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MOTM addition

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Posted 15 October 2020 - 10:09 AM #1


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What is your suggestion?:


My suggestion is to add a statue in-game to add more fame to the title: Member of the Month. 


Is this in OSRS?:




Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


As far as I know this has not been suggested yet (correct me if I'm wrong).


How would this benefit Alora?:


This would benefit Alora in a positive way. The chosen member of the month will have it's name written on the Member of the Month statue with maybe some personal addiitions (a self written optional text which will show on the text whenever someone clicks on the statue).


What I mean with positive is that people in Alora will see that there is such a thing as "Member of the month" (not everybody uses the forum, so I assume many players don't even know this exists). Maybe this wil encourage people to show the best version of themselves to maybe have their name written on the statue one day. 


I don't think this will be a hard thing to add since we have just the right spot in Edgeville already with shadow textures already added. I mean ofcourse, the spot where there should be a tree in OSRS:




I think adding the statue will add some more value to the title "Member of the Month" as well, so it will become a more overall elite title on the forums and in-game.


Ofcourse the location can be somewhere else, but this is just a suggestion.

Overall I think this would be a nice addition to the game and not to hard to implement/maintain!


If you support this idea but you think there's something missing, let me know down here! :D




Credits: Dumbshit      

Posted 15 October 2020 - 11:41 AM #2


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Unique idea, I don’t really mind. Might encourage some.

Probably not a lot of dev time to put into this, idk tho. Support. :FeelsShrugMan:







Posted 15 October 2020 - 11:42 AM #3

Dont risk it

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Support, cool idea

Posted 15 October 2020 - 11:45 AM #4

Real Pivo

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First of all, It's the little ideas like these that give me joy to read, as I respect the effort of putting this together and thinking on a larger scale than yourself. Unfortunately my friend, I don't have the "feeling" that this will spark any addition in the direction you're aiming at.


Sure, the implementation doesn't sound complicated, yet I'd personally like to see the focus on content for the long run. 

With this I mean: Focus on known issues which have a lot of support, keep on track with up-coming OSRS content and improving the QOL overall. 


In these past years, I've rarely paid attention to the MoM on the forums, don't think that would change with a statue in game.


I'll remain neutral, as it won't bother me to see it added, but would feel like a waste of coding time in my opinion.





Posted 15 October 2020 - 12:01 PM #5


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First of all, It's the little ideas like these that give me joy to read, as I respect the effort of putting this together and thinking on a larger scale than yourself. Unfortunately my friend, I don't have the "feeling" that this will spark any addition in the direction you're aiming at.

Sure, the implementation doesn't sound complicated, yet I'd personally like to see the focus on content for the long run.
With this I mean: Focus on known issues which have a lot of support, keep on track with up-coming OSRS content and improving the QOL overall.

In these past years, I've rarely paid attention to the MoM on the forums, don't think that would change with a statue in game.

I'll remain neutral, as it won't bother me to see it added, but would feel like a waste of coding time in my opinion.



I see where you’re coming from. Although you’re a player who has been around a long time. I think you will stay on Alora no matter what. Aiming at at the “Alora community” I think adding things like this statue, will target new players joining Alora for the first time. Their first few encounters with our community are key in their decision to stay or not. When a new player explores our home town and clicks the statue (because it’s there, and it isn’t in OSRS so it should draw attention) he will immediately be confronted with a thing such as member of the month. I believe in this way the new player immediately experiences interaction between the playerbase and the game it-self.

For me personally my first impressions matter a lot whenever I join a game. And I know that for the veteran players things like member of the month don’t matter that much anymore, but for new players these kind of things do draw the attention (I experienced this myself as well, when I first joined the forums).

Maybe I’m too optimistic, but I think spending a little bit of time on implementing a cosmetic upgrade to the game like this one will help in keeping new (enthusiastic) players playing Alora.


Credits: Dumbshit      

Posted 17 October 2020 - 07:43 PM #6


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Support, Pretty much a cool idea since not everyone use the forum as you said! :D

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