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Member Since 27 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2022 04:54 PM

#83041 Alora Newspaper 5/20/17

Posted by Twist bows on 19 May 2017 - 07:41 PM


Hey everyone! Many of you may know that I'll be in charge of the newspaper for the foreseeable future. We had many updates, staff updates, couple of new rules and some small other things! Hope you guys enjoy reading this!


Mystery boxes & Super Mystery boxes: The following items such as Partyhats, Grain, Bunny ears, and H'ween Masks will announce if a player has received any of these items.


New dungeons/Rework

Taverley dungeon expansion: The Taverley dungeon now has an upper level with plenty of Black dragons and Baby black dragons to slay!


Slayer Tower Basement: The Slayer Tower now has a lower level - visit the basement to find plenty of creatures to slay.


Smoke devil dungeon: The location and colors of the Smoke devil dungeon have changed, but everything else has remained the same.

The Smoke devil dungeon can now be accessed either south of Castle wars, or through the teleportation interface.


You can find more information about our recent update HERE!





The following rules were added Alora recently:


Click HERE  to follow up on our rules!


16. VPN Voting



Any use of excessively changing your IP-address to vote will not be tolerated whatsoever on Alora.

VPN voting goes against many of the Top-list's terms of service, which can result in the termination of Alora from the Top-lists.

Those who fail to comply with this rule will first receive a warning, followed by a 48 hour ban with a bank wipe issued to all accounts involved, and finally, a permanent ban.




James was promoted to Server Moderator. A bunch of us have worked with him in the past, so he has previous experience that will benefit the current staff team and we're glad to have him aboard!

Casual has been promoted to Server Support.

Ramon has been promoted to Server Support.



Mewtwo has decided to step down from his position of global moderator, as he wants to focus on his studies. We wish him the best of luck attaining his diploma and would like to welcome him back with open arms once he finishes his studies.

Iron Colotic has resigned once again due to unknown circumstances. 


Messy has been removed from the server support team, there was a conflict of interest between the administration team, that is all I am going to say about that matter.

Jackie Nimb has been removed from the forum moderation team for inactivity in his role.

Cam Only has been removed from the server support team due to the lack of respect, and conflict of interests in the majority of the team.


We are currently looking for server supports for the timezones from GMT+0 till GMT+12 if you are located in one of these areas and meet all the requirements, do not hesitate to apply by CLICKING HERE



Hey guys, Today I've decided to interview 1 staff member and 1 regular member from the community!

Our first interview was with one our newest Server moderator James


TB: Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like?
James: The Dalai Lama.

TB: Tell me about the best vacation you’ve ever taken.
James: When I was a kid I went to Disney World with my family. It was a lot of fun.


TB: What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
James: After a hurricane I decided it would be a good idea to slide in the grass next to a broken glass table. It's on my knee.

TB: If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?
James:  Bill Gates, so I could write out a check to myself.

TB: How did you find Alora & what is your favorite thing about it?

James:  I was linked it in a group chat awhile back (didn't sign up until recently) and I've worked with some of  the staff members from the last server I was on.

TB: What are your hobbies in real life?

James: Don't do much anymore, but I'd like to get back into baseball. I don't see that happening anytime soon though.

TB: Do you prefer PVMING or Gambling?

James: PvMing.

TB: What your Alora experience like?

James: So far it's good and I hope it remains that way.


The next person I Interview is Jewlion The forum master


TB: Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like?

Jewlion: I’ve been inspired by many people over the course of my life, but above all else stood a man named Anthony Robbins, who many might have heard of. I aspire to be like him because he can touch so many lives in a profound way and in doing so, have a sense of fulfillment in his own life.

TB: Tell me about the best vacation you’ve ever taken.

Jewlion:  Ha! Anyone who has seen my videos from my trip to Cancun might expect me to answer with “MEXICO!!” but truthfully… the best trip I’ve ever went on was in March of this year to Holguin, Cuba with my mother and other family friends. It was the first time I went away with my mom as an adult, and I never had a better time! Imagine getting a chance to party with your mom like she was your best friend… In fact, I’m going to give you this photo to attach if you choose to of one of those nights @ the resort night club! A little context… Our whole group had had 1 too many “cervezas” before hitting the club, but it made for a much funnier time out! 2wrdc3t.jpg

TB: What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?

Jewlion:  When I was about 10 or 11, I was riding on my bike down a gently sloped road with friends, and because we were all young and stupid we decided to do a “look ma no hands” kinda thing… That didn’t turn out well for one individual… My bike ended up momentarily snagged on a loose manhole cover and tossed me off ever-so gracefully allowing my temple to smack off the curb and the left side of my face to scrape a few inches before coming to a complete stop (or so I was told afterwards…I was out like a light). This whole incident left me with a pretty pronounced oval-shape scar under my left eye for years and years which I tried to erase with all manner of creams and natural substances. Nowadays, it’s hard to see, but I noticed it a little in Mexico when my face was getting tanned and it made me think back on those youthful days with fondness rather than the obvious pain.

TB: If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?

Jewlion:  This had me thinking for quite some time… my obvious answer would be very sentimental and a little bit of a downer for this interview, so I will go with another, also true answer. I would like to trade lives (AND EXPERIENCES) with an individual by the name of Dr. Eben Alexander. The reason being, he claimed to have went through the most magnificent near death experience for an entire week while E. Coli rendered his entire higher functioning part of the brain, useless. He also claims to “remember” all the feelings, all the knowledge he had gained which would have taken lifetimes for a human to even scratch the surface of, and more importantly the experience to him was burned in his brain like a flash image. I think it’s human nature to fear and doubt the unknown, but if I could put that doubt to rest with a single day or even an hour in this man’s life (or reaffirm my doubt), it would be worth all the money in the world.


TB:How did you find Alora & what is your favorite thing about it?

Jewlion:  I found Alora on the banner of a website that I will not name here while I was reminiscing about my past with Runescape. My favorite thing about it is the community. Many people will tell you the same thing from past conversations I’ve had with other members. The community presence is so tangible here that you’d have to have no senses at all to not feel it. The staff blend so seamlessly with the community and everyone just seems to mesh. I like it.

TB: What are your hobbies in life?

Jewlion:  I play piano, with a preference for playing by ear rather than by sheet music. I’m very picky with what I like to practice based on how the music makes my hairs stand up on end. I read science fiction, adventure, fantasy, even teen novels sometimes. Reading is my greatest escape (even more so than video games at THIS stage in my life). Finally, I use what I read and see to write. My real passion is writing, and I’m working on an astronomy based adventure novel, trying to utilize the few astrophysics courses I took here and there in college.

TB: Do you prefer PVMING or Gambling?

Jewlion:  I’ve struggled with a gambling addiction 5 years back, so my instincts would tell you gambling is numero uno!!! I am here to tell you that I prefer PvMing. It’s something that still has RNG and still the feeling of gambling associated with it, but your hard effort pays off in the end. A perfect example of “if you play long enough, the house DOESN’T win.”

TB: What’s your Alora experience like?

Jewlion:  From when I log in to when I get off, I always have someone to talk to. Sometimes it can be around as serious a topic as depression, or we could be talking about that damned elusive -insert skilling/bossing pet here-. What I’m trying to say is… my Alorian experience is well rounded. I know from the second I come on that I will leave feeling some sense of fulfillment. People just want to belong… myself included. I’d like to believe that a lot of the people here feel the same way. I think most people get that life is tough enough when we look away from the screens in front of us, so why should we bring that tension into this wonderful community.

TB: If you could meet up with anyone in the world who would it be?

Jewlion:  Man, I would love to meet up with Anthony Robbins, but that would be redundant… In the Runescape theme of things, I’d like to meet up with a person named “Tyler” that I had met in 2009 in a little Stealing Creations clan called “Class5Clay”. He became a fast friend of mine for the following 4 years and during a dark time when I needed it most. He lived/lives in Wisconsin and I, myself, have always lived in the Toronto area in Canada so being youth it wasn’t in our financial power to meet up and go for a few drinks, or “shoot the shit”. We saw each other through some pretty rough times over the internet. It was really hard for me when his dad passed away and I couldn’t really do anything to console him like a brother would be able to do. After that our lives and struggles took us down different paths, but I would desperately like to meet him now that I’m an adult and let him know what his friendship meant for me in those days when that’s all I really needed.



"If you get a one wish, and you can wish whatever you want, what would you wish"


The person I've asked wanted to keep his identify a secret but his response was: "Wish for a happy healthy long life"


This week riddle was "What has a foot but no legs?"
The answer was "A ruler"




This week artist is Archeden and here some of his artwork
Go check him out, if you're looking for a signature in the future!

Here our winners If you like to participate in the next Community awards You can find them here:
Most Active In-game: Tobbo

Most Active Forums Member:Jewlion

Most Active Overall: Twist bows
Best Pker: Lowkey

Best GFX: Not Pato

Best Youtuber: @Frimby

Best Helper:

Best Moderator (Including forums):Sheep

Best Administrator: Lowkey
Most Respected Staff Member  Lowkey

Most Respected Member: Volta
Best Staff Member: uTorrent / Lowkey - resulted in a tie

Most Active on Discord:

Best Ironman: Monaco

Best Hardcore Ironman: Recia
Best Ultimate Ironman: Nacyto

Best Skiller: Unknown

Best PvMer:Irvo

As many of you have been asking about what's going on with Construction well Omicron has been working hard to satisfy you guys with this update and he working very hard to please you guys! You can read up on his progress HERE!
A big shout out to @Jedzio for helping me with the titles :)

#81911 What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

Posted by Jewlion on 16 May 2017 - 04:03 PM

#79463 What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

Posted by Serenaholic on 07 May 2017 - 12:23 PM

Almost forgot about this band....the memories are so real

#79677 [5/8/17] New Dungeons, Skotos pet, Purple slayer helmet, Combat fixes & m...

Posted by Omicron on 08 May 2017 - 03:52 AM

Hey guys,

As promised earlier this week, here's a bunch of request bug fixes and content additions! We've updated our cache to the latest OSRS version, which means we have access to things like the updated dungeons, and the brand new Skotos pet / Purple slayer helmet, which are in-game and obtainable as of this update! Additionally, some major combat bugs have been fixed, and we hope that this resolves most of the issues that were reported. Lastly, we've added in HD support for Mac OSX clients -- you can read more below.


  • Loaded latest OSRS data:
    • Saradomin god book (Holy book) colors have been changed from white to blue.
      • This recent update in OSRS was added to prevent confusion with the Book of Law, and to honour the original blue color of Saradomin.
    • Gilded boots have been given a trim to match the rest of the Gilded armour.
    • Ballista animation fix (see below)
    • New dungeons(see below)
    • Skotizo additions(see below)
  • New Dungeons and expansions:
    • *Huge thanks to @Lowkey for the help collecting data for these dungeons!
    • Chasm of Fire:
      • A fiery trench with multiple levels of demons - lesser, greater and black, are now residing within the Chasm of Fire.
      • You can get here by teleporting through the Teleport Wizard in the "Dungeons" menu.
      • Lifts will take you up and down between the levels.
    • Nieve's new cave:
      • Nieve's cave has been completely redone!
        • You'll now find more spawns, and more room for monsters within the cave.
        • With this update, the following caves have been seperated from Nieve's cave: Kraken's area, Kalphite hive, Smoke Devil dungeon
    • Taverley dungeon expansion:
      • The Taverley dungeon now has an upper level, with plenty of Black dragons and Baby black dragons to slay!
    • Slayer Tower Basement:
      • The Slayer Tower now has a lower level - visit the basement to find plenty of creatures to slay.
    • Smoke devil dungeon:
      • The location and colors of the Smoke devil dungeon have changed, but everything else has remained the same.
      • The Smoke devil dungeon can now be accessed either south of Castle wars, or through the teleportation interface.
    • Kraken cave updated:
      • Kraken's cave has received a slight visual update.
      • Additionally, pockets of Waterfiends have been added to this cave.
  • Rare item announcements:
    • You will now see news messages for the following rare items that players receive:
      • Crystal chest:
      • Shooting stars:
      • Robin hood hats or Ranger boots loot
      • Fury (Shooting star) or Onyx (Crystal chest)
    • Mystery boxes:
    • Super Mystery boxes:
      • The following items will announce:
      • All Partyhats
      • Grain
      • Bunny ears
      • H'ween masks
  • Combat fixes:
    • HUGE accuracy fix:
      • Without getting into too much detail, there was a major bug in the accuracy formula that affected most fights, but particularly those that were between players that weren't level 126.
    • PvP combat will now give 1x experience (same as OSRS) anywhere.
      • Previously, only Wilderness PvP would give 1x experience. Now, the following places will also be 1x:
        • Duel arena, Clan wars, Battle Royale, etc.
    • Ballista animation fixed:
      • The latest Ballista animation from OSRS has been added (slight change)
      • After firing with a Ballista, your player will now be "delayed" before you can run (similar to when casting barrage/blitz)
    • Toxic staff of the dead changes reverted:
      • Magic attack bonus changed back to +25 instead of +17.
      • On OSRS, it is +17 when empty and +25 when charged. Until we add charges to the TSOTD, we'll leave it at +25.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Sled is now tradable.
    • Enchanting Jewelry will now give experience as intended.
    • Fixed bug that allowed players to leave the Pest control waiting boat.
    • Platinum token fix:
      • When converting your gold into platinum or vice versa, if you had a full inventory and tried to convert your new gold/platinum would dissapear. You will now not be allowed to convert if you don't have any space.
    • Wilderness travelling cape sellers now functional:
      • Neil in Bandit camp
      • Edward in Rogue camp
  • Ring of Life added:
    • The Ring of Life will teleport you to your home location if you ever drop below 10% of your maximum hitpoints
    • It will not work:
      • Above level 30 wilderness
      • If you're teleblocked
      • In any mini-games (Duel arena, fight caves, etc)
      • If you are jailed
      • If you are dead
    • The ring dissappears as it is used.
  • Defence cape effects:
    • The same effects as the Ring of Life, except that it does not disappear on use.
  • Pet changes:
    • You can now receive a pet even if your inventory is full and you already have a follower:
      • It will be added to your bank if possible, if not it will be placed on the ground.
    • Boss pet drops:
      • Boss pet drops will no longer drop on the floor, if possible, they will follow you immediately.
      • Boss pet drops will now announce to the world when a player receives them.
  • NPC changes:
    • Cyclops:
      • Proper attack/defence bonuses added.
      • Cyclops in the Kourend Catacombs will no longer drop Dragon defenders.
    • Brutal green dragons:
      • Proper attack/defence bonuses added.
    • Blue dragons:
      • Proper attack/defence bonuses added.
    • Waterfiends:
      • These will no longer attack you through walls.
    • Kraken:
      • Kraken attack, defend and death animations fixed.
  • Wilderness Slayer task fixes:
    • Bears task will now work.
      • "Bears" were assigned, and "Grizzly bears" were not being counted properly.
    • Bandits task can now be completed.
      • Bandits were previously unattackable.
      • Both the level 22 and level 138 versions can be attacked.
      • Additionally, "Speedy Keith", "Donny The Lad", "Black Heather", and "Guard Bandit" are all attackable.
      • These enemies also count towards your Bandit task.
    • Spider tasks now work.
  • Battle Royale changes:
    • F2P Mode:
    • You can no longer enter if your spellbook is Lunar or Ancient magicks.
    • You can no longer use Snare or Entangle within the arena.
  • Barrows data records:
    • Barrows completion count will now be recorded.
      • Your record will be recorded upon successfully defeating all 6 brothers.
    • Killtime for all 6 brothers will also be recorded.
      • This killtime will only be recorded if you defeat all brothers in succession without logging out.
    • [These records will be shown on the PvM Lectern at home]
  • Rainbow partyhat added:
    • You can now combine all of your partyhats to create a Rainbow partyhat!
    • Simply use one partyhat on another while holding all of them in your inventory.
    • This decision is final and cannot be reversed.
    • Rainbow partyhat is tradable. There is no other way to obtain this partyhat other than combining all 6 original partyhats!
  • Skotizo update:
    • Skotos pet can now be obtained!
      • Complete with full dialogues.
      • Speak to Probita to insure your Skotos.
    • Dark claw drop:
      • Combine the Dark claw with your Slayer helmet (regular or (i)) to create the Purple slayer helmet!
      • This is a cosmetic upgrade with no bonus changes.
  • Store changes:
    • New tabs added:
      • Pets tab:
      • Pets have been moved here. Ironmen can now purchase pets.
      • Baby vanguard reduced from 1500 to 1000 tokens.
      • Skotos pet can now be purchased for 750 tokens.
    • Rares tab:
      • Partyhat set added
      • 12000 tokens
    • Black partyhat added
      • 4500 tokens
    • Black santa hat added
      • 2500 tokens
    • Dragon defender is now available for 50 tokens
    • Ironmen can now buy cosmetics
      • This includes any item from the new Rares tab (partyhats/santa) as well as any item from the Pets tab
  • Alora OS X client for Macs
  • We've been working on a new client to fix the broken HD mode on Mac OSX, and we're pleased to announce that it is finally completed!
    • You can still use your old client to play, but you must use the new one if you want to turn on HD.
    • The new client will use your *integrated* graphics card by default, while the old one will use your discrete by default.
  • See the tutorial below to see how to get HD working on your Mac!










[HD on Mac tutorial]
Many OSX users have had trouble running Alora in HD on their Macs, so we decided to spend some time implementing the ability to run it with a few modifications.

Firstly, you’ll need to make sure Java 1.6 is downloaded and installed. You can download that here:

Once that’s downloaded and installed, replace your Alora client launcher with the MAC version:

Once that’s all done, run the latest launcher and you should be able to turn on the HD setting and enjoy it with everyone else!

Note: This also allows you to run your Mac with the integrated graphics card, rather than forcing discrete. If you do plan to use HD though, it will have to use your discrete graphics card.

*As a mac user, you can still use alora.jar OR alora_mac.jar. The difference is that you will likely have to run the Mac version (unless your Mac is ancient) to get HD working, and if you use the non-Mac version it will always force your discrete graphics card, while the Mac version will use the integrated for low definition graphics if not on OpenGL.

Enjoy  :)

- Omicron

#77712 Lols. This pk camper.

Posted by Sheep on 02 May 2017 - 08:49 AM

You should've done a 'never gonna give you up' song in the background.