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iOS & Android clients have officially released.
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Fixes [28/01/25]: Fixed a bug where the Eclipse moon had 100 stab defence and 0 crush defence. It now has 100 crush defence and 0 stab defence. The mystic air staff will no longer be announced over yell. Fixed a bug where players could take advantage of achievement diary perks without completing the diaries. The eclipse moon helmet now requires 75 ranged to equip rather than 75 prayer. The Karil's coif now requires 70 ranged to equip. Fixed a bug where only killing one moon of peril to farm pieces from that moon would always give blue moon pieces. Purchasing the prospector outfit pieces from the daily task shop will now add it to the player's collection log. Fixed a bug where the player could still splash a freeze against the whisperer. The freeze will now always land against her. Previewing skin colors will now show all stats as 0, rather than 120. Players can now use the "take-chisel" option on the weak cells table in Guardians of the Rift. Fixed a bug where the abyssal defenders would not be re-spawnable after dying in the Guardians of the Rift minigame. Fixed a bug where some npc menu options would not appear if they were under larger npc's. Fixed a bug where teleporting out of the Eclipse moon fight during the whack-a-mole attack, the player would remain frozen until they relogged. Fixed a bug where the lunar chest loot tracker was not working properly. Justiciar armour pieces now count as holy equipment for the Godwars dungeon. Wyrms and Drakes now count as dragons for the dragon hunter item bonuses. Fixed a bug where the fight would glitch if the blood moon died during the blood rain phase of the fight. Fixed a bug where players who were outside of the moons of peril arena could use the quick-escape option. Fixed a bug where the incorrect hunter level requirement would be given to the player if they tried to ctach butterflies/moths barehanded. Players can now swing to the island with Jangerberries near Yanille. Swinging to the island will require using a rope on the branch (not the tree trunk). Fixed a bug with the betrayal combat achievement not working at the blood moon. Fixed a visual bug with the blue moon helmet not clipping correctly. Bolt special effects will now play the correct graphics on the victim. Fixed a bug where players needed to have 50 slayer points to use their free task storage. Added Amoxliatl and Lunar chests to the hiscore plugin. Players no longer require 1 free inventory space to catch butterflies/moths barehanded. Fixed a bug where players were not able to get coagulated venom from Araxxor. Fixes [24/01/25]: Crystal implings will now properly give 30-40 crystal shards rather than 1. The cannon pieces prices have been reduced from 350 to 200 vote points each. The cooking gauntlet price has been reduced from 300 to 150 vote points. The silver sickle price has been reduced from 200 to 75 vote points. The rogues’ set outfit pieces have had their costs reduced from 1,500 vote points to 1,000 vote points. This value is halved for Realism/EIM/GIM/HCIM, so from 750 to 500 vote points. Fixed a bug where the Eclipse Moons knockback would cause players to get stuck if it occured on the same tick that they killed her. Players can now toggle region unlock status using the world map in the region locker plugin. Fixed a bug where the western provinces diary was not registering as completed for some players who had already completed it. Fixed a bug where the Pendant of Ates twilight temple teleport would teleport players into the statue. Players can now go back up the staircase in the ruins of tapoyauik. Players can now properly exit Neypotzli. The bank chest in lumbridge basement now works properly. Fixed a bug where the next skill of the day was showing the skill id rather than the skill name. Fixed a bug with the wilderness slayer cave shortcuts causing players to be frozen. Fixed a bug with the incorrect mapping of the prifddinas mine/dungeon entrances/exits. The Abyssal demon shortcut in the wilderness slayer cave now works correctly, and can be used by players with level 77 agility or higher. Fixed a bug where the Aura's in the moons of peril rooms would sometimes not show up. Feedling logs to a fire will now count as burning them with a tinderbox for all daily tasks, league tasks, and clue scroll steps. The infernal axe burn effect will now count as burning them with a tinderbox for all daily tasks, league tasks, and clue scroll steps. Players can now enter the Catacombs of Kourend through the shortcuts in Arceuus/Lovakengj. Fixed a bug where players could not use the Quetzal transport system on mobile. Fixed a bug where some tiles wouldn't render after going through an entrance or going up/down ladders. This was noticeable when leaving Neypotzli. Players can now operate the appendage to enter the Abyssal sire fight, as well as speaking to the overseer. The chat messages from Eyatlalli while doing Moons of Peril will now be filtered as spam. Araxxor’s cleave attack damage/venom will now occur 1 tick sooner. This will keep it properly in-line with the animations. The blue moon's weapon freeze attack will no longer occur as the player is leaving the room. Players will now have 3 extra ticks of immunity from being outside of the Aura circle after the blood jaguar attack. The blood moon will now wait 3 extra ticks before attacking the player again after the jaguar attack. The moons of peril collection log will now show the amount of times the lunar chest has been opened. The Chinchompa shoo-away option will now be deprioritized if attack options are hidden. The voidwaker's protection value has been corrected to 300m. Fixed a bug with Verac/Dharok armour sets disappearing from some accounts. Fixed a bug where Alchemical hydra dying while the fire was spawned would sometimes cause it to not be removed. Hello everyone, We hope you enjoyed your holiday break! We are back with our first official update for 2025, and we’ve got some good things coming your way to kick off the year. This update primarily focused on expanding Varlamore content availability and catching up to OSRS’s updates, as well as implementing some highly requested features. For Varlamore, we’ve added Moons of Peril, Amoxliatl, New shops & item spawns, Ruins of Tapoyauik, and more. We’ve also decided to buff Theatre of Blood rates to make them more in-line with our typical drop rate multiplier (1.23x) and made some other scaling changes to make the raid a bit easier, especially for smaller teams. Aside from these updates, we’ve added some quality of life updates to enhance your experience — among these include a major change to the way pet insurance works: instead of having to -repay for insurance, in the event that you forget to insure your pet, Probita will still hold onto it and simply charge you to reclaim it post-death. Other changes include fixing mobile/browser client bugs, increasing the zoom distance for mobile on iOS devices & more. Theatre of Blood Drop Rate Buff & QoL: Due to popular demand, we’ve improved ToB drop rates. The comparisons are as follows for the base rate (before applying deaths, donator rank bonuses, boosters or server-wide bonuses): OSRS rate: ~11% chance (spread across entire team) Alora rate prior to this update: ~12.34% Alora rate as of this update: ~13.51% Notes: The new rate (about a 10% boost) now puts our rate compared to OSRS’s rate at about 1.23x easier, which is our usual drop rate multiplier that we apply to most parts of the game. It is worth noting that on OSRS, only one player in the party can get a purple in ToB, but on Alora every player can theoretically get a purple. This means that the rate is split amongst the number of players in the party. If it is a one-man party, you have a 13.51% chance, but if you are in a 4-man, each player has about a ~3.4% chance at a purple. Other ToB Changes: In the first room (Maiden of Sugadinti), the number of Nylocas spawned by her at different HP thresholds (70%, 50%, and 30%) have been scaled properly based on team size: Previously: 8 Nylocas would always spawn regardless of team size. Now: 2 Nylocas will spawn per player, maxing out at 8 Nylocas total. There positions are randomized. In the third room (Nylocas) the total number of Nylocas spawns has been slightly reduced and will now scale more appropriately (on OSRS, it does not scale at all and always spawns 90 of them — which we will now cap it at for 3 man teams or larger): 1-man: 70 total (previously 80) 2-man: 80 total (previously 90) 3-man: 90 total (previously 100) 4-man: 90 total (previously 110) 5-man: 90 total (previously 120) Moons of Peril: Players can now subdue the moons of peril in Neypotzli, the prison within Cam Torum. Players will need to navigate the prison to subdue the 3 Moons of Peril to obtain their reward: The moons of peril introduce a new mechanic to Alora known as Flat armour: This value can be positive or negative, and it will modify the damage dealt by a player by the amount of flat armour. For example, if an npc has -2 flat armour, then on a successful hit, the player will have 2 damage added to their final hit. The opposite would be true if the npc had 2 flat armour, the player’s final damage would be reduced by 2. The 3 moons all have the same basic attacks which will be dealt in 3 hitsplats. Each hitsplat needs to deal damage for the next one to deal any damage. For example, if the first hit deals 0 damage, the following 2 will also hit 0 damage. Players must stand within the aura circle, otherwise they will take passive damage from the moons, which increases the longer the player is outside of the circle. The moons are a unique type of boss, which is a solo boss that players will fight together, without an instance. Each player will have to deal the full damage to each boss they fight, so other players cannot help you. Blood Moon: The blood moon has 500 hitpoints, -2 flat armour, and is vulnerable to slash attacks. Curse of the moon: Her Curse of the Moon will heal her for 1x, 2x, and 3x the damage dealt, with the minimum heal of the 3rd hit being 30, regardless of damage dealt. T Every 6 standard attacks, she will use one of her special attacks: Blood rain: The Blood Moon will disappear and rain blood from above, forming temporary pools of blood throughout the room. Move off of the blood pools on the floor to avoid standing on them. Blood Jaguar: Blood jaguars spawn around the room, along with a damaging square of blood pools. Run to highlighted aura and attack the jaguar. Damage taken by stepping onto the pool too early or not stepping out of the jaguar's attack range will heal the Blood Moon for 3x the damage taken. Blue Moon: The blue moon has 500 hitpoints, -5 flat armour, and is vulnerable to crush attacks. Curse of the moon: Her Curse of the Moon will cancel your next attack; this occurs once 18 stacks of the curse have been accumulated. Every 6 standard attacks, she will use one of her special attacks. Weapon Freeze: The players weapon will be frozen in one of the 3 ice blocks, and players must break the ice blocks in time to get their weapon back. Players will take damage if they fail to get their weapon back before the ice melts. Frost Storm: Two braziers at each end of the chamber will be extinguished, and players will need to light them again, while avoiding freezing storms that will deal damage and cause the player to walk for a short period of time when hit. The boss will hear herself for 10 health for each unlit brazier every few ticks. Eclipse Moon: The eclipse moon has 500 hitpoints, 6 flat armour, and is vulnerable to stab attacks. Curse of the moon: Her Curse of the Moon will cause your attacks to occasionally be "glancing", stating Blinded by the Eclipse Moon's light, your attack glances off its shield!. Glancing attacks reduce your max hit by 12 (8 during the Clone phase); this is twice her flat armour. This occurs at a random chance scaling up to 100% at 100 stacks of the curse. Every 6 standard attacks, she will use one of her special attacks: Searing rays: A moon shield will appear, and the player will be knocked back behind it. Players will need to stay close to this moon shield as it moves, avoiding line of sight with the eclipse moon, otherwise they will be hit by her searing ray. Clones: Players are shoved to the centre of the room and cannot move. They will need to face the direction of the eclipse moons that spawn, so that they can parry their damage back at them. If the player is not facing the clones when they attack, they will take damage. Supplies: Throughout the prison, players will see various opportunities to restore their health, prayer, and health. Moonlight moths fly around the prison, which can be caught to restore prayer. There are Cooking stoves in each main section, which players can use to cook raw bream, and restore their run energy. Some rooms have fishing spots where players with level 20 fishing can catch raw bream, and cook them (with level 30 cooking) to make food. Up to 2 bream can be cooked in a single action, and eating one will restore 1/3 of the player’s cooking or fishing level, whichever is lower. Players can harvest moonlight grubs from bushes, which they can grind into moonlight grub paste using a pestle and mortar. With level 38 herblore, they use the paste on a vial of water to make a moonlight potion. The moonlight potion provides a boost to attack/strength/defence, and restores prayer. Players can rustle bushes in some rooms, which will provide them with raw moss lizards. Players with level 30 cooking or higher can cook these lizards to provide a food which heals 1/3 of the player’s cooking level or 1/2 of their hunter level, whichever heals less. Moss lizards/breams/moonlight grubs (and potions) cannot be removed from Neypotzli, or used outside of the prison. Rewards: One players have killed at least 1 of the 3 moons of peril, they can open the lunar chest to receive rewards. While players can open the chest if they kill 1/2/3 of the moons, they will only have access to the unique drop tables of the moons they’ve killed. Furthermore, the more moons that are killed, the more rolls players will get for uniques. Eclipse Moon Uniques: Eclipse Atlatl: This is a two-handed range weapon that requires 75 ranged, 50 attack, and 50 strength to equip. The damage of this weapon is determined by the player’s strength bonus, not their range bonus. The accuracy is still determined by the player’s range accuracy bonuses. This weapon required atlatl darts as ammunition, which can be obtained from the lunar chest. Eclipse Moon equipment (helmet, tassets, chestplate): This equipment requires level 75 ranged and 50 defence to equip. When worn with all of the other pieces of the set, the player gains the Eclipse set effect, where the eclipse atlatl has a 20% chance to inflict a burn effect on the targets. Whilst burnt, the target will be dealt 10 damage over the course of 40 ticks, or 24 seconds (1 damage every 4 ticks), and can be stacked up to five times. The set pieces do not degrade. Blood Moon: Dual macuahuitl: This is a two-handed weapon requiring level 70 attack and 75 strength to equip. It works similar to the sulphur blades/Glacial tomotli, where each hit inflicts 2 damage plats, splitting the max hit into two hits. Each hits plat has its own accuracy check, and the second hit will only land if the first hit lands. When worn with all of the other pieces of the blood moon armour set, the player gains the Bloodrager set effect, where the dual macuahuitl has a 33% chance upon a successful hit to attack one tick earlier than usual, allowing the player to attack again after 3 ticks. Both hits count towards this independently, meaning there is a 5/9 (55.5...%) chance to trigger the effect if both hits are successful. The weapon has as special attack that costs 25% special attack energy, requiring the full blood moon set to be equipped. The special attack raises the player’s minimum/maximum hits by 25% for that attack, whilst taking damage equal to 25% of their current hitpoints. Blood Moon Armour (helm, chestplate, tassets): This equipment requires level 75 strength and 50 defence to equip. See the Dual Macuahuitl for set effects. The set pieces do not degrade. Blue Moon: Blue moon spear: This is a two-handed bladed staff that requires level 70 attack and 75 magic to equip. It can autocast spells from the regular/ancient/arceuus spell books. Special attack: The special attack (costing 50% energy) requires the full blue moon set equipped to use. When used, it removes the binding effects on the target, and has a 1% increase in accuracy and damage for every tick of binding removed. Blue Moon Armour (helm, chestplate, tassets): This equipment requires level 75 magic and 50 defence to equip. When the full set is worn, the player gains the Frostweaver set effect, where after casting a bind spell the blue moon spear has a 20% chance for its next melee attack to be unaffected by action delays. This attack can be performed automatically by enabling it in the combat options menu. The set pieces do not degrade. North Varlamore: Shops, NPC’s, and item spawns have been added to the northern section of Varlamore. Ruins of Tapoyauik: Players can now enter the ruins of Tapoyauik in North Varlamore. The ruins feature various mobs, such as cave crawlers, frost crabs, ice warriors, icefiends, ice giants, blue dragons (baby, brutal, and normal), chilled jellies, and frost naguas. Frost crabs are a new variant of rock crab, which have the same amount of hitpoints. Chilled jellies are a new stronger variant of jellies. These jellies spawn the vitreous warped jelly as their superior encounter. Frost Nagua: These are a new type of Nagua that require level 48 slayer to kill. They share the same unique drops as Amoxliatl (excluding the pet), but at a lower drop rate. Moon Chest: Players who have a moon key can open the moon chest in the lowest lever of the ruins. This chest provides some mid-tier loot, as well as potential for an uncut onyx, and the helmet of the moon (a cosmetic helmet). Amoxliatl: Players can now fight Amoxliatl by entering through the large door in the bottom of the Ruins of Tapoyauik. Amoxliatl is a frost nagua who requires 48 slayer to attack. The boss is weak to fire, and takes 30% bonus damage from fire-based magic attacks. Amoxliatl has 520 hitpoints, and has 3 attacks. The standard attack will create ice spikes around the player and the arena. When the spikes are first created, the player will take magic damage, which can be fully negated by using protect from magic. When the ice spikes explode, the player will take unavoidable damage if they are on one. The tile the player was on when the spike spawned will have an icy pool created there, which will deal 6-10 damage per tick if the player stands on it. Every 2-4 attacks, Amoxliatl will use one of its 2 special attacks. Unstable ice: 1-4 ice blocks will spawn near the player, which will need to be destroyed with a melee attack within 16 ticks. Players will always max on these ice blocks. When the blocks are destroyed by a player, an icy pool will spawn on the tile they were created on. After 16 ticks, if the block is not destroyed, it will heal Amoxliatl for 16-25 hitpoints, and spawn icy pools in a 3x3 area of where it was destroyed. Icicle crash: Amoxliatl will send a projectile at the player which will disable their prayer. This will deal up to 34 damage if the player does not turn their prayer back on by the time the attack lands. Rewards: Glacial temotli: These are a dual attack slash weapon that works similarly to the sulphur blades, requiring level 55 attack to wield. Pendant of Ates (inert): This is a pendant that can teleport players around Varlamore. The pendant must be charged with frozen tears. Frozen tears: These are used to charge the Pendant of Ates, to allow for teleporting around Varlamore. Tooth half of moon key: This can be combined with the loop half of moon key to create a moon key, used to open the moon chest. Moxi: This is the pet that can be obtained from amoxliatl. Pet Insurance Changes: Pets will now automatically be insured when they are lost. Probita will now hold all pets that are lost, and allow the player to reclaim for a fee. The first time a player reclaims a pet, they will need to pay the full insurance cost (10m for normal players, 5m for realism players) Subsequent reclaims will be 1m for all players. The reclaim fee can also now automatically be withdrawn from a player’s bank if necessary. Immortal/Eternal donators will be able to reclaim their pets for free. This system will guarantee that players don’t lose their pets without the ability to reclaim them. As always, if a pet is waiting to be reclaimed, any duplicate pet will be permanently lost (even if it’s a morphed version). Last Man Standing Changes: Players will now receive bloodier keys when there are 5 or less players remaining, assuming the game started with at least 10 players (previously this was 15 players). The Bloodier key table has had the lightbearer added to it. The Bloody keys will now always give 1 item from the offensive loot table, and 1 item from the defensive loot table. The Bloody key offensive loot table has had the following changes: It can now give a Zaryte crossbow. Obtaining a Zaryte or Armadyl crossbow will now also give 500 dragon opal bolts (e). It can now give an inquisitor’s mace. It can now give an ancient godsword. The Bloody key defensive loot table has had the following changes: Players can now obtain a full Dharok or Verac set. Players can now obtain ancestral equipment pieces. Players can now obtain mithril seeds. Fixed a bug where players were being charged 1 LMS point for purchasing the victor's cape. Construction Skill Guide: The "Check materials" option now works on items in the construction skill guide. Players can now click on various items in the construction skill guide to find out what materials are required to build that object in their player-owned house. Prifddinas Changes: Gauntlet Changes: Filling vials with water in the gauntlet will now automatically fill all vials instantly. Players will now stop attacking the hunllef when it changes overhead prayers. Hunllef will now change it's protection prayer instantly when the player attacks. The gauntlet singing bowl no longer has a delay when making 1 item at a time. Crystal Shard Changes: Players now get 28-32 crystal shards from chopping a crystal tree, rather than 8-16. Npc's in Iorwerth dungeon can now drop up to 3-5 crystal shards (6-10 for superiors). The gauntlet/corrupted gauntlet now reward 5-9 and 7-12 crystal shards (up from 3-7 and 5-9). Players are now guaranteed a crystal shard when going through the portals in the Prifddinas agility course. The Elven crystal chest will now give 4-6 crystal acorns rather than just one. The Elven crystal chest will now give 25-35 crystal shards rather than 5-28. The rate of obtaining a crystal shard while mining in Prifddinas has been improved to 1/65 from 1/103. Crystal implings now reward 30-40 crystal shards, up from 1. Players now have a 1/40 chance to get crystal shards while woodcutting in Prifddinas. Slayer Streak Announcements: Slayer streaks will now be announced it yell if a player is on a 100 task streak, 250 task streak, and every increment of 250 slayer tasks (100/250/500/etc..). Slayer task streaks are always reset when using the super donator cancel option, but not when slayer points are used. Barehanded fishing: Players can now harpoon-fish barehanded. This requires at minimum level 55 fishing, 35 strength, and 15 Agility to do. Players will also need to have a fishing level that is 20 levels above the required level to catch the fish. For example, 96 fishing will be required to barehand fish sharks. Players will earn strength experience while doing this, equivalent to 10% of the fishing experience gained. The exception is for harpoon-fish, which will always give 10 base strength experience. Players can only barehand fish on harpoon fishing spots, and only if they do not have a valid harpoon to fish with. Chinchompa Shooing: Instead of an “Attack” option on Chinchompas, players will now see a “Shoo-away” option. When shoo’d away, the chinchompa will return back to it’s spawn location if possible Quality of Life: Players can now scrape scaly blue dragonhide with a knife to get 50 noted blue dragon scales. An event bonus point system has been added for Mahogany Homes, Giant’s foundry, and Mixology. Claiming gold from the trading post will now add excess gp as platinum tokens if it cannot go to the player's bank/inventory. Damage from Torag's hammers will now be split into two hitsplats. League forum award changes: Instead of having multiple awards for every trophy in the most recent league, you will only have 1 award for the highest reached trophy (eg. Rune or Dragon). This will be the default system for future leagues as well (though you will still get multiple trophies in-game). Players now have the option to teleport to the east cave when using the teleport wizard to go to Maniacal monkeys. Players can now use noted empty vials and noted half-coconuts to make coconut milk through Zahur. Players no longer require a chisel to use the workbench in the Guardians of the Rift minigame. All Quetzal Whistle variants will now go to the reclaimables shop on death. The Guthixian Icon will now go to the reclaimables shop on death. The Tombs of Amascut/Theatre of Blood/Chambers of Xeric completion capes that previously required 1000/750/500/250/50 completions to obtain now require only 500/250/150/75/25 completions. Eternal donators will no longer lose their arder-musca potions when Duke Sucellus dies. This means that they can create enough arder-musca potions for multiple fights, and will not lose them after the Duke dies. Players can now disable camera shaking through the settings interface, in the gameplay tab. Players will only get a pestle and mortar from searching the supply crate in Neypotzli if they don’t already have one. Moonlight grubs can now be crushed twice as fast. The "Switch-Arceuus" option on the occult altar will now be prioritized above the "Examine" option. The Callisto Cub now has a metamorphosis option to morph it into the retro version of the pet. Players will now always land a freeze on artio/callisto. Artio/Callisto’s magic attack is now 1 tick slower. Extended anti-venom+ potions can now be stored in the potion store. Players can now earn the loop half of moon key item from fishing/woodcutting/mining in Varlamore. Players can now be assigned Sulphur Naguas from Konar. Players with level 1 agility can now complete the draynor agility course. Clicking the "Cure venom/poison" option on the hp orb will now attempt to use the Cure me lunar spell if possible. The Western provinces hard diary task of completing 5 Konar tasks in the Strong Slayer Dungeon has been reduced to 3 tasks. Players can now use the catacombs entrance west of shayzien. The flower crown will now show up in the trading post lookup interface on runelite. Tormented demons are no longer aggressive. Added a flash interface for exiting/entering the guardians of the rift area through the portals. Added flat armour stats to the monster examine interface. Players obtaining a slayer task with a partner will now be stopped from getting the task if their partner is still on the skip-task confirmation interface. The player getting the task will not be able to get a new task until they either relog (which will reset their partner), or until their partner has accepted the task skip. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where sometimes NPC’s would wander off in the opposite direction when they strayed too far from their spawn location. Players can now lookup the trident of the swamp/seas (e) variants in the trading post. Fixed a bug where the farming guild max cape teleport would take players to Aldarin. The tunnel shortcut in the stronghold of security now works properly. Fixed a bug where right-clicking multiple large npc's would sometimes show duplicate menu entries. The tree gnome village fruit tree patch typo has been corrected on the farmer's blessing teleport menu. The large muttadile now has a magic level of 250. Fixed a bug with the pyramid plunder overlay not appearing. This also fixes the issue with the pyramid plunder plugin not working. The leagues tutor model is no longer a dog. Players can now note half-coconuts. Players lacking the completionist requirements can no longer wear the hoods. Players can now access the Culinaromancer shop from the bank chest in lumbridge basement. Fixed a bug where the "Obtain a unique drop over yell" daily task wouldn't complete if players obtained the drop from some sources (raids/chests/gauntlet/etc...). Thrall damage will now register points in the Chambers of Xeric. Araxytes can now inflict venom even upon unsuccessful hits The venator bow bounce effect will now check the target's centre tile (or north-east if they're an even size) instead of the south-west tile. Fixed a bug with the potion storage favourites options not working correctly. Players who were experiencing issues may need to remove all of their favourites, and add them back manually. The Tome of Water/Tome of Fire now require level 50 magic to equip. Fixed a bug where the next skill of the day would sometimes be incorrect. The “Take-10” option for uncharged cells in the Guardians of the Rift minigame now works correctly. The mystic earth staff will no longer be announced in yell. Fixed a bug where the Dragon slayer 2 quest scroll was not showing all the requirements. Players can now fire iron and sapphire bolts from the zaryte/dragon crossbow. Fixed a bug where captain rimor was telling players the incorrect raid count to upgrade their cape. Fixed a bug where the gauntlet drop table was showing 10x the amount of coins. Statius’ warhammer's defence reduction special attack effect has been reduced to 10% upon a successful hit when outside of the wilderness. It will also no longer reduce the opponent’s defence at all unless it is charged. Fixed a bug where players could not click on some skilling options in the smelting interface. Fixed a bug where the bounty hunter teleport would occasionally trap players out of bounds. Infinity boots from the elven crystal chest will now be added to the collection log. Fixed a bug where the bounty hunter target overlay would almost always show that players had "High" value risk. The thresholds are as follows: Very Low: Less than 5m Low: 5m-10m Medium: 10m-25m High: 25m-50m Very High: 50m+ The risked wealth is calculated assuming that the target is protecting an item. Fixed a bug with the Dragon hasta rate from the Brimstone chest being far too rare. Fixed a bug where the Zulrah killcount in the collection log would be negative. Fixed a bug where hovering over the Armoured zombies teleport would show incorrect descriptions. Fixed a bug where the Hunllef was showing protect from melee as it's initial prayer instead of Protect from magic. Fixed a bug where attack styles were not properly being remembered on login. Fixed a bug where defensive autocasting was not giving defence experience. Dharok the Wretched's attack speed is now 7 ticks. Browser (web-client) client changes: Tooltips (eg. Action hovers) will now be drawn in the top left as intended. The UI will now properly scale depending on how big your browser window is. This will ensure that minimum dimensions are enforced, so that your inventory doesn’t go over your minimap or chatbox. Sometimes when switching tabs and holding shift, upon returning to the web client it would think the shift key was still pressed down (leading to players potentially clicking items and dropping them). This should no longer occur. Mobile changes: QoL: Slightly increased the outer zoom limit on mobile for iOS devices. Adjusted the positioning of the chatbox when typing on mobile portrait mode. Players can now mark tiles in instances on mobile. Bug fixes: Fixed a bug where the private messages on the mobile client would sometimes draw under the chat function buttons. The chatbox will now always be visible when a dialogue or input interface is opened on mobile. Fixed a bug where the menu entry swapper was causing crashes in certain areas on mobile. Fixed a bug where players could not click the bounty hunter target interface on mobile. Fixed the positioning of the GWD killcount interface on mobile portrait mode. Fixed a bug where the opponent info overlay on mobile would shift to the left when certain inventory tabs were open. Fixed a bug where the ground in the Akkha room was invisible on mobile. Mobile Plugin Fixes: Fixed a bug where the tag-all option in the npc indicators plugin was not saving which npc’s were tagged. Fixed a bug where the tag-all/untag-all options for the npc indicators plugins wouldn’t immediately update npc highlighting. Fixed a bug where marked ground tiles weren’t saving. Fixed a bug where menu swaps weren’t saving. Fixed a bug where filtering combat achievements by completed tasks would not show any tasks. The status bars plugin will now always show up on the left side of your tab (previously it would appear above the tab icons sometimes). We hope you enjoy this update! As always, please report bugs as soon as they are found and we will address them as quickly as we can. Best, Omicron
Welcome to the January edition of the Alora times. I hope you all had a good time during the festive period. Big year has passed us by with many people coming and going, us being blessed with loads of huge updates, and lastly the many events that have been hosted by the staff team. Overall I'd say it has been a successful year, now its time to make this one even better with you all! <3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bonus Schedule For January January Vote Competition [December 1st - December 21st] Christmas Event & Sale, Mixology, Mobile UI Rework & much more! If you want to check out our past updates, click here. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ None this month! Alora's Official Rules can be found here. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The latest Staff Changes are as follows: Promotions: [member="18"] has been promoted to Forum Moderator. [member="Ivy"] has returned to team as Server Moderator. [member="Minken"] has been promoted to Server Support. Secondary ranks: [member="U"] has transferred secondary rank from Knud to Brask. [member="Ruwk"] has transferred secondary rank from Lydo to 807. [member="Minken"] has added secondary rank to Munken. Resignations: [member="More glory"] has resigned from Global Moderator. Demotions: None this month! To see our past Staff Updates, click here. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This month we have an interview from [member="Ivy"]. Enjoy the read! [member="H"]: Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like? [member="Ivy"]: This would definitely have to be Mike King. He is a mental health advocate here in New Zealand who has created a completely free youth councilling service in the country. He's created a platform that provides services to our youth in need, by breaking down barriers of cost and wait times. [member="H"]: If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why? [member="Ivy"]: I would trade lives for a day with the president for sure. Being able to make an agenda on issues like poverty, would be super impactful to millions. (Plus he wouldn't last a day in my household if we're swapping!) [member="H"]: What is your favourite hobby? [member="Ivy"]: My favourite hobby would definitely be snowboarding in the winter. I'm very fortunate to live around a 20 minute drive to a ski camp. If you've ever boarded, the pure bliss of hitting a slope is next to none! [member="H"]: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and why? [member="Ivy"]: I would 100% change my allergies to pollen! Imagine this, you're allergic to freshly mowen grass! Throughout 8 months of the year, consistency sneezing, it's rough [member="H"]: Got any goals you're chipping away at that you'd like to share with us, and how its going? [member="Ivy"]: So my biggest goal at the moment would be rebuilding everything on the EIM after I was a silly goose and dropped everything. The progress is going really well, as I'm currently re-hunting 3 more zenytes, while hopping between different content such as TDs, barrows and cerebrus for an eternal crystal! Disclaimer: If you'd like to be interviewed or see a particular member of the Alora community interviewed and/or particular question answered, make sure to message [member="H"] on forums. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here we honour our fallen comrades from the last month and there were a few of them! We wish them the best on their new Ironman journeys and better luck next time! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stay up to date with some of our community members' recent Goals & Achievements: [member="Kyle Crane"] Loot from : 4000 Corporeal Beast [member="Bombarda"] Starbs HC Grind [member="Variant"] Variants end of the year recap [member="H"] H's Rewind(2023-2024) Disclaimer: Make a topic in our Goals and Achievements section or send your achievement in the #newspaper_submissions channel in Alora Discord to be featured here! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The winners of December MOTM is... [member="46"]! Congratulations! You have stood out in the eyes of the Alora community. Thank you for being great members here on Alora and enjoy your rewards. :) The link to the Member of the Month thread can be found here. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Make sure to check out our streamers and video makers. They would love to have you keep them company during their streams and check out the content they create for Alora! [member="Sandesus tv"] [member="Jipy"] [member="dragnovith"] [member="ents v1"] [member="galeschui"] [member="i Stylo"] [member="FPK Scratch"] [member="Unclenaps"] [member="casa"] [member="am klka"] [member="walkchaos"] [member="Plank or Not"] [member="DIY Sip"] [member="fresh lano"] [member="firegirl1191"] [member="smnd"] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you enjoy Alora content, make sure to hit the Subscribe button on their channels to show them your support! If I've missed anyone I do apologize, just message me on the forums or on Discord with a link to your channel and I will add you in. That concludes this month’s edition of the Alora Newspaper! If you would like to see something added to the paper make sure to message [member="H"]! You can read the previous edition by clicking here. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thanks to everyone that nominated a player from the community for these awards, congratulations to all the winners! Staff Players Congratulations all & Happy New Year!
Ivy received
Gunnstein received
Gunnstein received
Gamblrr has reached level 99 in
coussee420 has slain
Ivy received
SG2 received
SG2 received
Lucifer94 received
Orangepike received a
Gunnstein just looted the
rk0 has reached level 99 in
Bootr has slain
XP received
Jacob received
Gamblrr has reached level 99 in
Gunnstein received
Gunnstein received
Clappy received
Taj Enseke received a
Feb 7, 2025 2:27 am by Phosani
Feb 6, 2025 8:11 pm by Crema
Feb 6, 2025 7:19 pm by Classic 1738
Feb 6, 2025 6:45 am by Orikalka