is not something that is really fitting to the spirit of pvp itself. 

Are there any ideas to revamp that  ? Perhaps it could be involved in a "wilderness rejuvenation" process, due to us having to grind stats much longer than usual , and i know that having the access to the drops that we actually pk would not be possible most likely, i was wondering if anything could be done so that pking could be rewarding for us classic players.



Maybe something like the ep system in RS2 ?  Random items that get dropped depending on your risk, hotzones and the enemy's risk ? i don't know but i feel  like getting a 300k max reward when you kill someone in max mage or full dharok is not satisfying at all.... :/