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EIM Zaros

Member Since 23 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2021 05:03 AM

Topics I've Started

Passive PvM Boss Pet Bonuses

29 June 2020 - 10:29 PM

What is your suggestion?: PvM boss pets, such as GWD, DKS, etc. should have some sort of passive bonus that fits along the role of the pet.
i.e. Bandos pet should allow free entry to standard boss room or 50% off private room, similar thing with DKS and any other that could be instanced. Could be other types of things like a small DR boost on said boss


Is this in OSRS?: Nope


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Didn't see anything


How would this benefit Alora?: I think it would be a fun little addition and perk to getting the pets. Nothing too OP that would take away from the OSRS feel but also enough of a perk to still feel like a RSPS :)


Bring on the heat xD