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PK Points need to be rewarded after 3rd kills. People just using this game service, to fulfil an itch for making other people's day bad, should not be rewarded; and let's face it. That's exactly what the goal is of the small minority of PK'rs there are.
Locked Status Dec 08 2020 02:13 AM
  • BIGBUD's Photo
    I am posting this here; knowing admin's will be notified of it, and they can read it quietly. The general playerbase will argue though, downvote and not support this. Keep in mind... I once, was a full Berserker Pure, purely bread for PKing. So I say this suggestion with clarity, from both points of view. I would rather kill 3 people before I am easily rewarded.

    Please consider this change. Or the very least, think of something along these lines, to irradicate this group of people that have 0 boss kills anywhere, and only PK. Then logout... This is a playerbase that supports the server, in no fashion, way, shape or form, & could be MADE to support the server properly, if they realised they were up against a wall.
    Dec 08 2020 02:19 AM
  • BIGBUD's Photo
    TLDR; nobody can argue logging to PK, and logging out doing nothing else. is ok. nobody. even if i was pking ide hate myself. its a stupid act. lets come up with a solution
    Dec 08 2020 02:21 AM
  • BIGBUD's Photo
    The only reason this System still exist's is because it was a "first option-easy route" for development. It would be very beneficial to acknowledge it's flaws, and how simple it is to use. There's no layering of Development Process in this system at all, it's just "here, kill guy, guy loses everything, and you gain more than they had on them."

    Drop rates arent that easy, so why is farming PKP (it DIRECTLY inflates negative connotations & negative outcomes, & alienates the % of people who are also against it and falling prey to it's abusers)

    You PKers matter dont get me wrong. Im just trying to get rid of the AFK pkers who give nothing back to any of us, and just take take take.
    Dec 10 2020 09:59 PM