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Member Since 30 Jul 2018
Offline Last Active May 29 2020 11:24 PM

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In Topic: Allow Elite Ironman to de-iron to Normal Accounts

18 January 2019 - 11:09 AM


  1.  Pets i understand
  2. Xp i kinda understand but if you put half the effort you did into a normie you would have better stats more xp 
  3. you can sell Classic stuff and buy rigour 
  4. Dono status can be transferred 


The point isn't that i 'could' do it. The point is there is no valid reason anyone has stated as to why EIM shouldn't be allowed to de iron to a normal account.

In Topic: Allow Elite Ironman to de-iron to Normal Accounts

18 January 2019 - 11:03 AM

@Moxxi Yes i read your post but i was also replying to the comments regardless de iron to classic if your upset about the levels you lose you can get a maxed normie in 2 day game time 

I like my name. I like my pets. I like my xp. I like my rigour. I like my dono status. There is no reason an eim shouldn't be able to de-iron to a normal account. If you have a reason besides "It takes two days to max a normie" then I'm all ears.

In Topic: Allow Elite Ironman to de-iron to Normal Accounts

18 January 2019 - 10:48 AM

going from a Eim mode where you can trade with one person (partner) if he gets tons of drops and traded them to you you De iron to reg iron man mode you now have items you didn't get your self making Solo ironman mode kinda dumb no support 

Did you even read my post? NORMAL ACCOUNT. NOT NORMAL IRONMAN

In Topic: Allow Elite Ironman to de-iron to Normal Accounts

17 January 2019 - 10:40 PM

What @Konar said. If you are a solo EIM (no partner), you can de-iron to a regular ironman or a classic account. If you are a duo EIM (you have a partner), then you can only de-iron to a classic account.

I am aware of the current rules. Hence the suggestion. There is no longer a basis to support any reasoning of keeping it this way as a normie and classic are the exact same besides xp rates.

In Topic: Allow Elite Ironman to de-iron to Normal Accounts

17 January 2019 - 10:16 PM

You can de-iron to a normal ironman IF you didn't have a partner, if you HAD a partner then some of the items you have might not have been obtained by you so you would be de-ironed to classic because of that.

I am sorry, but I do not understand what items I would be able to obtain as an elite but not as a normal? I do no understand your statement. 


Edit: Also, classic and normal accounts are the exact same besides xp rates. So i still don't understand what you mean.