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Member Since 15 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2021 05:29 PM

#173313 Staff Update 3/25/18

Posted by Pumba on 25 March 2018 - 06:55 PM

Congratulations on the promotions guys! Well deserved. :D

Thanks to the ones resigned, and i wish you all the best.

#170733 Dutchie's QoL suggestions

Posted by Pumba on 14 March 2018 - 09:29 PM

Beautiful suggestions, @Dutchie. I support them all 100%.



#170166 Staff Update 3/12/18

Posted by Pumba on 12 March 2018 - 07:17 AM

I have never seen you before, Collerkar. Weird as i have been with Alora for over a year ;o Anyways, congrats on the promotion! You seem like a nice guy from the little i have seen you today!

Pkdealer, haven't seen much of you either, but i've taken note that your a good lad!

Hellish, as i have said since you became server support its beautiful seeing you on the staff team. Keep up the great work my man. 

Otto, i'm still a little sceptical on the whole scamming situation, but from what i've seen after your new promotion you seem to have grown from that stage and want the best for us Alorians. Keep it that way. Still loving the banging account name!

Marushin, i don't have much to say about you since i have barely seen you at all, but i hope you will show us all you are a great addition to the staff team!

Historia, i have mostly seen you on forums, but you seem like a very kind and helpful player, and i'm looking forward to seeing more of you. 


To the ones who have resigned, thank you for what you have done.


Proxy, i'll see you ingame lad. Super friendly, and funny as f**k you are, you silly goose. 1 luv

#169790 Random event rewards

Posted by Pumba on 10 March 2018 - 09:16 PM

So, since the random event rewards has been spread out on more activities on Alora, i have been forced to drop alot of the rewards we get from them, as i have no interest in any of them. Also when your inventory is full, it goes to your bank, and therefore i have to take them out from the bank and drop them.


My suggestion is to give us an option if we would like to get these rewards, or not.


I know this is a small thing, but it gets annoying in the long run having to drop them each time when i don't want to see them at all. 


As mentioned below by @Classymate, the rewards could be switched for an XP lamp, which doesn't have to give much experiense at all.


Thanks for taking your time to read my suggestion.

~ Pumba.