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Member Since 15 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2022 01:10 PM

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Listing players who are left in LMS (with a command)

01 December 2018 - 05:43 PM



Earlier today i was participating in the LMS event while watching Lowkey's stream. I believe in two or three games players went into hiding, which caused games to take much longer than needed. When Purple and Lowkey hopped around the map to find players who were hiding, they weren't able to find them.


A simple fix for this would be to give staff members a command that shows them who's left on the LMS island. This would allow them to easily teleport to them and take action to speed the games up (if required). 


I suggested this in Lowkey's chat, but to make sure it isn't forgotten I'm posting it here as well :).