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Member Since 08 Jun 2018
Offline Last Active May 01 2020 09:30 AM

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Bank Pins

17 June 2018 - 12:17 AM

I know that this server has a two way auth system that protects from hacking and what not. I personally have been hacked on osrs with a two way auth set on my acc. The hacker got everything that was on my body and in my inventory but never got in my bank because of my pin. As I said, i understand yall have two way auth and all that, but it is possible to be bypassed. What would adding a Bank Pin benefit? 1.) 2nd layer of securit 2.) easy single layer of security if youre too lazy to set up auth, 3.) couldn't think of one. What would adding a Bank Pin conflict? absolutely nothing because it wont be mandatory, would literally only be a problem for someone trying to hack your account. Just making a suggestion, yes 2fa is Great, amazing, blah blah blah, but it is possible to be bypassed. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it wont happen, implement bank pins.