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Member Since 07 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2022 10:04 PM

#60492 How long can you hold down "v" button without breathing!

Posted by Fat nerd on 10 March 2017 - 10:48 PM

passed out at 6093 characters and broke my nose on the keyboard when my face hit will re attempt when im out of the hospital

#59384 Staff Update 6-3-2017

Posted by Korea on 05 March 2017 - 06:06 PM

It's nice to be back once again, look forward to it! 



#59381 Staff Update 6-3-2017

Posted by Blank on 05 March 2017 - 06:00 PM

Hey guys,


Short & quick staff team updates ; 


  • @Volta, he will be playing under the name Korea,has been promoted to server moderator once again - he has found his drive to moderate for us once again, and we find that it would be a waste of his talents to go back to being a server support. Therefore, we'd like to welcome him back to the team.
  • @ Iron Flee has been promoted to server support. I know it's on quite a short time notice, and that he still is getting his name known in the community, however, I do believe that he will be a beneficial asset for Alora. So let's welcome him to the team, and wish him the best in his new position.


That's about it for today. Hopefully that addresses all the staff changes for today, if need be I will create another one later on.




The Alora Administration Team

#58356 Staff update 3/1/17

Posted by Ultistic on 01 March 2017 - 06:00 PM

Hey guys,

This week there were quite a bit of changes that happened to the staff team!

Haris was promoted to Server Moderator. Although it may seem a bit random, he has previous experience that will benefit
the current staff team and we're glad to have him aboard!

Collerkar76 has been promoted to Global Moderator. He has proven himself to be a suitable fit for the Global position and
we're sure he won't disappoint.

Iron Senpai has been repromoted to Forum Moderator after a well deserved break. We're glad to have him back on the team.

3rdage has been promoted to Server Support. We wish him best of luck in his new position.

Valve has resigned from Server Support. He was a valuable asset to the team and it's unfortunate to see him go, but we wish him
luck with his future endeavours.

Beproud has resigned from Server Moderator. We'd like to thank him for his time and dedication towards Alora.

Flipper has resigned from Server Support. We'd like to thank him for his time and dedication towars Alora and wish him the best
with his future endeavours.

Syrinx has been demoted from Server Support due to recent events that won't be discussed publicly.

Ikta has resigned from Administrator. We would like to thank him for his time and dedication towars Alora and wish him the best
of luck in his future endeavors.


Demolition has resigned from Server Moderator. We would like to thank him for his time.


Congratulations to those promoted!!



Alora Administration Team

#57864 warior ally darkness

Posted by glen on 27 February 2017 - 08:35 PM

last winter i hath ally warior name of warior "darkness" I seek warior darkness.


ally of glen. familiar ally of alora.

#55120 Staff Update 18-02-17

Posted by Blank on 18 February 2017 - 01:09 PM

Hey guys,

It's been a little while since we have had one of these, so there will be a few changes made.

@Otto resigned from Global Moderator and came back shortly after. We're happy to have him back on the team.

@Saint Lucia was promoted to Global Moderator. He's a veteran staff member who we're happy could join us again.

@F 8 was promoted to Global Moderator. We are very happy to be welcoming him back after his short but needed break.

@Demolition switched to Forum Moderator due to personal reasons.

@6ixKid was promoted to Server Support. We wish him the best of luck in his new position!

@Chiszle was promoted to Server Support. We wish him the best of luck in his new position!

@Syrinx was promoted to Server Support. We wish him the best of luck in his new position!

@Xrapierx was demoted from Server Support. We'd like to thank him for his time as a staff member. Best wishes.

@Jedzio was demoted from Server Moderator. We'd like to thank him for his time as a staff member and all of his
contributions to the server.


@Iron Senpai Has temporarily resigned from his duties. We wish him a quick return!


@Daltino resigned from Server Support. I believe it was not mentioned in the previous update threads, but we'd like to thank him for his time as a staff member and all of his contributions to the server. Best wishes.

Congratulations to all of those promoted, I'm sure you'll do a great job in your new positions.

All credits to @Volta for taking the time to write the thread.

#46964 [25/1/17] Bug fixes, Raids information

Posted by Ultistic on 25 January 2017 - 04:47 AM

Make sure your schedule is cleared up for this weekend



#26268 Alora Official Trailer

Posted by Raw Envy on 05 December 2016 - 01:31 PM

What do you guys think of our official trailer? Show your friends it if they don't already play!