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Member Since 18 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2018 07:32 PM

#58772 Block slayer tasks

Posted by Whiss on 03 March 2017 - 09:47 AM

This suggestion been accepted already, we're just waiting for the update

#57121 Completionist Cape

Posted by Syntax on 25 February 2017 - 04:58 PM

Title explains all, but the advantages of this are endless. I know there are plenty of maxed players who want something more to "grind" for. This is an excellent option and will provide players with a reason to do so much more in game.


Whether it be getting full void/full graceful/pking/skilling/boss kill counts (time requirements too) etc. New updates can constantly be added as well over time in order to wear the cape.


This is one of the few customs I support, and I hope the rest of the community does too.


I understand the argument that osrs doesn't currently have the competitionist cape, however 90% of the community has already voted in favor for 200m exp capes.


The cape doesn't even need to have any added extra bonus' - it could even be just a visual update..


This would increase overall activeness and player retention. @Omicron

#58751 Raids 1.25 for an entire day (weekend)

Posted by Syntax on 03 March 2017 - 08:52 AM

Raids at 1.5 is actually really good, as we have seen - and when it's activated only for a few hours it's definitely not an issue.


However, not everyone can access the 1-2 hours it's available for. Admins also don't want to "ruin" the economy by leaving 1.5x on for too long. Therefor I'd like to suggest @Omicron add 1.25 command for admins so that raids may be active all day, or at least for longer periods of time than 1.5x (doesn't have to be the entire weekend).


It just seems like everyone waits around for 1.5 because it is a substantial increase. 1.25 would be a good middle ground and would encourage people to raid all day, rather than wait for a singular weekend event.


Yes, I'm aware alora droprates are osrs*1.23 ... i'm asking to add 1.25x alongside 1.5x raids.