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OsRs Tyler

Member Since 10 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2024 11:51 AM

#153011 Thieving Stalls 99+ and Donor ranks

Posted by OsRs Tyler on 20 January 2018 - 10:48 AM

It just takes one idea to get everyone thinking (:

I would be all for stalls to obtain rogue or a different way.
Stalls based on donor ranks and possibly a stall just for xp
(we can figure out how to make it work to prevent auto clicks)

Rogue sets that provided a boost in xp and loot would be awesome.
I just think there needs to be a quicker alternative to obtain 200m in this skill.

@Endeavor Lets get together and make some plans :)

#153002 Thieving Stalls 99+ and Donor ranks

Posted by OsRs Tyler on 20 January 2018 - 10:39 AM

Yeah, definitely and I agree. Perhaps you and I can collaborate when you're not obtaining 200M AFK  :P, we can come up with a few ideas/suggestions for Thieving and perhaps other skills. I'm always down for collaboration and opinions!

I am 100% down to do so (:
I just got 200m fm xp though! I have surpassed 200m ark ;p

I only afk while im at work or sleeping!

Just let me know what we need to do.

#152972 Thieving Stalls 99+ and Donor ranks

Posted by OsRs Tyler on 20 January 2018 - 10:00 AM

It could be dangerous,

but the 28 inv concept works the same way.

People could auto click it until a random event pops up or their inv is full.


Wouldn't that be the same for a stall that pushes out barely any gp?


A player could still auto click it either way. it's just not an afkable auto click like high alching. 


(I do not support rule breaking.. Do NOT auto click)

I think it's a great suggestion but I don't support it. I'd much rather have a way to obtain Rogue set that pickpockets twice the loot + experience and other viable Thieving methods. A different method of this could be the Ore and Gem stalls in Mor Ui Rek. Since these stalls aren't currently coded, we could give these stalls lower respawn times (currently in osrs, the ore stall is a 60 seconds respawn while the Gem Stall is 180 seconds); different respawn times for different tiered donator statuses. This is just an example. Like I mentioned, I'd rather see different alternatives.

I could do different alternatives for sure!

Like I said, This is just a suggestion.


As a player who wants to go for 200m, I just wish there was a better way you know what I mean?

#152960 Thieving Stalls 99+ and Donor ranks

Posted by OsRs Tyler on 20 January 2018 - 09:48 AM

Thieving stalls that are 99+ for players who are going for 200m xp.

I personally think it would be awesome not to fill the inv with items we have to trade and instead just get gp from the stall. (99+)
It doesn’t have to be a ton or maybe just an xp stall still having random event’s. As a maxed player, Making a few gp from a stall isn’t the main source of income.

Thieving is quite a long skill as it is ( I understand the grind aspect ) but not having to fill the inv would save some time.

Also, Maybe different rewards for Donors?
The higher donor status, The better chance of getting an item that is worth some value.
Like construction has a special design for players who are legendary +,
It would be sweet to have stalls that had sort of the same concept.

Not everyone will agree. This is just my personal opinion and suggestion.
Let me know what you all think (:

@Endeavor and I are working on major ideas. This is just a base!
- OsRs Tyler

#150217 New hunter method

Posted by OsRs Tyler on 11 January 2018 - 10:32 PM

Support for sure!

#149636 Irl photos

Posted by OsRs Tyler on 09 January 2018 - 09:10 PM

My profile picture is me lol  :P

Work and from New Years.


11kffwk.jpg 15dmbcz.jpg zvbcqd.jpg