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Member Since 10 Sep 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2022 06:52 PM

Topics I've Started

Road to Monkey Update 12-15

15 December 2019 - 10:03 PM



Hey guys be almost two weeks (12 days) since I first posted my previous goal for monkey. A lot has happened and I have gained quite a lot of work. Below are my updated stats and some notable events along the way! Hope you enjoy my journey! 




Updated the format! Figured I'd just set the goal to 200mxp in all since I'll eventually be going for that. I have been debating about whether I should go for fishing or woodcutting since I have most of the logs banked for firemaking and I need the food for future grinds anyways. Will do both, I just have to decide which one I should grind first. Also range xp is already so high I may just continue down that to get a 200m xp combat stat.



69% of the way there!  ;)



Here are some things that have happened along the way!


Got my jad pet & music cape!




Got a skotos pet! And immediately got spec'd out.



 Lost archer's ring from dc'ing at Demonic Gorillas, thinking my tele worked. I come back a few hours later to a lost arma chest and no archers ring.

So I have been back grinding for archers ring, which I originally got at 8 kc. And got a little surprise after the most unexpected grind.





Since I started this account last year, I have probably accumulated close to 1k crystal chest opened, roughly 50 medium and hard clues and 350 luckies for rangers.

On my 341st lucky, I got wizard boots, 342nd, RANGERS and 350th holy sandals. Immediately made my new rangers into pegasian boots!



Worked on some more Firemaking and finally got one of my favorite pets! @ 39mxp




Any thoughts or comments are always appreciated! Look forward to continue to posting these!


Road to Monkey

03 December 2019 - 02:11 PM




Hi guys, after about a six month hiatus, I am back and aiming to obtain the monkey comp cape.

Thought this would be a good goal to start off coming back.   I use excel quite a lot so I decide to

work up a spreadsheet to keep track of my progress. I am going for 200m in wc, fm, and cooking, using

redwoods and making wines. If anyone has any advice for these or inferno, please let me know. Thanks for taking a look!





Also decided to breakout the xp rates/actions for each to get 200m.

