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Stale Iron

Member Since 26 Mar 2018
Offline Last Active May 01 2018 08:39 PM

#182020 Tower of life "Creature creation" & Ironman QOL

Posted by Ye its me on 29 April 2018 - 05:51 PM

As a lot of Ironmen may have noticed, obtaining red spiders eggs, and unicorn horns can be a bit of a pain, there's no location that isn't in the wilderness to obtain these. I would like to see the tower of life creature creation be added into the game, Only two npcs would be needed as the others dont really provide much benefit to anybody.- Spidines Combat level 42, would require 1 sardine and 1 red spiders eggs to spawn, and would drop 2-6 noted red spiders eggs. the second being - Unicows Combat level 25, requiring 1 unicorn horn and 1 cowhide. And would drop  2-4 noted unicorn horns.


I would also like to suggest a normal air staff being added to the Ironman store (paul). Alot of starting ironmen don't receive a starter kit as they have already made accounts previously, and have an issue obtaining this item.


Normal players drops covering Ironmens drops. Many ironmen can confirm the issue of being on a slayer task or just pvming, and a players loot appears on top of items that a normal player has left behind - example - A normal player, and an ironman killing blue dragons. lets say the normal player is taking the bones. but not his hides. if the ironmans loot appears on top of the blue dragon hide that the normal player left. he would not be able to pick up either hide. just his bones. (same goes for noted drops - *white berries and limpwurt roots at kurasks* and other items) An easy solution to this issue would be to make normal players drops just not show up to ironmen. the same way ironmens drops dont appear to normal players (besides eim players)

#181456 Text on item drops and Rare Drops!

Posted by Fe Lime on 27 April 2018 - 04:45 PM

Hi everyone, I was thinking of this for a while now and I was thinking it would be a great add to the server and it would look like clean and a nice touch to the server when you are bossing and making videos for the server.


its from Osbuddy, Text on item drops on the ground and also purple text for rare drops, there could be a toggle option if some people don't want it on.

I just think it would be a great add to the game and for the content creators too I think it would add a nice touch to there videos!


Let me know what you guys think! Yes or No?