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Member Since 04 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2021 04:27 AM

#141477 What happens once every year?

Posted by Chase legend on 17 December 2017 - 08:34 PM




My Birthday. 



Happy birthday to me! ^w^


Posted by Y0m0pk on 17 December 2017 - 07:01 PM

Not sure if it would be worth the time since the wilderness is so dead

#141455 Member Of The Month (December 2017)

Posted by Syntax on 17 December 2017 - 07:13 PM

Best of luck to everyone on the list, it's a big commitment to Alora to achieve member of the month, even being on the list to be selected is an achievement! Good luck all

#128387 One Year Of Alora

Posted by Omicron on 04 November 2017 - 11:20 AM


Thanks to @Chase as always for designing the logo!


Happy Birthday!


Hello everyone,


Today is an exciting day, as it officially marks an entire year since Alora was released! Some of you were around even earlier than that, as we opened the forums sometime in July of that year, but for all intents and purposes we’ll consider November 4th, 2016 as the official release date. 


It has been quite the exciting year, with many ups and downs, and much to my surprise, we’ve managed to build an incredible community in such a short time. Never did I anticipate Alora eventually becoming what is, in my opinion, the greatest community of players on any RSPS that I have seen in my many years of affiliation with RSPS. We wouldn’t be where we are right now if it weren’t for the loyalty and support that you guys have consistently given over the past year (and more in some cases). 


Even when things got rough, through DDoS attacks, exploits and downtime in the early stages, each and every one of you has pushed through those times and did not give up on us, and we’d like to thank you for that. I’d also like to give a huge thank you to the staff team (and previous staff members) who have given their all to moderate the community and ensure that toxicity and negativity don’t drag down the community, your work is highly appreciated and has provided the foundation for what Alora has become.


With that being said, I’d like to congratulate everyone on one year of Alora, and hopefully many more to come! As long as the community is still spending their time around here, we’ll keep making the experience better and better. Your support makes us want to work harder and make it an even better place for you to hang around. :)


Note: An in-game Birthday event will be released later today, so keep an eye out ;)


Best regards,



#141421 Member Of The Month (December 2017)

Posted by Dante on 17 December 2017 - 04:59 PM

Interesting, I didn't think my name would make the list. Thank you for the opportunity @Lowkey even though I don't think i'll stand a chance against the names that have been presented on the list. I personally think MOTM should be decided by members of staff instead of casting a poll, because people will just vote for their friends based of favoritism. For example, I have one vote yet I have dedicated so much time into the forums, and I believe I'm one of the most active if not the most active forum user. Even though I don't really care about winning it's just from my perspective people will solely vote for the person they are the most closest with.

That's why this is a test run to see if it's even worth giving the community the chance to make a decision on who they should choose before we don't give them the opportunity.



OT: Best of luck to all of the nominees! 

#141255 Member Of The Month (December 2017)

Posted by Chase on 17 December 2017 - 12:32 PM

Good luck, and so happy to see that Motm is finally back!

I went ahead and voted for @Chase legend no not because he copied my name but,

admire that he's dedicated a lot of his time to creating custom events for the community around the Holidays.

Good luck to all!

#141252 How to remove snow falling on website.

Posted by Blank on 17 December 2017 - 12:25 PM

Back in my day we didn't have a button.

#141251 How to remove snow falling on website.

Posted by Savitr on 17 December 2017 - 12:13 PM

Incredible guide thanks for posting.

#140982 Rune Pouch for Ironmen

Posted by Dante on 16 December 2017 - 10:54 PM

Savitr explained it perfectly. The whole point of ironman is to be a challenge and do things on your own. Donating for items that can give you an advantage doesn't sit right with me. Honestly I don't even think the row i should be available to ironmen either but that's just me.

No Support.

#140936 Legendary Donator Skin Color

Posted by Y0m0pk on 16 December 2017 - 07:30 PM

Matching the donator colour would make sense, but also should only be updated if the owners have spare time whilst coding.

#140846 Drag bank tabs

Posted by Dirty Nerd on 16 December 2017 - 04:30 PM

Just an idea to for players who want to organise their banks? In OSRS it was extremely useful to drag the tabs to where they seemed best fit, and it would be very nice if it was also implemented on here :D

#140848 Drag bank tabs

Posted by Savitr on 16 December 2017 - 04:40 PM

If this is how it works on OSRS then I support. Banks are already hard enough to organize as is and would be a nice addition.

#140730 Classic Mode - Lack of Soul Runes - Soul Runecrafting

Posted by Watch Hentai on 16 December 2017 - 11:15 AM

Hello ,


as you guys can tell from the title i would like it if soul runecrafting could be added to the game.


The problem for Classic mode is that we need a source of soul runes and while there is no teleport to them i tryed running there minutes from the blood altar but its not working so . 



Admin please fix .



#140762 Classic Mode - Lack of Soul Runes - Soul Runecrafting

Posted by Worthless on 16 December 2017 - 12:46 PM

Ah crap, I made my comment about adding Soul Runes to shops without even thinking that Ironmen are in the same boat and don't have shop access aside from the one. Definitely need to get the Soul Altar working in that case. Full support.

#140741 Classic Mode - Lack of Soul Runes - Soul Runecrafting

Posted by Worthless on 16 December 2017 - 11:44 AM

It's either that or I vote them to be added to the shop, since Classic players do have shop access, even if it's not as much as regular players. (: