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Member Since 05 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2023 07:42 PM

#253194 Confused group of self proclaimed wizards ran over by large snow plow in Viln...

Posted by Sheep on 07 January 2019 - 04:18 AM

These PK wars tho, hope more of these wars will follow.

#277869 Don't disrespect please...

Posted by Horror on 12 March 2019 - 09:35 AM

ye, no point playing a server where even Staff makes such a propaganda, dont complain then that pking is dead. ...legit cancer, gl with pvmers! 

ur literally a fan & a mascot lol. im tired of u piping.


THIS is why u were kicked. u died to a team of mystic pkers falled in on u at literally the most retarded spot in the game for max.

Why did you have 8 brews at agility course? or anywhere in single for that matter?
Why were you at agility course since it's surrounded by multi?
Why did you have a seed pod 26 levels above where it could be used?
Why didn't you have a lockpick when you could have ran pirate hut and easily tanked this full?
Why didn't you have a tank shield when ur pking solo?

Ur still VERY ANGRY someone denied your veteran rank despite not meeting the requirements then nor now lmfao.

Thats the only beef u have with staff LMFAO.

U brought a team of west drag pkers from a PURE CLAN (LOL!) we closed within a week

Ur own friends from EOP/Bandits faked an audio leak using fake accounts supposed to be us, to blame the BS on Thunk on us when that wasn't the case.

Then our actual leak sent us the audio they recorded LMFAO.



You were the only cause of your team's audio being leaked.
Then your entire clan at the time HELPED us try and get a hit on you in single. 







We MADE u quit after destroying and exposing the team you brought here.

You made a forums account when you were with us SOLELY to pipe up about how good we were.




This is the account you made to solely use on forums only to pipe on. This is how much of a FAN you were.

You've been our biggest mascot and fan since day one.

#277843 Don't disrespect please...

Posted by Easts on 12 March 2019 - 08:53 AM

ye, no point playing a server where even Staff makes such a propaganda, dont complain then that pking is dead. ...legit cancer, gl with pvmers! 

Whats good our old mascot lmfao

#277861 Additions to the latest great pvp updates

Posted by Elite Fury on 12 March 2019 - 09:16 AM

I do support this thread the prices of the items have been lower and lower everytime it pass, you guys need to update the items from the Pkp Shop so it could be much better.

#275782 Additions to the latest great pvp updates

Posted by Dylain on 06 March 2019 - 12:34 PM

I don't tend to PK much, but I must say - The PKP shop does need a revamp as prices don't really seem to add up, for example:


Dragon Fire Shield costs 8,125 PKP > 30-35m from Trade-post

Primordial boots costs 6,875 PKP > 35-40m from the Trade-post

Pegasian boots costs 6,250 PKP > 40m from the Trade-post

Bloody keys costs 2,500 PKP > 10m from the Trade-post (For eg purchasing 3 bloody keys will cost 7.5k PKP points but has less money value than Pegasian boots)


I hope users see where I'm going with this post. Certain items that consist throughout the PKP shop hold less value whilst having a higher PKP purchase price. Awesome topic Didden, and hope to see this issue addressed. 

#275734 Additions to the latest great pvp updates

Posted by Chuckoramma1 on 06 March 2019 - 09:48 AM

Big Support as my friends at @Peeks know im a big pker man now with 11k pkp no idea what to spend it on 

#275691 Additions to the latest great pvp updates

Posted by S1X7H ST0RM on 06 March 2019 - 07:28 AM

I support the topic 100% maybe include anti-venoms and couple of items into the shop such as dinh's bulwark/ahrim's top-bottom/ karil's top-bottom. Also a reasonable pkp amount should be 1k pkp for bloody keys, tp prices do not match with how much it is worth since they're 2.5k pkp each at the moment. @@ #wo wo wo 

#273682 Quick little hit on Liths.

Posted by Chuckoramma1 on 01 March 2019 - 11:46 AM

Very nice now stop killing me

#274974 Finnish cave explorers stumble upon bamboozled Lithuanian hermits

Posted by Horror on 04 March 2019 - 12:12 PM

this music fits , as peeks and ice are pussies, only killing iron, and can only stand 8v5 or something like that, wo wo wo 




haha owned  B)  B)  B)  B)  B)

#274953 Finnish cave explorers stumble upon bamboozled Lithuanian hermits

Posted by CYBER AIDS on 04 March 2019 - 11:28 AM

Wo Wo Wo








The spoils











Stay safe in the cave 8)


#265241 PVP Changes + Fixes

Posted by Jonttu420 on 03 February 2019 - 12:34 PM

FULL SUPPORT, imagine howmany pkers / clans would join if all these suggestions gets fixed.  :)

#265195 PVP Changes + Fixes

Posted by Kitty is bad on 03 February 2019 - 10:58 AM

It’s no secret that Alora is currently the #1 RSPS. However, as many of us know, the majority of players vastly prefer PVM and skilling to PVP. Below are changes that are in OSRS that would help revitalize PK in Alora, bringing in new teams, new players, and persuade current players to try out PKing.

  • Gear Switching and Prayer Delays
    • This is hands down one of the most important aspects of PVP, and unfortunately there are some inconsistencies with how Alora allows players to switch prayers and gear compared to other prominent PKing servers and OSRS. Alora’s switching feels inconsistent and slow compared to other servers, especially while PKing. The added bonus of this suggestion is that it will also help improve gameplay for all players, since gear and prayer switching is necessary in many PVM encounters

Alora Examples



OSRS Examples



Other Server Examples



  • Defense
    • To put it simply, bolts hit too hard on tank and mage splashes too much. Although this is the case on OSRS, it is not to the degree that Alora is currently at. Tank gear (Barrows) feels way too weak, and it is easy to make your opponent splash multiple times before catching a freeze wearing just d’hides. It is common for somebody wearing complete max mage bonus (Ancestral, arcane SS, tormented bracelet, monkey, etc. which costs 1b+) to splash two, three, sometimes four times on an opponent wearing black d’hides, which currently cost lest than 35k. Making gear be a more important factor in calculating damage and splash percentages will allow less RNG focused fights, and more depend on each player’s skill.


  • Wilderness NPC Fixes and PJ Timer
    • NPCs in the wilderness, specifically the zombies and spiders in the zombie pit just southeast of black chins, are extremely buggy and the PJ timer is much longer than on OSRS. Zombies on Alora will hit you from 3-4 spaces away at times, making it extremely difficult to find what NPCs are hitting you. Currently, due to these bugs, tanking a full TB and getting a log out is way too easy in zombie pit- A place that is rarely used in OSRS. Fixing this would encourage more team vs. team fighting, since it would actually be worth TBing opponents if they aren’t nearly guaranteed a free escape.

Proof (Alora)



  • Obelisk Redirection
    • In OSRS, you are able to choose where to teleport with the wilderness obelisks, making it a viable way to navigate the wilderness. However, this function is not in Alora currently. Since you are unable to redirection, it is possible that you’ll end up teleporting into deep wildy multi at 52s, which is a certain death if a team is there. Adding teleport obelisks will make pkers able to spread more over the wildy, and not just black chins and rev caves.


  • Wilderness GWD Cave
    • This is the cave west of the black chins teleport. Currently, entering the cave instantly puts you in the cave, and into multi. However, in OSRS, there is a cave with an agility obstacle, making it a viable spot to run to when getting TB’d. This spot rewards teams for organization and communication, and makes surviving TBs and killing targets on a fall-in much more skill based, rather than hoping for the (currently bug-ridden) NPCs to hit off your attackers.







  • 99 Magic Cape Spellbook Swap
    • In OSRS, achieving 99 mage will give you the respective cape, which allows a player to change their spellbook five times a day on the fly. With this, it is possible for a PKer to both TB their target and use ancient magic. This is, of course a tool for PKers to use that is rather powerful. However, doing the switch would require you to use at least 4 slots for all the runes and cape, rather than just 1 spot if they were using just ancients. This change would encourage more solo-pkers, which would help revitalize the wilderness if people are able to get kills without requiring a team.


  • Ancient Spellbook Teleport/Teletabs
    • Currently, none of the wilderness teleports in the ancient spellbook work like the regular spellbook teleports do. Similar to the obelisk redirection, this would allow all players easier teleports around the wilderness and introduce some more PK spots.


  • Ancient Maces for Smiting
    • Currently, multi-pking is rather dead. The only action being Staff-ran events, revs, and sometimes skotizo spawns. Bringing in ancient maces for smiting would reward well-coordinated teams, and bring another aspect of risk into multi-PKing.


  • Wilderness Hotzone Revamp
    • Currently, wildy hotzones are dead content in Alora, mainly due to the locations being rather awkward or in multi. Adding new locations like black chins and removing some multi locations would allow more players to participate.


  • Overhealing Bug
    • Currently, if you eat an anglerfish on 99 hp, it will cause you to go to 121 hp. However, if you drink a brew on 121 hp, it will actually lower your hp to 115, which is the max overheal you can have from a brew alone.


  • Pot-Blocking
    • In OSRS, you cannot drink a potion then eat an anglerfish like you can on Alora- That’s why ‘potblocking’ is a common mistake pkers make. Fixing this will force players to think more about their eating order, as potblocking themselves could easily cause them to get KO’d. Please note, however, anglerfish->brew SHOULD still work.


All of these ideas were brainstormed and discussed with PKers of the Alora community- Many of which spent years pking on Alora, OSRS, and other servers. Special thanks to @Horror, @Jonttu420, @Mob, @DB Aspect, @Paine, @ Easts ,  @Inferno, @Ragragrag46, @Peeks, and @Ice for your insane contributions to this discussion. Although it's posted on my account, I am far from the only one who has been putting time into these suggestions.


I understand it is frustrating to get PKed in the wilderness whilst you're trying to skill, PVM, or otherwise. But, Alora is such a healthy, well made server, it deserves to have even more players. And one of the best ways to attract new players is to make PK a much better experience.



#264799 Brave Peeks warriors decimate confused and lost streamer who decided to strea...

Posted by Peeks on 02 February 2019 - 10:05 AM


listen closely 4 audio  B)  B)  B)  B)  haha pwned noob






#262325 ummmmmmmmm? so this happened? i guess?

Posted by Horror on 28 January 2019 - 04:42 AM

ummmmmm...... so vegetable robe pker horror ANNIHILATES a confused lithuanian for ahrims??????? im confused?????? how does this happen?????? why does he have 3 dose pots?????? where is his ring????? was he planning 2 tank in ahrims???????


i need answers?????????????????????????????????  B)  B)  B)  B) im 13 and confused help




this guy takes ur cool brown robe s how do u feel.??????????????????????????????



#257556 good morning alora players 8-)

Posted by Horror on 17 January 2019 - 10:17 AM




every day we say good morning haha 


good morning  B)  B)  B)  B)  B)  B)  B)  B)  B)  B)  B) 


haha nice