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Member Since 02 Apr 2021
Previous Username: El Mufasa
Offline Last Active Today, 08:43 AM

#487931 May 2024 MOTM (Winner)

Posted by Tauri on 03 June 2024 - 01:55 AM

This month's MOTM winner is Sagacious! Check your donation manager within 48 hours for your 3 bonds!
You have also won a forum award and will be on the front page for the entire month.
Thank you to everyone who voted and participated! See you guys next month!  <3

#487651 My Problem With Staff 2

Posted by oijnmukfvrg on 30 May 2024 - 03:39 AM

Shame on you, Bob.....

#487650 My Problem With Staff 2

Posted by Filtered on 30 May 2024 - 03:29 AM

You need help. Will happily take the infraction for this reply.

#487620 My Problem with Staff

Posted by H on 29 May 2024 - 07:17 PM

Lets get right into it.


My Problem with Alora Staff - Part 1

Here's how staff used to respond when people questioned why GIMs were buying/selling bank on Forums







Here's how staff respond when I suggest fixing it on Forums



To add context to these two infractions:

Infraction 1 - You received a warning in a thread about selling GIM items, where your reply had nothing to do with buying/selling/negotiating with the author. The rule you broke was listed in your warning as seen in the image.


Infraction 2 - You received a warning in your recent GIM suggestion thread, where one of your replies was flame baiting To Gain for some weird reason and relating it to that nex penguin situation that happened a while back.


I'm not sure how you're trying to connect these two warnings together to be honest, I'm confused.




They penalize me for baiting and flaming, when in reality, they're the one's doing it.





Here's an example of global moderator Logan liking the flame/bait, instead of actually doing his job and removing it.  The comments have nothing to do with the game suggestion regarding buying/selling ironman banks.  I reported the comments days ago and nothing was done.  They all ignored it until I left this comment, which promptly got deleted.  



I had to get a warning -> show proof of staff bias -> get my proof deleted -> just to get the flame bait/hate directed towards me removed.


I'll come out and say this was not handled well at all. We're discussing it/discussed it and I hope it doesn't happen again. Not much to add here. Apologies from the staff team.




On my other posts, you have people deliberately copy and pasting "no support" comments and none of them get removed even when I report them



Why?  - They're ex-staff or friends of Logan/Not Shadow - Or maybe they just share Logan/Not Shadow's point of view - who knows?  - either way, someone isn't doing their moderating job very well


How is it that staff will remove off-topic comments on a Trading GIM bank post, but not hate/flame bait comments on a Trading GIM bank suggestion? 


I don't see the issue here. Sure, they're copy pasting a response, but it doesn't break any rules. We're not going to start punishing people because their replies are the same/similar(you might see a lot of those in introduction threads).


To conclude, here's a little insight.


Between the time you got post restricted and until a few days ago, about a year give or take, we probably punished a handful of players on forums for stuff such as spamming. 

In the past few days, literally every report has come from your threads. 




Perhaps some self reflection is due. Every time there's some "drama"(if that's what you want to call it) you're always at the centre of it. First with that realism suggestion thread, then that nex penguin drama, and now this. 


I also find it ironic how you mentioned that "someone isn't doing their moderating job very well" in regards to removing those copy pasted replies, when you were spamming bug reports in the suggestion section literal days ago and told us to fuck off when we asked you to post them in the bug report section.


Once again, sorry for not removing those flame bait replies sooner. We'll jump to action much quicker next time.


I find it cringe that it's 2AM and I'm writing essays. Everyone just needs to grow up tbh.

#487565 Buying/Selling GIM Bank

Posted by Formula One on 28 May 2024 - 04:29 PM

"exchange of realism/normie (Both which allow open trading between accounts) should also be banned if they ban GIM item (Ironman items you are only allowed to share with your 4 other team mates) selling" LOL someone take this man home he must be drunk. Your bs replies are so self-serving they don't even warrant being part of a real conversation

What is the purpose of keeping a separate economy for realism if we’re able to trade between normie/realism?
Might as well cut out the middle man and merge the economies so there’s no ridiculous premium on items.

People who play an Ironman and purchase items from other GIM players seem to do so purely to maintain the GIM status, pure speculation here, otherwise you might as well play normie and save the billions of GP you’d pay on premium.
Same goes for realism, we play that mode for the added challenge of lower exp rates (and other minor differences). If we wanted to keep that game mode pure, to add fairness if GIM aren’t allowed to work around the system to purchase items, the same restrictions should be implemented for realism/normie trading. Otherwise just merge the economy.

#486488 new rank?

Posted by Beans on 11 May 2024 - 07:42 AM

No support. Just becomes to OP. Also the idea of adding a $3500 rank is just to much. Either stick with Uber or work to master. Alora has plenty of donor ranks at the moment

#486481 new rank?

Posted by To gain on 11 May 2024 - 02:04 AM

This is gonna be a big NO from me for various reasons most important the ones below.


1, The perks a 30-50k Donor rank would req to be worth it would most likely result in a gamebreaking advantage.


2, I'd rather see time beeing invested in bug fixes / updates (as yautja stated above) that would benefit all the players instead of 0,5% of the player base.

#485898 Community Manager Change

Posted by Omicron on 02 May 2024 - 09:48 AM

Hello everyone,
Today brings some bittersweet news as we will be undergoing a Community Manager change. @Moe has served us as Community Manager for just over two years and has been an essential part of Alora during that time, and so we thank him for his service in keeping the staff team healthy and active, as well as running events to keep things exciting in-game, on top of all of the other duties that he has taken on. Don’t worry, he will still be around and will be assisting with advertising related duties, so even though his role has changed, he won’t be going anywhere too far!
While @Moe's absence will certainly be felt, we’re confident in our new Community Manager’s ability to fill the role, as we’ve already seen some impressive work from them in many areas including taking on CM duties whenever required, handling events with ease, and handling general Admin duties with the utmost care and dedication. We have no doubt that @Tauri will be a suitable replacement and will do a fantastic job managing the staff team, and managing the community to provide you with the best experience possible.
Omicron & The Alora Staff Team

#484131 Ghommal's lucky penny

Posted by Yautja on 14 April 2024 - 05:55 AM

What is your suggestion?: Buffing the lucky penny by adding 5% chance to save charges for each donor rank starting from uber and having it work with the blood fury, if 5% would be too overpowered I think 2.5% per rank would be great aswell.

Is this in OSRS?: No

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Giving another big reason to get rank and do combat achievements

#483974 Minor Smithing QoL

Posted by ColdFingers8 on 12 April 2024 - 05:57 AM

What is your suggestion?: The Smithing interface should remember the last item a player has smithed, and should have the option to press the space bar to smith the previous item. While on the subject of the Smithing skill - the quantity a player chooses to smith should be saved and not reset back to 1 after logging out.

Is this in OSRS?: Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: A better Smithing experience

#483534 Staff Update 4/7/24

Posted by Tauri on 07 April 2024 - 02:49 PM

Hello Alorians!


We would like to introduce two new Server Moderators, and unfortunately we had to say goodbye to one of our Server Supports and one of the Server Mods. :( But a minor update, hopefully you will love it <3



Here are the latest staff changes:



YeetMcSkeet has been promoted to Server Moderator.

GIM NoArN has been promoted to Server Moderator.


Secondary ranks:




GIM N0t has been demoted from Server Support.



Krest has resigned from Server Moderator.



See you soon with another Staff Update!



Alora Administration Team

#482989 Updated Rogues Chest in Wilderness

Posted by Hard Dance on 02 April 2024 - 03:46 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Rework the current Rogues chest in Wildy to match OSRS new rewards


Is this in OSRS?: yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no

How would this benefit Alora?:

A new way of training thieving in the Wilderness and some new rewards just like in OSRS.

The only problem is that Rogue chest is already used for Bloody keys (maybe change that to a different chest in the Rogues Castle?).

#482114 Require 15 minutes of ingame play time to post on forums

Posted by Mhk on 24 March 2024 - 06:05 PM

What is your suggestion?: pls stop the massive amount of forum spam bots by requiring ingame time played to post

Is this in OSRS?: Idk

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Let staff do actual staff work

#481130 Leagues Task List Spreadsheet

Posted by Ima Tuna Sub on 16 March 2024 - 06:37 AM

Good day Alorians,

I had this idea to create a spreadsheet that was a bit easier to see the tasks for the Leagues that are currently running.

So far, I hope everyone has enjoyed their time as much as I have. Although, after typing out 700+ tasks, I'm ready to get back into the game.

With that being said, below I will link the Google Spreadsheet - I just ask that you as the viewer role make a copy and make changes that way versus the actual file. (I've never done this before so if we have issues - I'll get it fixed as soon as possible.)

Alora Leagues Task Checklist
ANOTHER UPDATE I NOTICED IN THE GLOBAL TAB - I DIDN'T CARRY CONDITIONAL FORMATTING THE FULL COLUMN FOR POINTS. (To fix, go to Global Tab, Ctrl+A, Format, Conditional Formatting, Change the Range from the D6:D254 to D6:D372)

Again, please let me know if there are any issues with this link or the spreadsheet at all.

Very Respectfully,

#480743 Staff Update 3/10/24

Posted by Moe on 10 March 2024 - 09:10 AM

Hey guys,


Your boy is back with some good news this week! While we had one farewell to the team Alorians, I am happy to announce we also had a return & a very well deserved promotion. We are always looking for some new faces or old faces to the team, if you have some time to volunteer for the boys click below! <3

If you're interested in joining our team and meet the requirements, feel free to apply here: https://www.alora.io...f-applications/

Here are the latest Staff changes:


Logann has been promoted to Global Moderator.


Secondary Ranks:

U has transferred secondary rank from Jeff Daniels to Knud.



poptart267 has returned to the Staff team as Server Moderator.



Escrow has been demoted from Forum Moderator to Server Moderator.



Escrow has resigned from Server Moderator.





Alora Administration Team