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Member Since 12 Mar 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 23 2023 01:54 PM

Topics I've Started

New Slayer Area

18 April 2018 - 06:45 PM

What is your suggestion?: Donator/Regular Slayer Area

Is this in OSRS?: Not to my knowledge.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: I have no idea

How would this benefit Alora?: With the player base increasing, more slayer areas are getting packed a bit, (imo). I was wondering if a good idea would be to add a new area for slayer filled with different monsters.


The area it could possibly be placed in is the falconry area from OSRS?


A few monsters that could be placed in here are dragons (black (only 3 in Taverley dungeon, harder to get to w/o the agility level, green are only in the wilderness, steel are packed the majority of the time, green are only in the wilderness), dust devils (a burst area in 1 area and only 1 spawns to the northern room, basically leaving one person to do that task at a time), some higher level slayer monsters like abyssal demons, kurasks, dark beasts, spiritual mages, or anything that is "more difficult to get to" or not enough of.

Note that I'm not saying a couple of these are hard to get to, just more commonly camped for drops and filled up quickly, and I'm not trying to limit the area to donators only, just brainstorming.


If there has already been a thread for this in the past I'm sorry for reviving this topic, I've only been playing for a few weeks on this server.

