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Member Since 01 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 13 2018 01:28 PM

Topics I've Started

Trading Post History

20 January 2018 - 02:07 AM

Often times when trying to list items on the trading post, the first thing people will check is how much the item is currently going for, or what it typically goes for. However, often times (specifically in Classic mode) players will find that there are no other items, or that the only item on the trading post is listed at a much higher than normal price. This makes listing the item at a fair price more difficult.


If we were able to search for a specific item's history we would be able to more accurately price our items on the trading post. The history should only be for the past week and for the past 10-15 transactions, in order to prevent too much data from being stored. The history should show the price of the item that was bought, and at what time the item was bought. Not only would this make trading through the trading post more efficient and user friendly, it would diminish the need for price guides, and allow newer players to get a feel for the economy much more easily without having to regularly ask for price checks.


I'd appreciate your thoughts on this addition, thank you for reading.

Total Level On High-Scores Profiles

15 January 2018 - 11:24 PM

I think it would be a cool to see your Total Level, and your rank in your game mode, on your high-scores page. I don't feel like this would be a massive amount of development time as all of that information is already stored in various parts of the high-scores, just not displayed on your profile. Thoughts?