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Member Since 02 Feb 2020
Offline Last Active Mar 15 2020 12:25 PM

#335084 Staff Update 1/27/20

Posted by God on 02 February 2020 - 10:14 PM

Even though I agree with my "Salty Ex-admins" about one obviously. I trust the current admin team to make proper decisions as they earned that trust. But, In defense to my friends aka "Salty Ex-admins" - You have to consider that our names were slandered after we worked for years to solve issues from previous staff being abusive. So, to have rumors made up, We of course took offense to that and people hold grudges, It's human nature. Most everybody posting gets offended when their clan gets slandered, Which is the same thing we felt. So, Sure, People can change and now it's on him to prove that; But you cannot place blame entirely on the ex-admins for being upset when they/we have a solid reason to be.



Welcome back @Hellish / @Dante

Stop leaving nerd @Jisoo (But ty for your time)

Welcome and Gz @TenFour

Ball is in your court, Gl @F


Big fan btw @Kaamea