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Poor Level 3

Member Since 11 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2020 11:08 PM

Topics I've Started

Counter of duel wins / losses!

03 September 2017 - 07:11 PM

I know old school RS has this, but simply have a tracker in the chat box after every time you win or lose a duel!


Here's the example:


I win a duel, in the chat box it shows 


"You have won 1 duel(s), you have lost 0 duel(s), you have tied 0 duel(s)"


*You cannot tie a duel in OSRS since they use a pid "First hit" system but we have ties on Alora.


Rather simple suggestion, but would always be fun to compare wins with your friends or things like that! Let me know what you guys think, could also be cool to see if you're a staker and want to keep track of your wins compared to losses.

Pest control departure time.

03 September 2017 - 11:12 AM

I'm sure this has been suggested multiple times but not sure why it's never been accepted (if it's even been suggested?) But everyone complains about it, including me.


Make the departure time 10 seconds or 15 seconds instead of 30, this would make it so much quicker to complete pest control as in my opinion there is absolutely no reason for it to be 30 seconds. 


Self explanatory but it would be so much better than how it is now. 




24 August 2017 - 02:33 PM

Hey guys wanted to show off some of my high quality forum signatures I made for some amazing members of this community, for completely free! All you have to do is tag me @ Joey in discord and ez free sig.


Here's the current batch of amazing photos, more to come as requested by other users.



For anyone wondering..

14 June 2017 - 04:36 PM

I decided I didn't want to get burnt out by continuously staking my bank (lol) so I decided to make an ironman and transfer my server support rank over to it. 


The funky name is the maximum amount of gold you can hold, 2,147,483,647.


I'm still me, just a different name (:

Maxed messages.

02 April 2017 - 09:53 AM

What's the point of having 99 skill messages if we don't have a worldwide maxed message?

Simple suggestion, feels a little more rewarding too.