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Member Since 18 May 2018
Offline Last Active May 08 2024 04:37 AM

#308653 Cannon Qol

Posted by J boogs on 04 August 2019 - 10:05 PM

What is your suggestion?:

My suggestion is adding a overlay to tell you how many cannonballs are left in your cannon. Just how there is a veng and barrage timer, and even the well and vote timers, something along the lines of these in-game timers. I was thinking, if this was added, it would be best to add it how OSRS has it viewing right above the cannon.


 Here is a example..




Is this in OSRS?:

Yes, it may only be a overlay thing.


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

From what I searching and asking around, no.


How would this benefit Alora?:

I feel this will only benefit players, especially those lower levels that use cannoning as a resource to train range. This will allow the player to know when it's time to make a move to fill up their cannon! This also will also come in handy to those who do a lot of afk training with a cannon to agro for them. This can help a player gauge how much longer he/she can task via afk, until they need to pay attention to fill their cannon, as well as attacking a new NPC, so on and so forth..


This obviously isn't a endeavoring need to add this, especially with the awesome new content @Omicron already currently has in store for us, but I feel it's defiantly something that should be passed onto the to-do list!


Please leave your thoughts/comments on this suggestion below,!


Kind Regards,



#306402 Zammy Completed - 8,445 KC

Posted by Detharrow26 on 21 July 2019 - 08:34 AM

It finally happened!!!




Collection Log:






GG @Hc adex

#305755 3 Years of Alora!

Posted by Ultistic on 18 July 2019 - 09:08 AM

Hello everyone!

I've never really made these but I've seen a few of the staff members make them after 1 year of being on the team so I figured I would join them!

My journey here is a bit different than the others so sit back, grab some popcorn and take your socks off.

It all started nearly 5 years ago when I first met Omicron on his old server named "Impact". I was apart of a small community with 20-30 players online at a time. The number of players online didn't bother me at all, I enjoyed the server a ton and I fit right in with everyone. I originally applied for Server Support a month or 2 after playing and to my surprise I was accepted nearly instantly (first time being on a staff team on a RSPS). So this was all new to me and as I moved up in ranks to Forum Moderator, I finally had the chance to meet my dad. We clicked right away and the rest was history, literally. Shortly after becoming Forum Moderator and being in contact with Omicron for a few months, the server shut down sadly and Omicron went to the store and never came back =/.

Nearly a year had gone by and no word from him. So I moved on to Oldschool runescape and kept in contact with some of the other staff members on Impact at the time. A year or so goes by and he finally returned from the store and was very motivated to work on a new project with a few staff members from his old server. We started working on the project around July 18th of 2016 and the launch date for Alora was a few months later on November 4th, 2016.  A lot of time and effort went into that release and the results shocked EVERYONE. We had upwards of 200 players online on day 1! This was a huge change of pace for all of us since we were so used to having 20-30 players at a time online. Omicron trusted me with the Administrator rank for the server release (bad idea :pachaha:  ). Trust me, I made plenty of mistakes when we launched the server initially since I had never held such a high rank on a RSPS. But these mistakes turned me into a bald, old, overweight, decently good CM for Alora.

Jumping ahead to August 2017, I resigned from being an Administrator for a short period of time due to how the current Staff Team was being ran and I didn't agree with everything being done. I enjoyed the break very much but at the same time I hated not being involved with the community as I once was. So 3 months later I was re-promoted to Event Manager since I missed the community and interacting with them. So, I did events for a month or 2 and was later promoted back to Administrator in October after some things changed via the Staff team. Another month has gone by and the day finally came were I was promoted to Community Manager in November  of 2017.

Since that day I have put everything into the Community and the Staff Team. I have watched so MANY players join and leave the Staff Team since day 1. I have made and lost so MANY friends on this server, some of which I had the pleasure of meeting IRL. I am also proud to say that I am the last remaining "OG" staff members on the team along with Omicron.

Without the trust of Omicron since day 1 with the Administrator role, Current/Old Staff Team, and most importantly the community, I would not be in the position I'm in. So a HUGE thank you to everyone who has been here with me on this journey. Here's to another 3 years of being the #1 OSRS Private server!

P.S. - I could of went into a lot more detail with certain memories etc but I figured I would keep it somewhat short and easy to read for people like myself. I am also terrible at shouting out certain people so once again a big thank you to EVERYONE that has been here. ALSO My birthday is tomorrow (the 19th). I'm gonna need 14 Large Meat lovers pizzas and a new wig. <3

#302208 Scythe of Vitur

Posted by lol Rip on 26 June 2019 - 06:39 AM

A lot of people aren't understanding that the basic arguement that op is making.


For all intents and purposes, in order to use your scythe as a player, you are FORCED to do TOB.   If you believe you should have to do TOB to earn your vials of blood fine, so do I.  Adding Vials of Blood to shops would further decrease the number of players looking to do TOB.  Because of this, OP you will find NO SUPPORT for adding vials to shops from me.


However, the scythe is unsustainable as a weapon just by doing your own TOB runs.  You can't get enough vials of blood to allow use of the scythe outside of raids runs.  Because of this, you get stuck in a cycle of raid to recharge scythe, recharge scythe, immediately start raiding to recharge scythe the next time.  It is difficult to break out of this cycle, especially as an ironman who doesn't even have an option to struggle to buy vials from other players.  Because of this, I SUPPORT a slight buff to Vials of Blood drop rate.

#267205 Since 2017

Posted by Ragragrag46 on 09 February 2019 - 08:07 AM

so after fucking and slapping everyone around the wilderness achieved a small milestone today , thanks who has been in wilderness. #rank1priest catchmeifucan ;)b171d0f8fdda42fa4e44a29fa7998d9e.png