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Member Since 02 Aug 2021
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#408887 Nerfing Phosani's loot

Posted by Classic on 04 September 2021 - 08:39 PM

Coming from someone who has completed 2,750 normal nightmare kills and received roughly 30 drops from the nightmare I absolutely do not support this.
The Phosani Nightmare attacks are perfect (with the exception of melee being a bit fast for the pray flicking) but that doesnt matter. I've watched A kill nightmare in full bandos with mace+elysian and he was getting smacked around like a rag doll eating 14 manta's and 4 brews in his inventory. 
I personally think the Phosani Nightmare is the easy as you are thinking it is. The accuracy of its attacks have been increased along with its max hit depending on the hit. It is fine the way it is and the only reason you are seeing more and more nightmare drops coming into the game and lowering the price of all nightmare items is because there is 30-40 people who are constantly grinding Phosani now. 
I did 2,750 nightmare kills with almost 1,500 solos on the original nightmare and almost 70% of the time I never saw another person at nightmare other than someone like Gimslaving who is grinding the piss out of the boss to get his collection log to join me with the forum award. Therefor less nightmare items were coming into the game because you had 5, 10 maybe 15 total people who would actually do the nightmare day in and day out and those were the only people bringing the drops into the game causing all the items to be worth well over what they should be word. 
Staff = 500m
Volatile Orb = 1.5b
Harmonised Orb = 1b
Eldritch Orb = 500m
Inquisitor Set (without mace) 1.75b ( I purchased the first set ingame when nightmare was released for 1.75b and it should never of gotten to 12b in price let alone 3b)
Inquisitor Mace = 2b (only reason this should be 2b is because of how effective it is at nightmare)
with that being said, I can see these prices soon because of how many gamers are grinding the boss bringing more items in the game which is an absolutely AMAZING thing because it will stabilize the prices of these items rather than people who are selling make there own prices and those who are buying don't actually get scammed because they think 7b for a harmonised staff is actually worth it when its not.
But it shouldnt be dropping more uniques than regular nightmare, specially considering on osrs lootrates are like 3x higher for phosani." I personally don't agree with this, The Phosani was brought into the game to give people better odds at the rewards if they took on the harder challenging boss. This is not OSRS, this is a RSPS at the end of the day. People leave OSRS all the time because they burn out from going so dry on a drop then they come and enjoy the RSPS gameplay because they get things easier.


At the end of the day the Phosani should stay the way it is and those who wanna grind it get rewarded with the items and those who don't grind it dont get rewarded for it. Its plain and simple and it should stay that way.