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Member Since 01 Jun 2018
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2020 11:49 PM

#245304 Let's talk about Runelite

Posted by Omicron on 19 December 2018 - 03:49 AM

@Iron Peep It's far easier for many of those other servers you see to get it working as they're using a pure OSRS client, whereas we're technically using a different version (which is how we are able to have actual HD on oldschool). From what I understand after having looked at RuneLite's code, it'd be like rewriting every plugin to get them to work on Alora. It's not entirely impossible, and I do intend to take some time to get a bunch of plugins that would be useful to Alora into the client, but it probably won't be full RuneLite support the way other servers have it.

#243914 Let's talk about Runelite

Posted by Iron Peep on 14 December 2018 - 02:40 PM

Hello everyone!


Forgive me if this has been an already accepted/declined suggestion, I didn't see it in the stickied thread anywhere so I thought I would post about it.


Nowadays a TON of rsps's have support for runelite. I kind of feel like Alora is falling behind a bit when you look at the current top RSPS lists, a good majority of them use some sort of fork of the runelite client. If any of you have played OSRS then you probably know how AMAZING the client actually is, it's actually game changing.


I'm not sure how hard it would be to migrate over but I think it would be smarter in the long run. Currently we are trying to clone runelite features into our official client and it's just not working too well (IE the ground item overlays and lack of configuration for it).


I know i'm not the only one who would absolutely love this feature.