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Member Since 17 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2019 04:18 PM

Topics I've Started

Rename Donor

19 November 2016 - 01:30 PM

Hiya, I've spent around a decade playing servers of all types. Whether it's CS:S, Runescape, TF2, gmod, etc. I've played them all and I've just done it all.


In early 2006-2009 most CS:S servers/RSPS would call their VIP's "Donor" because if you attempted to refund it, paypal would deny it. Except that is no longer the case as paypal isnt stupid anymore and it's been 7 years since they learned that trick.


Now-a-days, when I see communities do it, it's honestly cringy. It's a thing that owners copy because "why not", when in reality, it could cause multiple issues for the server, and Omicron himself


Benefits to labeling it Donor instead of VIP:

Currently none. Does not stop refunds.


Benefits to labeling it VIP instead of Donor:

Less cringy

If someone charges back and paypal finds out you're mislabeling your service -- your account will be closed. RIP all the cash.

Possible tax issues -- If you ever make enough to file taxes over this RSPS Omicron, you will run into some hefty issues claiming these were 'donations'.




Arguments to "But you're donating still, you're just receiving a reward for your donation":


Donations are giving items of value with expecting nothing in return. These 'donations' are you paying for prestige, items, and gold. There is no circumstance where you could call these donations, regardless of how you label or rewrite your TOS, if you're giving something in return (Prestige, gold) it's a sale/service. They are buyers, not donators.



Nothing would really change negatively if you fixed it to some other term (such as VIP) and would make it a lot less cringy for me, and a lot less hassle for you. When I see a community use the term 'donor' I assume said staff has no clue how paypal works/is ignorant to the general process.


Please consider changing it.