What is your suggestion?: Hardcore Duo/Group Iron Man
Is this in OSRS?: No - Alora is better
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No
How would this benefit Alora?: HCGIM has the potential to give maxed players a new challenge. This also has the potential for new revenue due to new accounts and donator status
Now that the template is out of the way, more about the idea. This is just a concept i would like to try with a couple friends, just hear me out.
So the idea is a new ironman mode, Hardcore Duo / Group Ironman. This mode would incorporate the death mechanic of the hardcore into the duo/group modes, how ever a little bit modified. Normally HC is played solo thus if you die you are the only one that feels the impact. What if it was not just your account but the group that was effected? In this mode you have to trust your friends with your life, literally.
The gamer mode could start out in 2 different ways, which would result in 2 new high scores. This is due to the death mechanic the accounts would have to revert back to one of the ironman modes. HC Duo would revert back to Elites, HC Group would revert back to GIM. This is to keep the experience rates the same as the similar game modes.
Trading between the accounts would be the same as the current modes. How ever, removal tickets should not be allowed, maybe an inactive timer so someone who has not played in 3 months can not come back and ruin your progress. Once you pick your team that is your team, if a removal ticket was to be introduced it should revert all accounts in the team their respective modes.
Now on to the death mechanic, This has the potential to make or break friendships on Alora. 1 Group 1 Life. There would obviously still be the same safe deaths as a normal HC, how ever a non safe death would remove all accounts in the group from the HC status and it would become a normal GIM. Now not only do you have to worry about your life, but you carry the weight of 1-4 other players on your shoulders as well.
Pros for the player base - A new game mode allowing for a new challenge and adrenaline. This has the potential to bring the entire community together to experience something new that yet again only Alora can provide.
Pros for Alora - A new game mode means new accounts, more donations for donator ranks. When accounts are removed due to deaths, new accounts will be made thus bringing in more revenue. Revenue keeps the servers running, it provides advertising and brings in new players.
This is just an idea, its not honed in yet. Please give feedback on more ideas on top of this or if it should just be thrown in the trash.