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Member Since 30 Nov 2016
Previous Username: Synyx
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2022 11:13 AM

#99865 Events suggestion

Posted by Extremedanny on 16 July 2017 - 07:43 AM

So this have been bothering me for a while. Ever sunday there is the boss event and the raid event which I both love. The problem is the raids event always starts around midnight for me and most other europeans. And ye I got work in the morning fuck me.... So im suggesting if the raid event could start before the other events or maybe do it on saturday or something. Give some love to your europian players pls.


Much love from a lover of raids and very tired kid.

#73246 NEW Dark Totem Suggestion

Posted by Ruf on 20 April 2017 - 10:40 PM

Okay guys, so in an upcoming update in OSRS they're going to be adding a skotizo pet and purple skotizo themed recolour for the slayer helm.

I was thinking that we could implement these into the server by making a use for dark totems.


So.. What I was thinking is that there could be an NPC that you can trade in dark totems in exchange for a chance at receiving the skotizo pet or the ability to recolour your slayer helm purple (similar to the way that you can trade in fire capes at a chance for Jad pet). I'd suggest the chances that your totem would reward you would be something along the lines of 1/100 dark totems for slayer helm and 1/2000 for skotizo pet. What are your guys thoughts on this? I think this would be a fun idea that would make people actually excited when they build a full totem and they can have a gamble at some of these cool rewards!




EDIT: The 1/100 chance wouldn't be for an actual purple slayer helmet, but instead a Skotizo head that you can use on your slayer helm.