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Member Since 14 Jan 2018
Previous Username: Fenrir
Offline Last Active Sep 13 2020 02:14 PM

#329347 Development Blog #8: Achievement Diaries, Last Man Standing overhaul, Chamber...

Posted by Omicron on 30 December 2019 - 11:30 PM

Hello everyone,



As we wrap up 2019, we'd like to give you some more insight on what we've got planned for the next little while. These planned updates are tentative and won't follow any sort of schedule, and if OSRS releases some content in between we will likely shift our focus to that before turning our attention back to these updates. Nonetheless, here are a few of the updates we are currently working on and/or have planned:


  • Achievement diaries:
    • We've completely scrapped the current Achievement system and store and have opted to a brand new Achievement diary based on the suggestions submitted by @Mack. This is the first priority in this development blog as we've already made extensive progress on it. You can see the details here:
  • Last Man Standing overhaul:
    • As many of you know, Last Man Standing has been non-functional for awhile. We are working to make the necessary changes to match OSRS's updated version of LMS, which essentially gives you gear to start with upon entering. It also includes a brand new reward shop with some great items that will hopefully make the mini-game more popular (see below).
  • Chambers of Xeric rework:
    • As the first server to have released CoX way back in 2017, we admittedly have cut some corners in the functionality of the raid for the sake of releasing it in the RSPS world as quickly as possible. Since then, aside from bug fixes, we have not made many advancements to match CoX to OSRS's version. We will be focusing our attention on making the raid more dynamic as it is on OSRS, with the map layout being randomly generated each raid to make it more interesting.
    • This will take considerable time as it is essentially redoing the raid from the ground up, but we believe that it is a piece of end-game content which many will appreciate the extra effort being put into.









One of our goals for 2020 is to provide you with previews of future updates more often to allow you to get a general sense of what's to come, so we hope you'll enjoy that :)



Omicron & Chad

#328909 Staff Update 12/28/2019

Posted by Code 002 on 28 December 2019 - 12:48 PM

In light of recent changes I will be posting this Staff Update.

This may be a farewell for some, but by no means is this a goodbye. We've had a lot of changes recently so here's the rundown.




Doofy has been promoted to Administrator.

Smiv has been promoted to Administrator.

Morgen has been promoted to Forum Moderator.

Eim dadex has been promoted to Server Support.

Immortal Fox has returned to the Staff team as a Server Moderator.

Iron Champie has returned to the Staff Team as a Server Moderator as Hey Champ.



Secondary Ranks / Name Changes:

mhc has transferred his Administrator rank to Mhk.

22 has changed their name to Kaamea.

Jisoo has removed their secondary rank from Edelgard.

Fiji Drip has removed their secondary rank from Dead Fiji and added it to sad dad.




Lowkey has resigned from their rank as Community Manager. :PepeHands:

More about this can be found here: https://www.alora.io...my-resignation/


Thank you all for taking the time to read these updates. I will surely miss my favorite bald person, and most importantly wish my friend success in his future endeavors.


Code 002

Alora Administration Team

#328491 3 years of Alora. (My resignation)

Posted by Ultistic on 26 December 2019 - 07:41 AM

For the less unfortunate that can't read or if you're just lazy. I also made a video:



Hello everyone!

Today is quite an unusual and unexpected day for most of you. I am resigning from Community Manager.

Without going into too much detail, I've been going through a ton of shit for about a year now which has put me in a terrible position currently. I will be moving irl later this week to finally focus on myself and will no longer be in the position I am in to be there for the Staff Team and most importantly, the community. I just want to be happy and I hope you guys can understand that!

I started my adventure in July 2016 and before Alora launched, I never once thought we would ever be this big and close of a community. I want to thank ALL of you for an amazing 3 years. I have made some amazing friends during this time and I can only hope we can all continue to be friends once I'm gone. I put everything I could into this Server for 3 years and I hope you guys have had as much fun as I had to watch the Community/Server turn into what it has today. Just because I'm leaving doesn't mean the server is shutting down or anything, so please don't think that. I want Alora and the community to continue to grow and be stronger even without me around. I could go on and on and list probably hundreds of names and shout certain people out, but I have a better chance of my hair growing back in than I do remembering every single person I've come in contact with over the last 3 years.

I will, however, shoutout 1 person, that being Omicron. Thank you for trusting me with an admin position when Alora first started. It was my first time being in that kind of position, as I left his old Server as just a Forum Moderator. I would also like to say thank you for trusting me with the CM rank for 2 years. He has helped me out more than you guys could even imagine. Going from 10 players online at a time to 500+ was a good change of pace for both of us and I wish nothing but the best on his success with Alora while I'm gone. Thank you for everything, Dan.

So with that being said, Once again I would like to say Thank you to EVERYONE that has been involved with Alora from 2016 to today. You guys are what make Alora successful and stay running. I hope you guys have enjoyed everything from the silly yells/broadcasts I do, Streams, Giveaways, Drop parties and the list goes on. I really do hope Alora keeps on growing and stays up for many more years.

I will still be around on discord, but will not be involved with the Staff Team or any CM duties. So if you would like to keep in touch, you can message me there.

I love all of you and thank you so much for all you have done over the past 3 years. You are what kept me logging in nearly every single day. Thank you.

Take care guys, keep being awesome and I hope you all continue to enjoy Alora <3

God is a midget, but my favorite midget <3


#328422 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

Posted by Omicron on 25 December 2019 - 03:58 PM

Hello everyone,




The Staff Team and I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! We're overjoyed to be spending another Christmas with you all, and we hope that you enjoy this holiday season with friends and family  :wub:  Take a moment to cherish the relationships with those you have around you, as well as your family here at Alora. We're looking forward to 2020, and we have an exciting next few months planned out which we'll share with you in the near future. 


We'd also like to remind you that giveaway tickets are still for sale in-game until January 1st, and there are many IRL prizes to be won including a PS4, AirPods, a gaming keyboard/mouse and Alora sweaters. :)



Best Regards,

The Alora Staff Team


#328226 What Song Are You Currently Listening To? (Pt. 2)

Posted by Sayso on 24 December 2019 - 09:52 AM

#326805 Allowing single items to be deposited into treasure chests

Posted by Hellish Main on 17 December 2019 - 01:35 PM

What is your suggestion?: See title

Is this in OSRS?: No idea

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Mainly looking at it from the viewpoint of UIMs, it's extremely tedious to carry any armour you don't need, gaining the ability to deposit single items would for example: 




Free up this 3rd age hat slot, rather than having to carry it for an eternity to get the full set.





It goes without saying, the other elements of the treasure room would be hugely beneficial as well (cape rack, armour case etc).

#326006 Alora Newspaper [12/11/2019]

Posted by Code 002 on 11 December 2019 - 06:42 PM


Hello everyone, welcome to this month's edition of the Alora Newspaper!


We would like to give thanks to everyone over the holidays!



There were no rule updates recently! But we encourage you to check them out!


Keep up to date with our rules.

The full list can be found by clicking https://www.alora.io...official-rules/









If you want to check out the entire update list, click https://www.alora.io...rum/14-updates/
There have been quite a few changes to the staff team recently, you can see them below here:

J boogs has been promoted to Server Moderator.
LTG Arrow has returned to the team as Server Moderator.
Paddewwa has been promoted to Server Support.

Morgen has resigned as Server Moderator.

Secondary ranks:

So, I'm sure you've seen some "new" Staff members around. We started to allow secondary ranks for any Staff member that cannot run more than 1 client on their potatoes. You can always check the Staff List for up to date changes, posted here: https://www.alora.io...501-staff-list/

J boogs has added a secondary staff rank to Tiggy.
EIM Zarox has added a secondary staff rank to CreamySky73.
Moral truth has added a secondary staff rank to Curaga.


Death Kid has been promoted to Server Moderator.

Fiji Drip has been promoted to Server Support.


Rank Transfers:

22 has transferred his Global Moderator rank to Loinen22.



KP has temp resigned from Event Manager. More info on his resignation can be found here: https://www.alora.io...my-resignation/

God aka Josh has resigned from Administrator. More info on his resignation can be found here: https://www.alora.io...my-resignation/

LTG Arrow has resigned from Server Moderator.




22 aka Kaamea has been promoted to Administrator.
Mhc has been promoted to Administrator.
sycamore aka Sassafras has returned to the team as Global Moderator.
Jisoo has been promoted to Forum Moderator.
elite yin has been promoted to Server Support.

Secondary ranks:
IM Moe has added a secondary rank to Moe.
Jisoo has added a secondary rank to Edelgard.
EIM Zarox has added a secondary rank to GIM Zarox.
J boogs has added a secondary rank to Not boogs.
Death Kid has added a secondary rank to gim deathkid

Mack has resigned from his Administrator rank. More info can be found here: https://www.alora.io...my-resignation/
Kharyrll has resigned from his Administrator rank. More info can be found here: https://www.alora.io...my-resignation/
Draisaitl has resigned from his Administrator rank. More info can be found here:  https://www.alora.io...my-resignation/

For more info on the Staff updates, click https://www.alora.io...-staff-updates/
This month I will be interviewing: Elsa!
Code 002: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

Elsa: Hmm, maybe Iceland? :P Taking a dip in the blue lagoon & seeing some geysers erupt would be quite sweet

Code 002: What is your most memorable moment while playing alora?

Elsa: Oooo, good question! Hmmm... It's probably when I logged on Alora for the first time after waiting 3 months for it to be released, that countdown on the main page aswell as the huge turnout made for an amazing experience ;)

Code 002: Cats or dogs?

Elsa: Cats! :CoolCat: 

Code 002: What is your favorite food to eat?

Elsa: Spaghetti Bolognese is lovely :10out10:

Code 002: What is a food that you've never had but wish you could try?

Elsa: I've always been very picky with food, so there's a fair bit of stuff that I've never tried. I can't really think of anything in particular that I'd like to try, but I guess I'll have to experience shrimp, chili con carne, salmon, etc at some point

Code 002 :Wtf:  You've never had shrimp?!?!? or Salmon?

Elsa: Well, I've had it in Runescape, I don't think that counts though..

Have any interview questions that you would like to ask any of the staff members?
Don't hesitate to send me a private message via forums / Discord and I'll include them in next edition along with the answers from that staff member!
All I can say is Double Dagon'hai Baby! Michaelfibs
magnata 5k has been gaming!
Wonder what it's like to Solo TOB? elite yin shows us the wave!
It seems Taxic is the one who makes waves.
21 is a pretty good number wouldn't you agree Bald Steel?
This one hurts not only me but alot of people... Lt Undead
DynastyClan has been hard at work check them out.
I thought this was pretty cool 2 drops with a pet on the same tick.
Well that was easy Minerva
I love the concept of the Karamja Only uim 10hp

Want to be featured in the newest section of the Alora Newspaper?
Make a topic in our Goals and Achievements section or PM me on the forums / Discord with your accomplishment!
The MOTM poll has concluded and here are the final results received from the community.
The 3 top winners have been picked and the final voting has taken place amongst the staff team.
The winner of November MOTM is...

Congratulations! You have stood out in the eye of the community as well as in the eye of the staff team. Thank you for being a great member here on Alora.  :)
Contact Lowkey for your 3 bonds prize in-game, and your Forum Awards will be active shortly.
The November Community Awards are out now!
Visit this link to see the results;
Also please make sure to check out our streamers when they are live! They would love to have you keep them company while they grind out whatever it is they are grinding that day!

Make sure to Subscribe to all of them also every little bit of support helps tremendously!
If I've missed anyone I do apologize just message me on the forums or on Discord with a link to your channel and I will add you in.
That concludes this month’s edition of the Alora Newspaper!
Read our last Newspaper by clicking down below:


#324488 My Resignation

Posted by A Real bitch on 03 December 2019 - 06:30 PM

oh wow, seeing this.. as well as Mack's are both extremely shocking and so sad to see, always open on discord we need to reconnect more often!

#324247 My Resignation

Posted by Not Magnata on 02 December 2019 - 07:45 AM

For sure you will be missed Drai, Thanks for everything.

#324218 My Resignation

Posted by Salter on 02 December 2019 - 03:30 AM

Good bye, losing another pillar of the team.


Fantastic Admin, Fantastic human being.

Keep being you <3




#324193 My Resignation

Posted by Maximum73 on 01 December 2019 - 10:45 PM

Take care man, sucks to see you resign

#324087 My Resignation

Posted by Paine on 01 December 2019 - 10:13 AM

I've witnessed your work during my time as a staff member and it's amazing. You've always given 100% and made sure that everyone had a standard. You were a pillar of the staff member and your position there will not be easily covered. I appreciate everything you've done for me and the others. Love u!

#324035 My Resignation

Posted by No CBs on 01 December 2019 - 04:37 AM

Love you Drai <3

#324026 My Resignation

Posted by MT on 01 December 2019 - 03:04 AM

Sorry to see you go as well, Drai seitan. Thank you for your service, and best of luck to you on your future endeavors.

#323929 My Resignation

Posted by Death Kid on 30 November 2019 - 06:45 PM

Thank you for everything you've done for Alora. I wish you the best with whatever you do next. It was an honor working alongside you. <3 You will be greatly missed.