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Member Since 09 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2024 07:44 AM

#234202 My Lord for I depart from Thy Kingdom Of Alora.

Posted by glen on 12 November 2018 - 10:03 PM



 Goodbye Kingdom of Alora ScrollDear Alora for I opened your very doors November of 2016

I was so excited when I first joined in because I saw everybody talking and the amount of

beautiful energy that was going through everyone .. I. I.. couldn't explain it! it was like

watching as a arrow was shot towards a skilled warriors blade & the skilled warrior cut the arrow straight through the middle...  I have left and come back so many times and I find myself always asking why am I doing that.............  I knew the very day I decided to step within thy Kingdom Of Alora I would forever be Within & Without.


I got the chance to meet so many wonderful people back in 2016 In Alora I'm actually still friends with some of them to this day! 


With anything great there does come a bad.  I have always preached in game

that Staking/Gambling is of Wickedness & shall dull thy blade of even thy strongest warrior.


I got into Gambling/Staking in early 2017. I had become filthy rich.. and I mean filthy rich. 

but when I lost it all I changed. Completely. I tried so hard to have that old feeling back but I couldn't..


I just could not feel normal walking around in Alora without everything. I couldn't sleep it off and 

it has sadly worn and beaten my blade down so far below the dirt it hurts.. Because words can't express

how much you all mean to me and that is something I mean Truly <3.  But. I wont let that stop me from saying a proper good bye because this is truly good bye. I know now the answer why I have always returned and it's because I have never said good bye properly before.


11:05 P.M. 11/12/2018 

(My Last Words) 

Alora it has truly been an honor to Fight for you and serve your Emperor Omicron

I must leave and with that being said may the spirit of glen now peacefully fade into its rightful place into an open piece upon thy Blade Of Righteousness. Farewell my brothers & sisters of Alora.


"Bible Of Alora - Glens Verse 1: Even He could not hold his sword forever. For every blade shall soon turn to rust

and for the man to dust ~ Glen Alora.

#233766 MADASFUK - 0GP to 10B Wilderness Only.

Posted by Floppysucker on 11 November 2018 - 08:19 AM

Is the old pedo stash your tb slave?

#233796 MADASFUK - 0GP to 10B Wilderness Only.

Posted by dansex304931 on 11 November 2018 - 10:53 AM

damn this is cool as fuck man ! 

#233250 MADASFUK - 0GP to 10B Wilderness Only.

Posted by Code 002 on 10 November 2018 - 01:30 AM

Best veng combo I've ever seen you're welcome :P You''ll be at 10b in a week.

#232947 PvP Improvements.

Posted by MCMUFFIN177 on 09 November 2018 - 07:30 AM

Yeah this is all stuff that should be expected to be functioning properly, all the shit you've listed is really needed. 

  • Teleblock also applies the effect a tick after the spell has landed allowing people to teleport when they should not be able to.
  • Npc pj timers in the wilderness are off, so are respawn timers.
  • Adding Royal seed pod to the pkp shop is another idea.

nice thread.

#232888 PvP Improvements.

Posted by Omicron on 09 November 2018 - 02:44 AM


Thanks for the write up (and the visuals), I'll try to get all of this into the game in the near future. The delays might also be because of your location (server is based in NA), though I have noticed a delay with casting spells which I'll look into a bit more.


As for the spearing, is the issue simply that the target isn't 'pushed' if they're frozen?




I've also taken note of the things you've mentioned and will try to include them in the same update.

#232691 PvP Improvements.

Posted by Blackup on 08 November 2018 - 02:31 PM

After playing this game for three days now, we have noticed some major differences between Alora and OSRS. No, they are not the same game, but these improvements will definitely improve the PVP side of the server and will make the game more appealing to a bigger playerbase.
1. Wrong areas of multi/single combat.
There are a few areas of the wilderness where this is an issue. Mainly near revenant caves.
2. Resource area- Few issues
When in the resource area, high rewards are presented at high risk. With Alora, if there is any semi-decent pker skillers have absolutely no chance in escaping the area if attacked. When logging out on OSRS the player is returned to the entrance where as with Alora a player can remain logged in the area and instantly get a click on the player the same tick they log in, making it inescapable for skillers. The Resource Area should be changed so if players are logged out in the area they are returned to the entrance, to give skillers a chance.
Secondly, the resource area gate is bugged. When a player clicks to leave the gate and is caught in any type of freeze the player is unable to click anything meaning a pker has potentially 20 seconds to put damage into the player free of them eating.
3. Healthbars going full red at sub 3hp.
I'm sure this issue has already been raised so i'll just leave it at that.
4. Venom/ Anti-venom
When entering the wilderness a player should be prepared, with OSRS this usually means bringing an anti-venom but with Alora without this aspect it gives players far too much free roam in the wilderness. Including pkers themselves.This should be included to make the wilderness more dangerous.
5. Spearing
Currently, spears are not working, this is a crucial change that needs to be implemented and will affect both the multi and single scenes, giving players a greater chance to kill higher risking pkers (elysians and so on). I'm sure this is something that players would like to see changed to the game.
6. Delays/1 ticking
As many players know, the delays on Alora are quite significant relative to other servers which eliminates the differentiation between higher tier pkers. Currently you cannot 1 tick barrage on Alora, if this was changed im 100% sure Alora will take many players from competing servers.
Hope you take into account our suggestions so we can continue to play this server and produce some content on our YouTube channels.

#232759 Remove good items from "PKP" shop

Posted by 40a on 08 November 2018 - 05:01 PM

“Let’s remove incentive to go pking.”

#232005 One-Year Anniversary

Posted by Dante on 06 November 2018 - 07:22 PM

Hey everyone!


I'm not looking for kudos or anything like that, just wanted to vocalize something that has been on my mind lately, and happened to creep up on me.


As of today, November 6th 2018, I've officially been on the Alora staff team for one year. There are no balloons and there is no cake but I just wanted to make a post because I think this is one of my biggest milestones to date.


I've had a lot of ups and downs being on the staff team, and I believe I've done more good than bad (I hope) since I've been working alongside the other members of the team.


I would like to personally thank Lowkey for doing such an amazing job, and although I wasn't initially promoted to Server Support a year ago by him directly, he has been in reign of the team for Alora for almost the entire time I have been around. There have been a lot of members who have come and go, and I owe a lot to the other members of the team at any point in time I was on it for everything that they've taught me.


That's as far as I wanted to go with this, there isn't much to be said overall, lol. Just a happy moment since Alora has been so close to me for the past year and a bit since I've joined (May 2017). I've made some incredible friends along the way that I believe will go further than my time here, and I've learned a lot of new things as well.


I've played RSPSs for as long as I can remember, and I can honestly say Alora has the best community of any server I've ever been apart of, and has an amazing team running it. Big kudos to you Omicron for creating such an amazing game for thousands of players to enjoy!



Some Honorable Mentions:


Omicron, Lowkey, king purpleSalterhsoJDraisaitlSheepTo gainMoeScuffed EIMNot HellishCode 002M A C KHC KAZOOPaineEIM 1gpNeckryaelLord AizenPostimeesThorruF 8,uTorrentSceneryMewtwoJareCollerkar76HarisErrorSyntaxcasualRamonMtamRyuuThunkLord of RatsChaseD ScimmyWreckageDoctor DrewHondeneiAnother CowEIM HentaiElite UltimaKaameaEim 40aMobiron aritusRaud Flame Iclassic jokeTrailer ParkHorrorMADASFUK, and most importantly Ragragrag46 (dont hate me for muting you so much).


The list can go on and on, most of these were off of the top of my head, I would like to thank our current Server Supports as well but they are still slaves and need to earn their specific tag :Kappa:


And I can't tag everyone like I can in discord (although I think everyone would hate me even more than they already do) but I would like to thank the community as a whole for helping me create some awesome memories on this fun journey I've been on so far.


That's it. Road 2 Year 2 achievement thread coming soon with a nice loot tab as well.


#231571 Celebrating 2 Years Of Alora!

Posted by Ultistic on 05 November 2018 - 08:45 AM

Thank you to everyone that got involved with all of this yesterday! Here is a short video of some of the stuff we did yesterday.


Audio is scuffed and hopefully it fixes itself after processing.



#231107 MADASFUK - 0GP to 10B Wilderness Only.

Posted by Turner skill on 04 November 2018 - 03:24 AM

this should be sick looking foward to seeing updates

#231123 MADASFUK - 0GP to 10B Wilderness Only.

Posted by IM Moe on 04 November 2018 - 04:03 AM

Good luck daddy with this challenge, I know you can do it. ;) 

#231046 Alora’s 2nd Birthday (& Infographic!)

Posted by Omicron on 03 November 2018 - 11:18 PM



Hello everyone,


As of today, Alora has officially been open to the public for 2 years! It’s been quite the roller coaster ride... with many ups, many downs, countless friendships formed, and countless unforgettable moments to remember. It has been my utmost pleasure maintaining and managing Alora, with the help of our community manager Baldy/@Lowkey and the rest of our dedicated staff team. Most importantly, though, this has all been possible because of you guys, otherwise none of us would be here. Your support, and your love for the game and community keep us going. Everyone’s had their part in making Alora, both game and community, the wonderful place that it is today, and I’d like to give a huge thank you to all of you for choosing to spend your free time here and being a part of our vibrant community. I remember just how exciting the launch was on November 4th, 2016. I remember the joy felt by bringing everyone together simply for our love of the game, and that’s one of the foundations that Alora has been built upon - as long as that enjoyment is still felt by the community, I can speak for myself and the staff team when I say that we’ll still be here to steer this ship in the right direction. Here’s to another year, and many more to come! 


Some of you have been here since the beginning, and if so, as of today you’ll be able to claim your 2 year Veteran cape from Hans to signify your dedication to our community. You’ll have to have a join date of at least 2 years ago, so, for example, if you registered December 4th, 2016, you’ll be eligible for the cape in a month. (And for those of you who were there on the first day of release, here’s some nostalgia for you ;) Jare's perspective - Day one)


Now, let’s get to the fun stuff... 


  • In-game birthday items:
    • Party Pete at home is giving away 2nd year Birthday balloons and a new birthday hat to celebrate this year’s birthday in style! (Hint: they’ll go perfectly with the 2 year Veteran’s cape)
  • Birthday events:
  • Infographic:
    • @Dumbshit has helped me create a neat infographic to show off many different interesting statistics for those of you who are into that sort of thing, it’s at the bottom of this post. Make sure to send him a thank you if you enjoyed it :)
  • Store sale boost:
    • For today only, we’ve boosted the 20% sale to 30% bonus tokens, so make sure to take advantage of this while you can!
  • Boss killtime reset:
    • Lastly, as of today we are resetting all of our boss killtime records. Many of them were unrealistic kill times obtained during times when a certain boss or weapon was bugged, so we’d like to give everyone a chance to get on the boss killtime rankings!










Happy Birthday!


Best regards,



#231101 MADASFUK - 0GP to 10B Wilderness Only.

Posted by 22 on 04 November 2018 - 02:54 AM

Cool idea and good luck.

#231103 MADASFUK - 0GP to 10B Wilderness Only.

Posted by Vespina on 04 November 2018 - 03:03 AM

This is a cool idea :D good luck with this sir!