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Member Since 11 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Jun 28 2022 12:23 PM

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In Topic: Gem mine BUFF

21 December 2017 - 04:34 PM

remove the birds nest and put it here....there shouldn't be 1 froma  birds nest lol

Agreed, but this seems a bit hypocritical. You just said you want an onyx to have a 'chance' while mining the gem rock. But now you want it removed from the birds nest? Its practically the same thing, why not have remove them both removed. Im stopping my debate now.

In Topic: Gem mine BUFF

21 December 2017 - 04:25 PM

hmm its weird I got a uncut onyx on my hcim from a birds nest why wouldn't the rare chance of an onyx be able to be obtained from a gem rock wouldn't that make more sense than a birds nest? I don't support ur rate at all by any chance man

It seems like theres already enough ways to get an Uncut onyx, we DONT need another [Ex: Crystal chest, killing Obby monsters, birds nest]. One more would just make it another easy afkable way to have a chance at an onyx.

In Topic: Gem mine BUFF

21 December 2017 - 04:18 PM

Ye.. This. Shouldn't become too overpowered.


Edit: Tbh I think 1/5 for Opal/Jade is a little too common. thats still a sh*tload of 'em per inv.

Agreed 100%, should've thought it through a little bit more.

In Topic: me talking to normie pkers ragging classics for pkp

21 December 2017 - 03:28 PM

Cyrexie.Exe has stopped working.

In Topic: Gem mine BUFF

21 December 2017 - 03:14 PM

This shouldn't be a extreme donor area.

It should be open to everyone since you can buy the gems from the skill shop reguardless.

The rates would need to be tweaked for ironmen though because normal accounts don't even go here.

Maybe have a 1/150 chance of a dragonstone

A 1/50 chance of a diamond

A 1/25 chance of a ruby

A 1/20 chance of a sapphire

A 1/15 chance of a emerald

And 1/5 chance of a Opal or Jade

Other than my additional suggestions, I SUPPORT the removal of the Opals & Jades, but DONT SUPPORT the uncut onyx or multiple gems from 1 rock.