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Member Since 21 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2020 03:30 PM

#252973 PLEASE Activate 2FA & Make Your Password UNIQUE!

Posted by Banks on 06 January 2019 - 04:07 PM

Hey everyone.

Here at Alora, our number 1 priority is the well being of our players. We do everything within our power to keep you guys safe and can assure you that our database is rock solid and secure. However, we can not say the same for other communities that might have your login information in their database and keeping their database secure is outside of our control. Getting hacked is a very real thing in the RSPS scene and it can happen to anybody.

This being said, I would like to stress the importance of activating 2FA and changing your Alora password to something that is unique and isn't used anywhere else. The Alora Staff Team works day in and day out to combat hackers and keep your accounts safe for you. But activating 2FA and making a unique password makes this much easier and keeps your account as well as your in-game wealth safe.

2FA is the highest level of account security that we offer and if you have it enabled, even if your account is hacked, the chance that a hacker can get to your items is severely reduced. Not to mention that for those that have 2FA enabled, vote books give bonus XP. It's a win-win.

Click Here for a guide on how to set up 2FA.
You can change your Password under the UserCP settings on the Forums.

If you have any questions or issues at all with your Password or 2FA, Click Here to make a Support Ticket or simply PM a Staff Member.

Alora Administration Team.

#14815 Online Security and Safety

Posted by Delivery on 09 November 2016 - 02:30 PM

Firewall, Anti-Virus & Malware + Cleaners
There are a handful of things that keep you secure (your computer and personal information etc), you can look over the selected few that I've suggested, they more or less offer the same things (with a few differences{Read them}). They are all free as paying for protection is outdated - and you shouldn't be paying to keep your stuff secure when you shouldn't have to.
Maintenance Cleaners
Maintain a routine
If you want to keep your computer clean and secure, you have to maintain a routine to scan your computer and clean it out once in a while. Even if it's once a week - ALWAYS take precautions as anything could happen, you could accidentally click on a link or download something. At the very least do it once a month so you're sure that everything is updated and safe.
Run Anti-Virus scanner
Run Anti-Malware scanner
Run Maintenance cleaner
Follow instructions that are given in order for the software to do it's job.
Okay, this is something people do ALL the time, especially when it comes to RSPS. Use something with numbers AND letters at the very least. If you have trouble remembering complex passwords with numbers in them. Write it down on a piece of paper - do NOT store it on your computer as if you happen to get infected your files would be at risk (therefore your passwords).
Note: Be sure to use different passwords for each game you play (self explanatory).
Unfamiliar Links & downloads
The online community is filled with a handful of people who will try to make you click on random links which can harm you computer. If a link looks 'funny' or unsafe, here's an idea, don't click on it - it's probably unsafe. Most hackers will disguise links into things such as:
Java-Drive Bys
RATS (Remote Administration Tools)
These are things that CAN and WILL hack into your information, let alone your RSPS account (since keyloggers monitor your key strokes and tell the hacker what you are typing). RATS can take control of your computer without your permission, something like Teamviewer but without informing you. Java-Drive Bys can give you various viruses that you do not wish to have on your computer.
Bank and Account Pins
Alright, so this is more for the in-game aspect of safety. If your account happens to get hacked due to one of the things I've mentioned above, you'll more than likely complain like a child and THEN complain to the staff as to why they're not refunding you (to a certain extent). This isn't their fault - you're given plenty of options (that are provided by the server) which give your account security, such as bank pins/2fa etc. If you don't have one already then I highly suggest that you get one - this way if the hacker gets into your account they can't do much (your pin will stop then from opening your bank and taking everything that you worked hard for). Another thing that I highly suggest you do, is to change your pin number every now and then to something different (same with passwords) - this way if they have access to your account and you don't know they'll never get into your bank.
You can find Volta's Two-Factor Authentication guide here.
Staff Impersonation
Beware of people pretending to be staff. This happens a lot in Private Servers and new players (perhaps new to Runesape) can find themselves a victim of this. There's a list of staff members that assist the community, you can find the list by clicking here.
Crowns and signs next to their name indicate staff (though there are no crowns/signs on the forums there are said symbols in-game). We also have a public Discord server that anyone can join where members of staff are given ranks - if you need any kind of personal assistance feel free to message them there! You can join the Discord server by clicking here.
Lots of Love,

#20591 Direct Image URL Guide

Posted by Scotty Dont on 22 November 2016 - 08:24 AM

I've noticed a few users having trouble using the Image button on the forums. This is the image button: sqJWc.png

For those who can't get the URL to work I have a short guide for you to follow!

Simply right click on the desired image - Choose "Copy Image Address" - And paste the newly copied URL into the image button.

It's literally that easy. Doing this copies the direct image URL which is more reliable than the links provided by imgur and similar websites.


Do NOT copy the image link provided by whatever uploading website you are using


(This is the wrong link to copy. Your link should end with .png/.jpg/etc.)

Credit to OzScorcher for the image.


Idk how many people will actually find this usefull - but hopefully at least a few do!


For those who do not know how to actually use that url to post an image:




You can either use the image tool or the bbcode.