Hello Everyone!
Let me just start with a thank you for visiting my thread.
Below I will be voicing some concerns and frustrations I have with the current state of the
Donator Zone MINING AREA
As is stands, the Mining area currently consist's of 10 Rocks, or Ores.
2 Iron
4 Gold
2 Coal
2 Runite
Unfortunately 2 of these rocks are not able to be mined.
Highlighted below
One of the ores is unreachable, where as the other, seemingly does nothing when clicked.
SO that takes us down to 8 Rocks/Ores.
Considering this is a Zone for supporters of this lovely server, I feel it could use some attention, such as spacing out the rocks a little, and replacing the dead rock with a working one, as well as adding more variety to the ores available. (Mithril/Adamantite)
I know for me, it was painfully dreadful trying to grind out some mining XP when having even 1 more person with you, would substantially disrupt the XP/pH, due to the small number of rocks available.
I am not expecting a game-breaking addition that would throw off economy, simply, a slight tweaking and revamp of a currently cluttered and overcrowded (at times) spot of the zone.
I took a minute to quickly draw up what I would personally love to see in its place.
Let me know what you all think, Love it or Hate it, just please, let me know why you support or don't support this.
Thanks for your time!