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Member Since 26 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2022 06:09 PM

#94119 Tax on Trading Post

Posted by Fat nerd on 26 June 2017 - 01:00 PM

ill just sit at home and yell selling items rather then use tp lol

#78744 A Few Quality of Life Suggestions

Posted by Maleficia1 on 04 May 2017 - 08:44 PM

Hey everyone, your standard ironman here with a few suggestions that i think would make Alora much more enjoyable for all of us.


1. Herb Sack.  This item needs to be fixed so that it's actually usable.  Especially for ironmen this would be great because the herb grind is fairly hard as it is; if we could pickup herbs from tasks like spectres without having to bank every 5 minutes it would be great.  Especially considering a lot of people spent slayer points on the item just to find out it doesn't actually work.


2. Blocked Slayer Tasks.  Just another simple quality of life update; it would be awesome if we could spend some points to block certain tasks instead of having to cancel them all the time, pretty simple.


3. Unusable supply drops.  Items like battlestaffs, orbs, and grapes are very common drops at bosses like zulrah and monsters like wyverns, but at this point they are completely useless.  It would be great if we implemented a way to charge orbs and make battlestaffs, and a way to make wines using the grapes. Another great way to give different options for exp for ironmen and regular players too.


4. Ring of Suffering.  At the moment this item doesn't have the effect that it does in OSRS dealing with recoil charges.  It would be great if we were able to throw recoils in the ring of suffering and be able to toggle the charges on and off.


5. Achievement Rewards.  I was thinking it would be nice if there was an achievement reward that would allow certain bosses and mobs to drop noted bones like dagganoth bones in OSRS, or maybe noted wyvern bones after completing a list of achievements. 


6. Skilling Outfits. I really like the lumberjack outfit being in the achievement store and i thought it would be nice to get the other skilling outfits such as angler, prospector, and farmer outfits.  I think most everyone would agree with me that the outfits are nice. 


That's all i've got for now, i hope you guys like the ideas and feel free to add on to anything. =) Thanks

#78130 Properly working Infernal Pickaxe and Axe

Posted by Reborn Ocean on 03 May 2017 - 10:22 AM

They both work as normal pickaxe and axe, however the bonus effect does not work. I am not the only one who has purchased one just to find out after the fact that they do not work.



Sorry didn't have to to explain this issue in detail earlier as I was waiting on an important phone call.


So here is my EDIT:


The smouldering stone drop is useless because the thing it creates has no benefit. Other than a cosmetic change (which the ornament kit does a better job at doing), it has no value. Therefore the people buying it for the effect buy it just to end up with an untradable that does not work as intented, but is still releatively expensive.(I asked 20+ times in cc and yell over the course of 3 days and no1 answered if it worked or not, and I spent 6m on mine plus the pickaxe)


Fixing this issue would cause these items prices to go up, and inevitably make the dropping monsters more worth killing. It would be good for skillers and pvmers alike.


The price rise, would be totally worth it to most people so long as it did what it is meant to do.


On top of this- Another suggestion:


Make the smouldering stone usable on dragon harpoon to create a "insert clever name" harpoon that would give a chance of cooking the fish as opposed to firemaking the logs or smelting the ores.


This would cause dragon harpoon price increase and provide more usability even before the 20% speed increase is applied in a hopefully future update =)

#74192 extreme slayer task, potions

Posted by Iron Bastard on 23 April 2017 - 12:00 PM

Support. Slayer definitely needs some work.

#74196 extreme slayer task, potions

Posted by Reazer on 23 April 2017 - 12:07 PM

Support. We need a bigger variety of slayer tasks aswell, there are a lot of good npc's which aren't given for a slayer task for some reason. We need slayer like on osrs, slayer shop. It's getting really boring to do pretty much the same tasks all the time, especially when you aim for higher experience.

#74209 extreme slayer task, potions

Posted by Tungus on 23 April 2017 - 12:52 PM

Thats a genuine good idea. 

#74311 extreme slayer task, potions

Posted by Jewlion on 23 April 2017 - 06:54 PM



More ways to utilize slayer points would be nice and this is a great one.

#74341 extreme slayer task, potions

Posted by Chance on 23 April 2017 - 07:53 PM

Support, would help out slayer and make the tasks more enjoyable. A good use for points too.

#65814 Boss Pets

Posted by Ironman clan on 30 March 2017 - 01:11 PM

Whilst doing Dk's today I got a pet supreme, trouble was that it came up in my loot pile and I almost missed it as there is no server announcement given.


Please either have the pet appear in inventory or bank if inventory is full, with a brief message notifying you of the pet you have just received.