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Member Since 29 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2019 02:02 PM

#131643 A few forum suggestions.

Posted by Dylain on 18 November 2017 - 11:13 AM



the suggestions you are about to read have already been suggested before by myself. (which were accepted by Post) however I'm unsure as to which ones were accepted as it was unclear, therefore I thought it would be a good idea to repost this thread. If I'm in the wrong I'd like to apologise in advance, :P


Here they are.


 - "Member of the month" award


I believe this will serve as a great forum incentive & will give forum users such like myself, more of a reason to become throughly active throughout the forums in hoping to be nominated for MOTM. Also this could create a new forum's award given the circumstances that this already isn't a thing. Nominees should be chosen based off how much they have contributed to the forums. Ranging from; (bearing in mind these are just my views as to what quality's a potential candidate should have)


  • Lending a helping hand to players who seek assistance (for example assisting through out the support section and answering any general questions that need attending too) 
  • Being generally interactive within the community
  • Giving well constructed feedback when necessary


Down below I have provided an example of what the MOTM plugin looks like. Most of you will already know what this looks like but eh thought I might as well throw in a screenie. 





- When trying to @ members on threads, sometimes it will tag the user incorrectly. For example;




- The current "Alora" text that is displayed vertically above the chat-box redirects to the lading page. It would be handy if the url link could be linked to the forums, instead of it being the home-page. Only reason why I ask is because when I want to refresh the forums, instead of having to press the refresh button or f5 I'd be much quicker to click the text as mentioned above.


- Would love to see a few more sub headings added to the nav-bar. Such as the link to the where the server/forum rules can be found and as well as the staff team thread. I feel like there could be a few more important headings that could be added but for now that's all I can come up with.


- IPB provides a plugin where user groups can be displayed in the shout-box when you @mention a user. This would be a nice feature to have as it brings more colour to the forums. 


- When going AFK on the forum's for longer than 5 minutes your profile will be switched offline I think, if this is the case please extend the timer by 10 minutes or so.



#135112 New potential forum awards.

Posted by Dylain on 29 November 2017 - 05:23 PM

Hello, it's me again, coming at ya with another forum suggestion thread!


In relation to my last thread regarding forum awards, I've decided to post a suggestion thread that will contain a list of potential new forum awards. I haven't designed or found any logos that I could provide as examples, but I'm sure if this suggestion was to be taken into account I'm certain the staff-team will be able to find someone who is capable of creating new logos to match the new potential awards. Anyways without further ado,  Here they are.




"Mr Popular" - can be obtained be reaching 250 like's on the forums.

"Posting Enthusiast" - can be obtained by reaching 500 post count on the forums.

"Award winner" - can be obtained by winning a community award. Being nominated does not count.


General awards:


"Completionist" - can be obtained by unlocking the completionist monkey.

"Featured media" - can be obtained by being chosen to have a YouTube video featured on the home-page.

"Highscore maniac" - can be obtained by being placed at the #1 ranking for having 1 combat and 1 non combat skill on the high-scores for a certain amount of time. (7 days+)

"High contributor" - can be obtained by donating a total of 2b+ to the good-well.

"Ex staff" - can be obtained if you have obtained a staff rank here at Alora. (Users are only eligble if they have not left on bad terms/been demoted)

"Addicted" - can be obtained for reaching over 50 days spent online in-game. There's currently a forum award for time spent online but not an in-game award.


That concludes my suggestion. If I come up with any further awards I'll be sure to add them to the list.



#135134 Fake Twitch Streams

Posted by Dylain on 29 November 2017 - 06:43 PM

You'd think people would have better things to do with their lives lmao. Guess not.


Thanks for the clarification Lowkey.