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Member Since 28 Apr 2020
Offline Last Active Jul 06 2024 12:19 PM

Topics I've Started

2023 Goals and current progress

04 January 2023 - 10:24 PM

I recently saw a post by @VAlRANT and thought id do the same.

List of goals:
Finish slayer log currently 4200 Ancient wyverns killed. (will finish the dusk mystic aswell when it gets added.)
Finish Skilling pets. 50m rc xp atm.
Get up to atleast 35 pets.
Finish the whole minigames section in log.
Get to 950 collection log slots. (Give collection log highscores pls)
Atleast 4b total xp.
More 3rd age (only vambs atm)
Get more nightmare uniques.

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Just made this post so I would be able to look back at it and see where I was at in the start of the year.

Death Charge at nex

21 November 2022 - 05:38 PM

What is your suggestion?:  Make it so you are able to use Death Charge to regain special attack from the nex mages.


Is this in OSRS?: Unsure 


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Dont think so


How would this benefit Alora?: Would be able to use atleast 1 more spec in every fight with for example the Zaryte crossbow.


Without it needing to be the killing blow^

streamer wow

16 September 2022 - 02:13 PM