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Member Since 18 Feb 2018
Offline Last Active Aug 23 2023 06:41 PM

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In Topic: ::wiki search command

23 February 2018 - 03:50 PM

Omicron would need to add all different direct links behind the command, in the command's code. Doing this for all, or even a majority of content from the Old School RuneScape Wikia would add up a lot of the Development Team's time. I'm not implying this is a waste of time, I'm implying what you're suggesting is definitely not a priority. Still, I don't support this, as it literally takes a few seconds to open up Google and search what you're after on the Old School RuneScape Wikia. 

What? I don't think you understand how the coding behind the command would work lmao... I could literally make the command for them in less than a minute... you don't have to direct link anything... you literally just search on the wikia for whatever inputs they typed in lol you aren't hard coding anything. As for the other thing where you say it takes a few seconds to open Google its literally the same thinking behind the twitch/hitbox commands, only takes a second to open your browser and type in their twitch name but there is still a command for it. This command isn't a big deal just figured it would be a nice ease of use update that would take no time at all. Thanks for your input regardless, I appreciate the response. :)

In Topic: ::wiki search command

23 February 2018 - 04:24 AM

It doesn't take that long to just open up Google and type [what you're looking for] [07 Wiki]. I don't think this would be as easy as it sounds to implement and whatnot, however, I'm not no supporting this. Would be great if Alora had its very own 100% completed Wikia one day though...

I think it would be very simply to implement actually, it's literally the same as the ::twitch command. You would just make a command that accepts multiple arguments and then search for them on the wiki like

http://oldschoolrune...MENT1 ARGUMENT2

I do think a completed Wikia would be cool but I also think this command would be very helpful for the time being just to save time just like the twitch/hitbox commands. Thanks for your input, appreciate it. :)