Hello Alorians!
I just thought I'd leave some information for anyone that I helped or left an impact on for Alora.
First i will be going over some things as to why I will be quitting. (EVERYTHING IN THIS IS MY OPINION AND IS NOT SHOWING HATRED TO ANYONE) < gotta put this here due to recent changes
Due to many changes in my eyes the community is getting more and more affected/butt hurt by things people are saying and doing on Alora. Guys we get it some stuff shouldn't be said but in all honestly its the internet. This game shouldnt be taken so seriously its a great hobby and i have no hatred to it at all. Stop whining about stuff and use the ignore system.
Content- It is going in an awesome direction but its still boring for Myself trying to play different game modes and grind the same things over and over.
Staff- The only thing that kept me active over the last months was being on the staff team. If you ever have the opportunity to join work hard and get in. It was by far my favorite thing on alora besides the community.
Community- This is the key factor in alora, the community up until now was fun to be a part of, like i stated now its just full of people complaining about words, names, drops, etc..
Small Summary of my time on Alora:
Alora has been a big part of my downtime life as I have enjoyed it over some time. I truly dont remember when i made my first account but it was a Normie until I got invited to a GIM group as that had just came out and tried to play it. I got bored and quit and didn't come back for quiet some time. I then saw my cousin was playing alora and decided to give it another shot. I maxed out my first acc Im Trotz and tried a iron man Iron Trotz, got bored and de ironed it and staked. Then i started on Not Trotz < the GIM i maxed and had a load of fun joining different teams until it was me the messenger Benji au and Roofy. This was by far one of my favorite teams to be in as they all had different personalities and the group was going great. Unfortunetly we made some bad decisions and lost a gim t bow to a person we thought we could trust. But in the end it was a game and we worked hard to get it back until the group got bored and fell apart. I then went on to attempt a HC (HC Trotz) and died to zulrah after eating an infused chocolate bar and watching lowkeys stream i planked to the money snake. After some time i joined the staff team and learned on the behind the scenes stuff staff does to keep the game running. People I cannot say this enough but The staff team is always watching and they do what they can in their limits to control the actions of others. It doesnt always end up in your favor but they have to be as lenient but fair to everyone. NO ONE gets special treatment, if you break the rules its on you. The staff team doesn't ban/Mute for no reason so stop complaining/crying about the consequences of your actions.
With all that being said I would like to thank some people who made my Alora experience something to remember even after I leave. They are in no specific order and if i missed anyone i apologize.
GangMember SuperiorIQ
I enjoyed my time here and if you know me on discord feel free to pm me anytime.
Here are a couple screenshots ill took quick
P.S. Thanks Omicron for the server! Every memory i had on this game was because the server you created is amazing.