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Posted 05 May 2023 - 04:42 AM #1

Group Ironman

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What is your suggestion?:

Revert gwd boss mechanics to how they were. Bandos for example would not range if you were in melee distance, now it range attacks you randomly. I understand it was partially for CA's, but it made it so much worse, along with Zilyana

Is this in OSRS?: No

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

No, and no one asked for this change.

How would this benefit Alora?:

It would make bossing as easy as it should be, considering we're on a rsps and not trying to be 100% like osrs. I think these type of changes should be polled to the community before making content more unappealing to the masses.


These types of changes have been happening far(TOB) more often with little consideration to what the player base actually wants. Sure you'll have a sweaty gamer liking it, but most players play Alora to not have to do harder pvm on osrs, not to mention every player who got the pet prior is lucky considering new pet grinds will take much longer and much more supplies.



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Posted 05 May 2023 - 10:29 AM #2

Tbow Loc

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I do think that a polling system similar to what jagex uses (but on a smaller scale, naturally) would be beneficial to determine what changes are actually wanted and not wanted by the community

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Posted 05 May 2023 - 12:23 PM #3

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I've only done armadyl in the past year. I noticed the biggest change was Arma hitting you with melee if you weren't focused on her. Seems to be a good change, otherwise you could have your alts tanking minions and your main just breezing through the boss. 


I support the change big time for that reason. 


With bandos doing occasional range attacks, I thought that was normal? 

Posted 05 May 2023 - 03:59 PM #4


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First, I support the main suggestion on this topic.

Second, I do also believe for future balance changes it would be nice to have a polling system to see what we want changed and not. There was a boss rework poll a few months back(maybe longer) and it failed. We dont want bosses being changed but they keep changing

I do think that a polling system similar to what jagex uses (but on a smaller scale, naturally) would be beneficial to determine what changes are actually wanted and not wanted by the community

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Posted 06 May 2023 - 07:00 AM #5

Porn Actress

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Big SUPPORT, bandos is legit dog shit right now... it's almost like it does 1 melee attack and then 9 ranged ones.


and like other ppl stated a polling system would be appreciated to see how many ppl of the player base actually wants these changes.

and it would be good for saving dev time aswell since you know what the player base wants that way you don't have to spend time on a update wich ends up being hated by the alora community.

Posted 06 May 2023 - 07:40 AM #6

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Support the suggestion, and also agree with Selena and others it would be nice if had polling system or any method for player's opinions/feedback before changing content, adding new content recently released into OSRS & Re-working old content that we are already used to are two different things..and frankly most people are not asking for this old content to be changed at all or at least no one is publicly asking on forums/ in-game.
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Posted 07 May 2023 - 03:04 AM #7

RNG Bitch
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Support on both points. Polling system needs to be used, content is being changed no one has asked for and a lot of these unlocked changes are just killing game content.




Posted 08 May 2023 - 05:16 PM #8

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Support from me! Great well-written suggestion and agree on both sentiments

Posted 10 May 2023 - 12:08 PM #9



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Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+.

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