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Member Since 06 Nov 2020
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2021 03:03 AM

#380994 Suggestion: Donator rank transfer!

Posted by GIM Riley on 15 November 2020 - 03:14 PM

Big support from me.

I got 3 accs with 2x master and 1 time uber.
Would be nice to combine them to get immortal on the account i actually play and i would pay for the transfer.
Now with the eternal rank released, And the respectable free transfer every 90 days it feels weird to me that we can’t get payable rank transfers with a cooldown aswell. It feels like the other ranks don’t matter.
Like immortal rank paid with custom still takes alot of time with a price tag of ~75b to get that rank.
And to get 2 transfers with 8 games modes is crazy imo.
Just make it a custom donation with like a 6 month or even longer cooldown on it so it doesn’t bring shade to the eternal donator rank.

#380989 Suggestion: Donator rank transfer!

Posted by Brambo on 15 November 2020 - 03:04 PM

I agree for the most part. But imo it aint fair that people with a higher rank need to pay more for a rank transfer. They supported the server even more than the lower ranks and need to get rewarded for that and not pay even more for a rank transfer.

But i support this 100%. This is what most people want, and what is asked alot. Listen to the community, its a benefit for staff and players.

There are also a shit ton of gamemodes, but only 2 transfers for uber master and Immortal. These ranks supportes the server insanely. Give them more options then only 2 transfers.

#380984 Suggestion: Donator rank transfer!

Posted by Falske on 15 November 2020 - 02:47 PM

First off i know this has been suggested many times and there's been many valid points however they're not shown together, so thats what i will be doing on this topic! And throwing in my own solution!

What is your suggestion?: Allow 250$+ rank to be transferred an extra time for a FEE!

Is this in OSRS?: NA

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: NA

How would this benefit Alora?: There's many players at the moment having very high donator ranks on their old mains, now alts, that dosen't even want to put the same amount of time into the game that they used to, cause the rank they spent days,months, some even years, have gone to waste cause of some limit? Come on, this is a RSPS, without having heard a reason why this is being declined i am only to make up my own conclusion being well. The staff is thinking that having the ranks transferrable more would make people donate less.

And let me tell you!
They won't, the strive for a higher rank or a name change ext, Is still there, currently with the highest rank ingame being Eternal theres a free transfer of rank at every 90 days anywho, the majority of people who want the rank transferred Isn't the ones who paid IRL $ For it, so for a fee, have them enjoy the game the way they used to?

The proposition i got thinking about is

100$ Custom dono= up to 1000$ rank transferred 
500$ Custom dono= All ranks are transferrable, 

Seeing as spending 1000$ to get a immortal moved, thats well insane hope you can see that since its basically half (almost) if it was a custom dono for rank,


Custom donos are still going to be sought after, everyday a new player gets wealth ingame, everyday a new player wants to up their rank,

If theres a rule for you staff made to be like Oh no no, this suggestion, and you've been told to instantly decline It, please give us the players a chance to have a say in this, I believe that from what's said in this post you can see that there will only be gain for all parties from this being implemented, So before you decline it, please post it in your staff chat asking if we can have it up for a week before the decision has been made!



Would love to hear some opinions on this. and maybe another proposition for the solution to this massively needed change.
