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Member Since 03 Aug 2017
Previous Username: S3iman
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2024 07:37 PM

#377857 [23/10/20] Tithe Farm, Mahogany Homes, Eternal Donator Rank, Lottery & Mo...

Posted by S3 on 23 October 2020 - 11:17 PM

Nice to see such a HUGE update!

Appriciate the work you put into this @Omicron <3

#377475 Hurt or Heal: Alora Edition

Posted by S3 on 19 October 2020 - 07:16 PM

+1 Heal ~ @Moe

+1 Heal ~ @Lowkey

Dead Competitors: EIM Zarox, Jedzio, Lets Funk, Yearly


Moe - 15

Lowkey - 10

Diva - 2

Lets Funk - 0

Yearly - 0

Dumbshit - 8

Champ - 9

Jedzio - 0

EIM Zarox - 0

Kaamea - 8

  • Moe likes this

#377255 Alora Halloween Costume Contest - HUGE PRIZES

Posted by S3 on 17 October 2020 - 10:27 PM

A deal with the devil..



Happy spooktober



#377134 Certain Kept item price adjustment.

Posted by S3 on 17 October 2020 - 02:27 AM

I think most of us would like to protect a scythe or a inqusitor piece over ancestral bottoms or a sanguinesti staff.

So i simply suggest a price adjustment for high tier items to be kept, making adjustments to certain item prices also changes its grounded color value on drop.








Whats your thoughts about this??

#377105 Sunnii's GFX SHOP (◡‿◡✿)

Posted by S3 on 16 October 2020 - 04:43 PM

Text: S3iman


Type: Gif signature



Purple#9900ec & Blue#1871b2

2 versions


Theme: Nightmare


Background: Transparent

#377077 COX REVERT?!

Posted by S3 on 16 October 2020 - 02:33 PM

Old cox is long & really repetative and made me ignore its existance instead of doing it just cuz of that, got boring real quick ngl.


Rotations and introducing new rooms giving us more options in cox made it acctualy worth doing more of imo.


A few bugs here and there in a rewriten code haven't really stopped me doing 100+ of the new one.


Would support adding easy mode with lower drop rate for those who cant complete the new version and adding challenge mode with higher drop rate for experienced players but reverting to old system is not an option i would like to support.


No Support

#377033 Dynasty's newspaper edition #6

Posted by S3 on 16 October 2020 - 12:09 PM

Gratz to all da bois on poggers loots!


Very enjoyable to read and gave me lotta laugs x)

Cant wait for the 7th edition to come!


Keep up the good work @Elite :withlove:

#372541 OSRS Pet Tier list

Posted by S3 on 13 September 2020 - 05:35 PM


Always personal pref :P

#369853 Immortal Dynasty Clan

Posted by S3 on 26 August 2020 - 04:24 PM

Account Name(s): S3iman
Account Type(s): Normie
Discord: S3iman#1996

Playtime (Screenshot): 


Game Stats (Screenshot):


Efficient hours spent bossing (More info can be found in Clan Requirements) (Screenshot):


PVM Gear (Screenshot): Main stuffs i have for PvM~

Reason for joining: Lotta' Banter and alot of alora gamin' w/da bois + gotta share my gamer skills & RNG ;)

Recruited by: Sunnilail98

#366542 My 2010 HD experience so far..

Posted by S3 on 03 August 2020 - 05:38 PM

Just wanna share my experience so far using the new 2010 graphical update that just came live!

Some gif's for ya'll just for da lolz <3

200M Woodcutting easily AFKable.


A peak on the modern way of fishing.



200M strength, no hassle Jabin' the scythe.


I think omi took some inspo from MW2 for the blowpipe


Rare image of trimmed Dscimitar (Black)

& dislocated defender!


The tentacle is pretty stiff all of the sudden, what is kraken up 2 now


When opening your 3rd eye isn't enough.




Undercover wizard?


The crazy dance just blows ur mind literally


When she keeps going


Never forget to get hydrated and take breaks when gridning to become a real gamer!


3 Years already bois, time flies!



Farming guild had to cheapen up as they couldn't afford a real door



My boi dan just chillin' by pool



Might be hard to ring that bell




Amazing update anyhow giving us even more options to enjoy our gameplay in the way that suits us as players, and i am sure this will attract more players to our community!

Hopefully i snatch up more exciting gifs to update this thread with :)

Soz for some Gif stuttering :(

#346144 RuneLite... Coming to Alora?!

Posted by S3 on 02 April 2020 - 07:42 AM

Poggers!  :hyppers: 


@Omicron Always making it smoother to play Alora~

       Mobile next hehe k3

#345252 Oh shit. Here we go again.

Posted by S3 on 29 March 2020 - 03:26 PM

Love it! <3

Hope to see more of this "unofficial" newspaper in the future :hyppers:

#315757 QoL changes and additions

Posted by S3 on 27 September 2019 - 02:33 PM

Poll is poggers, not a big fan of GiM's opening chest as it ruins the pure drop RNG experience for me atleast. Tent degrade was pretty monkas aswell but all in all pretty gucci poll.

  • God likes this

#284488 FashionScape Competition

Posted by S3 on 01 April 2019 - 04:18 PM


#210716 Fix Twisted Bow's Rapid Attack Style.

Posted by S3 on 18 August 2018 - 09:15 AM

Supporting this!

They really should implement the same attacking styles and the things that come with it.

Basiclly it should do the exact same as in osrs :)

Appriciate the support :lol: