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Member Since 13 May 2018
Offline Last Active May 12 2022 09:34 AM

Topics I've Started

catacombs of Kourend tele

03 October 2018 - 08:51 PM

Please for the love of everything that is good make this teleport to the alter in the middle or something. Currently it looks like the only way to get access to the rest of the catacombs is to go past the metal dragons. So i gotta mage pray as i run by or bring a dragonfire shield. Seems a bit unnecessary. 

donator implings.

30 September 2018 - 07:16 PM

There should be a donors impling area. I think the spawns are fine and all that but i think it would be cool if the donor area didnt have the grass you have to push through and was maybe a little bit smaller so you didn't have to run around as much. I suggest it be placed in maybe the jogre dungeon if nothing is there. I also want to say it would be cool if there were less implings there. Like maybe 5 of each of the lower teir ones then like 3 ninja, 2 dragon, 1 lucky.