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Member Since 18 Jul 2016
Previous Username: Lowkey
Offline Last Active May 06 2024 07:53 PM

#157035 Server wide drop party!

Posted by Ultistic on 28 January 2018 - 06:18 PM

Great! this will be awesome! However honestly I would recommend changing the time of drop to atleast 4-5PM, as most players of this server may be at work IRL like myself, 2PM Is pretty early IMO, especially for a working week day, (just my opinion)

The 4th is a Sunday =P

#157009 Server wide drop party!

Posted by Ultistic on 28 January 2018 - 05:34 PM

Hey guys,
So it's been quite some time since we've done an actual server wide drop party hosted by staff. You can watch the the video included with this topic for full details about the party or continue to read here.

Date of drop party - 2/4/18
Location of drop party - ::event
Time of drop party - 2PM EST (7PM Server time)
How much will be dropped - TBA, I expect between 5-10b to be dropped.

Can Ironman/Classic players participate - No, but you can be involved by making a regular account.


If you wish to donate to this drop party I will be the only person accepting donations. Pm me in-game or on forums and you will be given a shout out in the video I make of this drop party.


Video explaining all of this in detail:

Our last official drop party (6 month anniversary)


Aftermath of Drop Party


Donations to the drop party:

Haris - 8.2b

Casual - 4.3b

Try Brid - 4b

Hobgoblin - 2.5b

F 8 - 1.5b

To gain - 1.4b

uTorrent - 1b 

ultSASSAFRAS - 400m

Reload - 320m

Arkz - 310m

Syntax - 300m

Savitr - 250m

OsRs Tyler - 200m

Knullad - 200m

God Wars134 - 150m

Skunky Uk - 150m

Mini Mono - 130m

Gytis - 124m

King Blanco - 120m

Pkdealer - 110m

Chase - 100m

Mrwrecked - 70m

B E T A - 60M

Classic Joke - 50m

4riel ftw - 50m

AlphaGinge - 45m

Solomission - 40m

Iron godd - 35m

X020179 - 35M

Lady Deja Vu - 30m

Watchmerips - 30m

Chase Legend - 30m

FannyFanath - 30m

Donatello - 25m

Alex450 - 20m

Hzs5163 - 20m

Two Handed - 15m

Smoj - 10m

Hexza - 10m

ExtremeDanny - 10m

Jeraric - 10m

Nepsy - 5m & Ahrim's set
Sausages - 7m

Mtam - Rune plateskirt


#155915 Dragon Slayer II Development (Vorkath preview)

Posted by Ultistic on 26 January 2018 - 12:12 PM

Grabbed a box of tissue and lotion before I clicked play btw.

Looks amazing, can't wait to stream some new content, I will make you proud daddy

#155772 Staff Update 1/26/18

Posted by Ultistic on 26 January 2018 - 06:02 AM

Fairly big staff update for you guys! We are still looking for Server Supports so feel free to apply!


casual has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Savitr has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Classic dew has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Nick has been promoted to Server Moderator. (this may be a surprise to some, but he does play at unusual hours where most of you will not see him online)
Salter has been promoted to Server Support.
Coww has been promoted to Server Support.

Lord of Rats has resigned from Server Moderator.

Hope you guys have an amazing weekend!

Alora Administration Team

#153638 January MOTM (Poll)

Posted by Ultistic on 21 January 2018 - 07:46 AM

Thanks for all the votes! We will now take the top 3 from this poll and have a staff based poll. Winner will be announced tomorrow morning. Good luck everyone!

#151841 Staff update 1/17/18

Posted by Ultistic on 17 January 2018 - 08:18 AM

Hey guys,

Back with another exciting staff update.

Mewtwo has been promoted to Administrator.
Xuf has been promoted to Global Moderator.
HC Proxy has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Hondenei has been promoted to Server Moderator.
king purple has been promoted to Server Support.

I would like to personally thank Mewtwo for being here from the very start of Alora and constantly putting in work for not only myself but for everyone on the staff team. No doubt in my mind that he will continue to do what he's been doing for over a year and excell at this position.

Congratulations on your promotion brother. Firm handshakes.

Alora Administration Team

#151816 [17/01/18] Major bug fixes, Edgeville PvP, Master donator rank, Mole/Dclaw bu...

Posted by Ultistic on 17 January 2018 - 06:47 AM

Thank you god you buffed mole, now we #buffpvpupdates

#151434 January MOTM (Poll)

Posted by Ultistic on 16 January 2018 - 03:55 AM

Hey guys,


Here are the staff voted nominees for this months (January) MOTM poll. We considered changing how the voting would be decided but ultimately decided on keeping the community involved. Best of luck to everyone that has been chosen for this months MOTM. 



Rules & Information:


- The top 3 with the most votes by 1/21/18 will go into a separate poll for staff and a winner will be chosen ultimately by staff.

- The winner of this months MOTM will win 3 bonds,(Can be claimed on any game mode) a Forum award, and also be featured on the main page of forums for an entire month.

- If you are caught asking others to come vote for you, your name will be removed from the poll.

- If you are caught voting multiple times on multiple different accounts, all votes will be removed and you will be infracted on forums.

- Any off topic discussion will be removed.  (Keep the topic clean and on topic)

#149149 New Surge Magic Spells!

Posted by Ultistic on 08 January 2018 - 07:44 AM

Soon my son, soon.

#149136 Irl photos

Posted by Ultistic on 08 January 2018 - 06:29 AM

Speaking with my young assistant Haris and taking the idea from Dylain we figured we would start an official irl photos thread. Feel free to post your pictures!


#148498 Staff Update 1/6/18

Posted by Ultistic on 06 January 2018 - 06:13 AM

Hey guys, here's your first staff update in 2018.



Iron Dejay aka Lord of Rats has returned as Server Moderator.

Savitr has been promoted to Server Support.



Ryuu has temp. resigned from Server Moderator due to personal matters.

Classic Hxza has resigned from Server Support due to personal matters.


I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas break and New years, have a great weekend!



Alora Administration Team


#147478 Christmas Giveaway Winners

Posted by Ultistic on 03 January 2018 - 11:18 AM


#142881 Member Of The Month (December 2017)

Posted by Ultistic on 22 December 2017 - 06:32 AM

Thanks to everyone who voted, we will now take the top 3 with the most votes and have a vote with the staff team. Be on the look out for the newspaper today which will reveal the winner.




#142870 Staff Update 12/22/17

Posted by Ultistic on 22 December 2017 - 05:29 AM

A quick update before Christmas!



Wreckage has been promoted to Server Moderator

Hexza has been promoted to Server Support

HC Proxy has been promoted to Server Support



Collerkar76 has resigned. I would like to thank him for his time here as an Admin and putting RWT to a bare minimum here on Alora. Thanks for nearly a year of work and hope to see you back on the team in the future.

D Scimmy has resigned due to personal reasons.



I hope you guys enjoy your weekend and Christmas. Have fun and stay safe (don't do anything I wouldn't do)



Alora Administration Team


#141214 Member Of The Month (December 2017)

Posted by Ultistic on 17 December 2017 - 11:11 AM

Hey guys,


Member of the Month has returned! This month is more or less of a test run on how we are going to do this, next month could be completely different with how this is set-up and done.



This event will consist of 10 members we have chosen together as a staff team that have stood out to us in overall performance. This will be a poll based event and the top 3 members who have received the most votes by 12/22/17 will go through another vote within the staff team and be featured in the newspaper the same day. The winner of the event will be rewarded in game with 3 Alora Bonds (Can be claimed on any game mode) & receive the forum award within 48 hours of being crowned as Member of the Month.





​Please note:


  • Any unnecessary posts on this topic will be removed and result in an infraction onto your account. I will be listening to all feedback AFTER the event is done. So please don't hesitate to PM on forums or Discord with your feedback/concerns so we can keep this topic clean.
  • Voting with multiple accounts will not be allowed and will be checked carefully at the end of the poll. If you are caught voting on multiple accounts your votes will be deleted and all accounts will receive an infraction.