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Member Since 01 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2017 06:39 PM

#63686 Ragging

Posted by Master Hand on 21 March 2017 - 04:55 PM

I don't think ragging is helping the wilderness get populated tbh. If anything they should be required to carry a risk of money or items if they want to rag out a already dead wilderness.

#63659 Make one item ragging bannable!

Posted by Ultistic on 21 March 2017 - 03:45 PM

This issue will be discussed in the next staff meeting (hopefully this Friday) and we can all be on the same page about ragging.

#63654 Make one item ragging bannable!

Posted by peach boy on 21 March 2017 - 03:29 PM

i dont mind if someone with black dhide raggs me, but if i get a one item Crystal bow SUICIDER on me thats were i draw the line.

#63649 Make one item ragging bannable!

Posted by Syntax on 21 March 2017 - 03:08 PM

Ragging is definitely a large issue for every server I've ever played.


My statement shouldn't be viewed to represent the staff teams opinions - but rather my own.


For a player to "rag" another, they are spending their own time doing so, often numerous hours a day. The issue however is it's often being taken to an extreme, which is where I see issues arising. 


There are players who risk large amounts, and use skilled teamwork/solo play to pk in deep wildy, often to have it come to an annoying end, because the same user(s) is/are attacking them with 1 item w/ no risk.


There's multiple routes that can be taken in regards to ragging, both by addressing it, and by doing nothing.


  • A player has to risk 100,001 gp in coins in order to take ragging to the extreme (these users know who they are)
  • No ragging in level 1-5 (our current rules)
  • Allow ragging everywhere, -aka do not intervene with ragging
  • Add mechanics (owner codes it into the server) to prevent most ragging, aka you can't attack (skull) w/ out enough risk to register pkp drop if said ragger is killed (would be tough to do I believe) - players can always find a work around usually
  • Allow it, but obviously address users who rag as a lifestyle
  • Adjust the pj pvp mechanics (if a player is attacking another, they cannot be pjed - similar to previous runescape pvp mechanics)

My suggestion would be to add an option to the BH guy (dude who sells pkp items) in which user's have to pay 100k+  (each death when skulled results in the user losing 100k per death from their coin coffer)


This way skillers can still risk nothing (assuming they don't skull)


The raggers will obviously skull.. and if they don't it's clearly not them initiating the "ragging"


--This obviously has issues because players won't want to risk 100k most likely, or they won't be able to initiate fights because they didn't know they had to add 100k+ to skull in wilderness.


[even osrs punishes raggers - granted it's only done when they're bothering streamers]