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Member Since 30 May 2018
Offline Last Active Nov 10 2022 03:59 PM

#216165 Adding Wines of zamorak to Burthorpe

Posted by IWasAmazing on 10 September 2018 - 08:23 AM

Hello, My IGN is IWasAmazing and I have been playing on my Ironman for almost +120/H, I have since maxed out every skill but herblore, I been collecting the herbs from doing slayer tasks and bosses I've killed along my journey to maxing, but sadly I was met with lots of stress and frustration as a lot of high tiers ingredients are locked behind very frustrating trips to the wilderness and or bosses that require a mid-level gearing setup  that I haven't unlocked yet, also these bosses require some knowledge on how to kill them and a couple kills under your belt to begin getting these high tier herblore materials fast enough. I was going to start doing Zulrah grind because I gave up on herblore! But of course I needed to get myself some potions like ranging potions and prayer potions so I wouldn't be spending half the time banking and cooking food, but I soon realize the wines of Zammorak haven't been coded into the temple next to Burthorpe. I don't know how hard it would be to code in the wines as a quality of life change, but I would love to see them in the game even if they're worthless so ironmen can acquire ranging potions much easier, making the herblore grind and Ranging potion grind just a little less stressful, Thank you so much for taking the time to read my suggestion and I hope the little things can be added in slowly to improve the quality of life of ironman in the future.