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Cashew Nuts

Member Since 26 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active May 24 2019 01:10 PM

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In Topic: Question about the rules

22 May 2019 - 07:07 AM

I recognize that it is a hypothetical situation. I was just saying that the game does not have an automatic alert system if an auto clicker is used, that it automatically bans you. It must be investigated by a staff member first. So to answer your question, having it on because of an accident for a few seconds is not going to warrant a ban. 


Yea, I was saying this, because I see alot of people like saying that the example explained in my first post, was the initial reason I was banned.


So you're saying: in theory, accidental use of auto clickers is against the rules, but it takes a staff member to check that. So using an auto clicker by accident for a few second won't trigger a staff member to check that and therefore it's not noticed, so it won't warrant a ban. Sounds reasonable, although what you said is different from what some admins here stated.


I guess what you said fits my first post well.

The logs probably record the location of your mouse on click.


If logs are showing that you keep doing the same 10 clicks in a row at the exact same location then you are probably using a third party tool.


In the end don't use an auto clicker and play the game how it was suppose to be played.




That's what I said earlier. Some people mentioned that it's far easier TP someone to a random location and see if they walk all over the place.

In Topic: Question about the rules

21 May 2019 - 06:55 AM

No one is sitting there staring at the logs watching for that. They are checked if there is suspicious behavior. Having the auto clicker on for 1 second is not going to warrant any of that behavior. But if it were to continue on purpose then yes, appropriate action needs to be taken.

Standing in one spot leads to suspicion and reading the log of that one person can give you the answer. You wouldn't look at a log if you wouldn't find something suspicious.

Using auto clicker for 1 sec wouldn't trigger suspicion, as you said.

Longer periods of time, yes.

P.S. As I said earlier, my first post of this topic is just an example and was not the reason I was banned. I did auto click intentional, but that has nothing to do with this topic.

In Topic: Question about the rules

20 May 2019 - 03:33 PM

i would like to have your back but mate, who's gonna tell that you "Accidentally" did it with PROOF too?.. so its your fault probs..


It's easy to tell. If they can detect an auto clicker, they could just read the game log. You can look at the log of how much time is in between each click.


Let's say you're setting up an auto clicker with an interval (in MS) of 1000 (1000MS = 1S) for pickpocketing a man.


The log would probably look like this (very rough estimation):


Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:34) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:35) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:36) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:37) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:38) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:39) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:40) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:41) User: anyusername


If someone would do this for 1 or 2 minutes, the person is intentionally using the auto clicker for gaining XP.


Conclusion: No accident.


Then we have bot clients/scripts. They require time to setup. Any person who would claim to "accidently botted", is lying.

Ask this: "If you were "accidently botting", why did you put effort into setting up a bot client/script?" putting effort into something always comes with a goal in mind.

That goal is "botting" the gain free AFK XP.


Conclusion: No accident.


Now we have players with a game keyboard, an auto click macro bound to his macro key. The auto clicker is set to 100MS. This person would accidently click his macro button and in the log would this been seen:


Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:34) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:34) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:34) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:34) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:34) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:35) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:35) User: anyusername

Event: Click NPC: man (Time: 05:45:35) User: anyusername


The person presses immediately the macro button againt the stop the auto clicking. Then the button isn't pressed anymore. This would clarify as an "accident".


Conclusion: Accident.

In Topic: Question about the rules

15 May 2019 - 02:21 AM

I think what he said went completely over your head.


The rule is stated pretty clearly, the use of autoclickers is prohibited. The responsibility doesn't fall on us to make sure you don't "accidentally" autoclick. It's on you to follow the rules and if you don't, you receive the respective punishment. It doesn't matter who you are, everyone has to follow the rules.


The rule states the following:


8. Third Party Software


Applying the use of third-party software that allows a member to have an (any) unfair advantage whatsoever will result in a 24-hour, followed by a 48-hour ban, with an ending result of a permanent ban. We strive to maintain an honorable environment where fairness flourishes and hard-earned achievements are commended. This includes auto-clickers, auto-typers, AHK.


• a. The use of botting clients/scripts are forbidden and will result in an IP-Ban as well as permanent bans on all owned accounts.



Even if I would be playing Alora and by accident activate my auto click macro, it wouldn't have any advantage over other players, because it will be active for a few second, clicking on a random spot and then turning it off as fast as possible. Only if you would do it continuously for longer periods of time, it would have such advantage, like for example: using the auto clicker for gaining xp in one click skills like thieving. Therefore, accidental use is not against the rules, since there is no "unfair advantage" for the player.


What you guys are doing, is basically screwing someone over for what could happend to anyone. If this is the way how you guys deal with this kind of thing, it would be wise to add this to the rules. For example:



• b. The accidental use of auto-clickers, auto-typers and AHK's wil be at your own risk and will still be seen as a rule broken. We are not held responsible for your accidental actions.

In Topic: Question about the rules

13 May 2019 - 11:07 AM

Regardless if you accidentally pressed a hotkey or you never intended to use an autoclicker, it was still used and therefore you were punished with a 24-hour ban for 1st offense. This is to ensure that players reread the rules and get the message that they are not allowed to use autoclicking in any shape or form as it gives players an unfair advantage. The staff team is more lenient towards banning AHKers compared to botters, the latter getting punished with a permanent ban with no chance of appeal on 1st offense. Botters get no second chances, so you should be grateful you weren’t permanently banned for accidentally using a hotkey. In the future, I recommend turning off that feature when you play Alora, that way this situation does not happen again.


No no no, you misunderstood man. The reason I was banned for 24-hours, was because I intentionally auto clicked. This was in the past, already happend. My 24-hour ban already expired. The situation described in my first post is unrelated to the 24-hour ban I received from intentional auto clicking.


I mean a week ago is more than 24-hours, right.