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What is Iron

Member Since 14 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2024 07:18 PM

#130828 Warriors Guild the 07 way

Posted by Chase on 14 November 2017 - 09:58 PM

Hello Alorians, I would love as much feedback as possible on this. I'm not necessarily suggesting this but more wanting to see what other players think. Depending on the feedback, I believe it could be implemented as a official suggestion. 


The Alora Way: Currently a player can purchase a rune defender on the first floor of the warriors guild.

An NPC in the animation room sell's one for 400 tokens. That player would then have to go upstairs for a chance at a Dragon.


The Issue: No where does it display information letting players know that rune defenders are available on the first floor.

7 times out of 10, a player is just gathering tokens and then going upstairs trying to get a Bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril, Adamant, Rune, and then dragon defender and wondering why in the world they're not receiving drops. Once they find out that you could purchase a rune defender, they're completely out of hope.


The 07 Way: Basically making it to where the NPC on the first floor does not sell defenders. A player would have to stack their tokens and then proceed upstairs to obtain in order bronze-dragon defender. (This would take longer, I understand. However, this is the correct way)


Solutions: Now we could add a text that displays when a player teleports to the Warriors Guild something like 'You can purchase rune defenders first on the bottom floor'

Or adding the 07 Way.

#139086 PVP Changes to Classic Mode - Video Example.

Posted by Worthless on 11 December 2017 - 02:16 AM

Quoting this from your previous thread;


If its against the Spirit of different Game mode make it that normal Accounts can only attack each other as iron only can go against irons and classics vs classic.


I guess u guys will not like this idea because u cant kill ppl from diffrent modes anymore wich are much less geared then normal accounts since they really have to work for the items they wear and are afraid to lose them against a normal account wich doesnt even know how much it is even worth .


Just sayn . I pvp on Classic with Normal ppl even its shit drops just because its fun and i dont bother making me a normal Account for that  . I worked for my ACC and i want to use it thats what its used to .

If they don't want to make some form of compromise in regards to drops from Classic v. Reg, then simply set it so Regular players can't attack Classics and vice-versa.

#121148 How to create a 3D Text in Cinema 4D

Posted by Chase on 27 September 2017 - 04:04 PM

Since I started doing forums signatures, I have been asked numerous times how do I make my 3D texts.

Well this is EXACTLY how I create them.

I hope this helps those who are interested in learning about this.

Feel free to ask me any questions.


*Important at 1:41 in Video, Press 'C' on keyboard to edit text letters*


Download Free Fonts HERE!



#139981 Total XP areas?

Posted by KP on 13 December 2017 - 10:53 PM

 If it cut a bit down for  classic's exp rate im down for that, 1b exp is a truckload for me xD

#139702 magic secateurs for farming

Posted by Hexza on 13 December 2017 - 10:29 AM

For port Phasmatys, simply teleport to experiments from the teleporting wizard and go up the ladder. You will be a few steps away from the farming patches. 


Support for the grimy herbs and i personally think they should add a quest that rewards you those secateurs. And i'd give them bonus exp when worn instead of yield since you always get around 10-12 herbs per patch.

Pretty much this, the bonus xp sounds much more rewarding than more herbs 100% by far as stated by "What is Iron" you do get around 10-12 anyways. Deffo Support

#139391 Pets for XP

Posted by Binair on 12 December 2017 - 08:13 AM

Support wish I could turn my 37 herons in for XP...