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Watch Hentai

Member Since 01 Sep 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2023 03:41 PM

#177400 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by Ice on 12 April 2018 - 05:51 PM







Welcome to ICE, we are a Help, PVM, and Skilling-focused clan on Alora.

ICE is an open CC and the largest clan on Alora. We offer in-game assistance, learner raids, events, giveaways, and a friendly social community.

Ranked members in ICE are able to participate in numerous events including but not limited to:

BINGOs, PVM hunts, pet hunts, skilling hunts, hide n' seek, Boss masses, Achievement of the Week, Tile Races, etc.





  • Follow the server rules at all times. (Click here to read the Official Alora Rules) 
  • Please keep the clan chat conversation clean. 
    • No toxicity, flame/flame bait, discrimination, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc.
    • Please avoid controversial topics, such as but not limited to: politics, religion, Crypto/NFTs, NSFW, etc.
  • Advertising is not allowed in the clan chat.
    • This goes for gambling, buying/selling, services, content creation, etc.
  • Please use English in the clan chat.
    • While we welcome players of all nationalities, we prefer to keep the clan chat English only for moderation purposes. 
  • Ranked members may not PK other ranked members. Unranked members are able to PK and be PKed freely.
    • Abuse of this system will result in permanent removal from the clan chat. I.e. poaching, luring, etc.
  • Multi-clanning is not allowed. Ranked members that apply to or join another clan will have their ranks removed.





Like our CC, we have an open Discord server. Join here.






To become a ranked member of ICE you need to submit an application.

Each applicant must initially apply for Recruit, then Corporal, followed by Sergeant.

Please note, there must be a minimum of two weeks between applications for ranks.

ICE Staff ranks cannot be applied for.


Please fill out the application below.



Account Name (IGN) - 


Discord Tag (Name#0000) -


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -


What rank are you applying for? -


What are your strengths? - 


What are your weaknesses? -


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. -






Clan_icon_-_Owner.png?53696 Owner

KP  Im job

Hellish  DB Aspect



Clan_icon_-_General.png?f7cb3 General

OzyNaMdies  Steel Nogan

Ivy  Minken

Tauri  Sassafras

Shader  EIM Nord

large beef  High groupie


Clan_icon_-_Captain.png?b0561 Captain

BlockTheSpot  Redius

  tardcore  HamiltownFe 

Benelli  Lunchy

Gim Hets  Logann

 Fenriz  Bier  

Sagacious  Punx

Mhu  Neuro




Clan_icon_-_Lieutenant.png?b0561 Lieutenant

Justen  Real Moron   

Mhk Smiv

Gazoo Kaiwoknats

Revol  Blueray

Assalad  GIM Shockre




#172181 Lava Scales | Extended Anti/Super Anti fire Potions

Posted by Austin Post on 21 March 2018 - 10:10 AM

No reason not to support this. Good job on pointing this out, Watch Hentai.

#160904 [Safe] World Boss Event

Posted by F 8 on 08 February 2018 - 01:23 PM

In other a lot of other MMO's they feature a number of different "world bosses" which spawn in random locations on set or also random times. They are put into the games for casual players to mass up and kill these bosses for a chance to hit big on loot. We already have a similar feature that has some of the same effect but is exclusive to the wilderness and can be hard for players to either get to the boss in time or dont even bother due to risk of getting pked. I think if we added safezone versions towards the same affect would bring a very interesting and interactive global event for players. World Bosses are meant to be hard to kill so high health and high damage.
Successful MMO's who already have world bosses:
World of Warcraft
Black Desert Online
Guild Wars 2
Archage Online
Reference from recent OSRS update : http://services.rune...nts?oldschool=1
Justiciar Zachariah. One of the last remaining justiciars of Saradomin. 
Derwen the Ent. An ancient servant of Guthix.
Porazdir. Once one of Zamorak’s most trusted generals
Note: Unlike the Mage Arena 2 demons these monsters can be attacked by any forms of damage.
The monsters on osrs are the replacements to the demons in Mage Arena 2 quest. However if possible i believe we should keep the old demons and their looks and add these new demons as World Bosses, keeping their orignal damage and attack styles but on a multi combat scale. These demons will spawn once every 3 hours or so at the ;;event location above Grand Exchange. The ;;event location fits perfectly as it retains the safe on death features and provides a wide open arena esque attributions. It should be fairly simple to copy paste the attacks from each boss from the mage arena demons and rotate them to be a multi combat event. 
List of possible rewards:
Note: These are just ideas meant to spark conversation, if you have any ideas of other rewards feel free to comment. Also the boss/bosses arent meant to be a replacement for other bosses but more of a side activity, so less rares is better but good skilling resources can help.
Any player who attacks these monsters for atleast 100 damage will recieve "Blessing of the gods" bonus which gives players bonus experience for 30-45 minutes.
- Herb's/secondaries 25x/50x/100x
- Pure Essence 500-1000
- Coal 250-500
- Noted Crushed Gems (sell for gp)
- Planks (Construction)
- Clue Bottles/Nests
- Zamorak hilt, Saradomin hilt, Bandos hilt
- Staff of Light (new staff similiar to staff of the dead) / Staff of the Dead
- Odium/Malediction Ward
Ultra rare: Armadyl Crossbow

#158667 Classic Mode - PVP Idea

Posted by Classic Sky on 02 February 2018 - 04:17 PM

full support, would love to see something like this is the game. think it really removes a anoyance from the game where peaple steal back some stuff with a lvl 3 alt u cant attack (multilogging aswel) and considering the osrs devs are looking into polling this exact thing aswel. might be very nice to have as the next update.

#158621 Classic Mode - PVP Idea

Posted by KP on 02 February 2018 - 02:09 PM

100 %  support on this, obviously.
This doesn't mix the economies or interfere with the regular game mode. 
In my opinion there is no excuses possible for this not to be added in the game.

#158620 Classic Mode - PVP Idea

Posted by A new hero on 02 February 2018 - 02:06 PM

I love the ideas being put out on how to make Classic Pking a thing! I'm not a fantastic PKer, but i do enjoy dabbling in it from time to time. 100% support. Hope to see this, or some similar idea(s) get implemented. Classics may be a small community now, but we're ever growing, and our presence in the wilderness could also help with alluring new players to stay and PvP with us :).

#158536 Classic Mode - PVP Idea

Posted by Pira on 02 February 2018 - 11:59 AM

I like this idea. I always avoid fighting normies at edge.. If this gets through, it just might revive classic pking.  Full support.

#158578 Classic Mode - PVP Idea

Posted by Class eck on 02 February 2018 - 01:10 PM

Support. Classics have almost no reason to pk atm

#158576 Classic Mode - PVP Idea

Posted by Dumbledick on 02 February 2018 - 01:08 PM

Well i hope for this to get implemented but it most likely wont just like everyone elses ideas Classic pvp will stay unfair while normies still make bank off us. but still Support

#158540 Classic Mode - PVP Idea

Posted by Omaxiu on 02 February 2018 - 12:09 PM

Good idea, u got my support

#158525 Classic Mode - PVP Idea

Posted by pupperpetter on 02 February 2018 - 11:38 AM

Seems interesting, I'd love to see something like this.

#158521 Classic Mode - PVP Idea

Posted by iWillzz on 02 February 2018 - 11:26 AM

Yes I love this idea just add it thanks bye

#158520 Classic Mode - PVP Idea

Posted by Dumbshit on 02 February 2018 - 11:25 AM

Wow I love the idea about the key, you have my axe! (support)

#144330 PVP Changes to Classic Mode

Posted by KP on 25 December 2017 - 09:06 PM

Unless you can give a solid option that isnt abusable / able to have records to check if someone is abusing the new system then by all means go for it

Thats my biggest concern


Also pking is pking why do you need to pk on classic over normal mode

Pking is used as a form to progress your account just like any other thing you do in the game, it makes no sense to do it on another gamemode.

Abusing will be a staff concern , because every method can be abused, the current one specially, you can make  A LOT of money already by manipulating.

#144268 PVP Changes to Classic Mode

Posted by KP on 25 December 2017 - 05:01 PM

I am playing classic level 110 already since i started. I plan on maxxing on my classic account aswell. Once you get extra drops blowpipe tent primordials on classic you can simply sell then swap it.

Swapping is in osrs I do it every DMM Seasonal its more of a gold sink at that point because the server resets every seasonal. Reguardless if it's allowed here why not use it.


If theres is a way to abuse the economy now I really wish you would PM the admins to try to get them to fix it.

If they give more pkp it will be abused.

If they drop gear.... well it will be easier for me to get a blowpipe on my classic :)

Clearly its a tricky suggestion even admins arent answering when the topic reached 4 pages.

 "If milking classic to be bis regular gear, are you even playing classic ? " Classic can trade with other Classic accounts. Its why I picked Classic gamemode over ironman. x5 rates is a joke when youve been playing osrs for a long time.

But until they do fix it you guys who are maxxed already can just swap. No one is gonna be selling any of the super rare items like tbow for awhile so why not? you can feed your pvp itch

At least thats my plan I dont want to pvp on my classic and get zero loot. So I will swap and pk on a regular account.


Edit: Posted on my rev alt account. Its Wood 5 Smurf bby :)

 how can that be considered using a huge part of the game to progress on the account you work hard for ? its not an itch, its a part of the game i enjoy using to progress in  my classic account.
It is true that swapping exists, but  its like muleing on dmm, its used but frowned apon for various reasons."Regular account " are both game modes. they just have different xp rates and economies, do not forget we are not ironman, and it is obvious from the name of your  alt that you would never benefit from classics to be active in the wilderness.