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Member Since 03 Jun 2018
Offline Last Active May 26 2021 09:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Clue Scroll Rework

11 May 2019 - 08:09 PM

This is actually not bad of an idea, but I don’t feel much rarer items should be used in terms of showing to an NPC as part of a clue. Neutral.

Nothing I'm suggesting is set in stone. Honestly I'd just like to have some sort of challenge when it come to clues. Or sense of achievement when completing different parts. At the moment the clue rewards that I've obtained are all terrible, (my bad rng not the games fault) however stacking my awful rng with the stale clue solving (looking up the coords on the guide) just isn't satisfying. By all means leave some suggestions so we can make this happen!

In Topic: Clue Scroll Rework

11 May 2019 - 03:27 PM

This would be nice to give more live to clue scrolls, but I hope you wasn't thinking about expensive items right? Remain neutral

No of course not. I'm mainly considering items that are neglected completely.

In Topic: Ensouled Head Collector

11 May 2019 - 02:55 PM

I would like to see this added but as mentioned by someone else above, I never really had to worry about ensouled heads filling up my inventory. Support



Not a bad idea, just don't think I remember the last time I was worried about my inventory filling up from too many ensouled heads.

The main reason I'm suggesting this is for afk guthans at cave horrors. I'm currently going for 200m combat xp and I'm leaving hundreds of ensouled heads. Currently at 22k kc